Financially Independent, Retired Early(ish) at 57.

Category: Wednesday W’s (Page 10 of 12)

Wednesday W’s #30.

What’s top of my mind: how nice some people are.

I’m taking classes for a friend of mine who has gone on Long Service Leave. Yesterday she emailed me: “You may have noticed that there’s a clear pencil case with some items in it. I forgot to tell you that this is for Joe Lunchbucket (not his real name) because he never has any equipment for class. Please give it to him at the start of class and collect it at the end.”

It had a pen, coloured pencils and his Geography workbook.

Obviously this is something that she quietly does for this kid to make sure that he’s able to succeed in her subject. What a lovely thing to do.

Where I’ve been: walking the dogs.

Ryan27 is away from home for a couple of weeks and Tom30 and I are both working, so the poor little woofs have been Home Alone. It’s good for their mental health to have a gallop around the block when I get home.

It probably isn’t too bad for my mental health, either.

Where I’m going: Antarctica.

I know you all know this, but I told a year 8 Geography class that I was going in December and they lost their shit. Seriously.

It was great.

What I’m watching: Hunted.

I NEVER watch things on free-to-air tv – except for Survivor and The Block, obviously. But this show has sucked me in. Thank goodness for catch-up tv though. I’d hate to be stuck watching something on someone else’s schedule.

It seems like a very silly show, but it’s interesting to see how easily the hunters are able to track people down using digital means. CCTV and other digital pinging are everywhere.

I saw that The Block starts again on Sunday night. I’m so happy. I love a good reno filled with drama.

What I’m reading: More Sally Hepworth.

I’ve just started ‘The Mother’s Promise‘ and it’s set in the US.

This took me unawares. I had to change the accents in my head from Aussie (proper speaking) to American (celebrity accents.) I read somewhere that she was always made to set her novels in America until she became successful, then she was able to set them in Melbourne instead.

I guess I’m reading an early novel.

What I’m listening to: the quietest year 8 class I’ve ever seen.

It’s period 6. There’s only 9 minutes to go.

Usually even the best behaved class is getting a little restive. But this group of kids?

Some of them have finished the work and they’re talking. But quietly talking. It’s all whispers and quiet giggles. I tell you, it’s SO worth driving here from The Best House in Melbourne every day, even though there’s a secondary school at the end of my street. These kids are incredible.

What I’m eating: out of the freezer.

I’ve slowly been emptying the meat section of the freezer. I bought a huge heap of chicken drumsticks and parcelled them out into meal-sized lots of 3. Then Tom30 moved back in, which mucked up that little system. Suddenly we’re going through TWO meal’s worth of drummies instead of one.


Tonight is spaghetti bolognese with mince from the freezer. With Ryan27 gone, there’ll be enough for dinner tomorrow night as well, which makes me happy.

Give it another week or two, the freezer will be clear and I can go and buy another big lot of meat. Buying this way means that, over the long run, I save a heap.

What I’m planning: how I’m going to get through 6 weeks of full-time work.


I mean, I know I can do it. I did it for nearly two decades, after all.

But my sweet, sweet freedom…

Those penguins, seals, whales and icebergs had better be worth it!

Who needs a good slap: The boys who kept pressing the ‘open door’ button on the lift as I was in it wanting to go up.

Ended up having to take the damn stairs. Two floors aren’t great when you’re wearing a mask and you have to get to class on time.

What has made me smile: three year 9 boys.

I was doing yard duty down the cold, boring side of the new campus. As I rounded a corner, I saw 3 boys acting a little suspiciously. They were obviously leaping around. There was a big brick thingamijig and I thought, ‘If they’re trying to jump over that, I’m going to have to stop them. Accident waiting to happen.’

Then I saw that they were competing in a long jump competition in the woodchips on the garden behind the generator. That’s using great initiative on a campus with hardly any outdoor space. I walked away smiling and left them to it.

Dad joke of the day:

Wednesday W’s #29.

What’s top of my mind: Today’s the day!!!!

My car is packed, I have a shopping list of food to buy, and after work today I’ll be pointing the car towards Ballarat. The Girls’ weekend is fast approaching!

I’m heading off a couple of days earlier than the girls, so I’m looking forward to some introvert quiet days before they all start rolling in on Friday night.

Where I’ve been: avoiding Ryan27.

Last Tuesday Ryan27 tested positive in a RAT test. ARGH!!!! Right before this girls’ weekend that I’ve been planning for months. Fortunately, he’s a reasonable man and isolated in his room. No real hardship for a gamer!

I RAT tested every day and picked up all the work I could so I’d be out of the house as much as possible. I was so worried that I’d have to miss out on the trip, but all was well. I mask up all the time when I’m at work so I did the same thing at home.

All’s good. I avoided getting the spicy cough. 🙂

Where I’m going: To Coles.

I’m in the middle of a Flybuys challenge to spend $50 at Coles for 4 straight weeks to get $50 free groceries. I figured I may as well shop at Coles for the dinners and snacks I’m providing. I like killing two birds with one stone.

What I’m watching: a very good year 9 Geography class.

Their teacher has left an incredibly detailed lesson plan for them to follow and they’re quietly working their way through it.

Every conversation is about how to locate things on the maps, or what to put on the keys, etc. Sometimes this place is an absolute dream to teach in!

Since writing this, I have another year 9 class in front of me. This one is a different kettle of fish…

What I’m reading: The Hate You Give.

I’ve been seeing a lot of kids reading this over the last few years – it’s a catchy title! I thought I’d give it a read to see why it’s so popular. I’m only just past the first chapter but I think I’m going to like it.

What I’m listening to: Home Fires by Fiona Lowe.

I’ve got a long drive in front of me today and all of my podcasts have been listened to. This is a good long audiobook so it should keep me entertained during the drive and when I’m sewing on the 5,000+ piece quilt.

I’m working my way through her novels, one audiobook at a time.

What I’m eating: Vegetarian meals on Friday and Saturday.

Jenna, Evan25’s girlfriend, is vego, so the catering is planned with her in mind.

Friday night’s meal will be Mushroom Stroganoff and a hearty Vegetarian Lasagne will follow on Saturday night. Both are Thermobexta recipes, so of course, I’ve packed my two thermomixes to bring with me. The boys left at home have a thermomix each, so they won’t be left hungry.

What I’m planning: nothing… yet!

We’ll see what the weather holds for Saturday. It looks like it won’t be raining, but of course, being Ballarat, it’ll be damned cold!!!

Who needs a good slap: the idiot who nearly T-Boned me yesterday.

I was on my way home from work, turning right at the intersection of Warrigal and Centre Roads. I glanced away from the red light, looking at a garden on the other side of the road. I glanced back and the green turning arrow was on.

Just as I lifted my foot, someone ran the red light directly to the right of me.

If I’d started moving the instant the arrow turned green as I usually do, I’d have had the front wiped off my car for sure. Or worse.

Phew! I love my car… I don’t want her to be all bent out of shape. Especially the day before a road trip.

What has made me smile: Guesstimating how much petrol to buy at Costco.

The fuel gauge was on a little less than half full. The last time I filled up, it was on the way home from Sydney and a full tank cost me $119.

But Costco petrol is quite a bit cheaper…

I punched in $60.

The tank is now exactly full. Nailed it!

Dad joke of the day:

Yesterday I ate a clock. It was very time-consuming, especially when I went back for seconds.

Wednesday W’s #28.

What’s top of my mind: ARGHHHHHHHHHHHH.

I was so happy this morning, when the news came out that masks are now back in schools. The principal walked around to every class and gave them out to every kid who . As many of you would know, I’ve been wearing a mask at work from the moment I step out of my car to the moment I get back into it at the end of the day, only removing it to eat my lunch.

For the first couple of hours there were masks everywhere. It was lovely.

Then parents apparently started to complain, so an announcement went out at lunchtime that masks weren’t ‘mandatory’, just ‘recommended.’

Now, most of the kids have ditched them and we aren’t allowed to query why they aren’t wearing them. And people wonder why covid is still around.

Where I’ve been: the sewing room.

I had a 3 day weekend, due to the school having Athletics Day on Monday, so I made progress on my 5,000 + piece quilt. As you can see in the photo above, I’m now just over halfway finished.

I’ve been a bit spotty with my work on the quilt, but I’m determined to finish it. This year.

Where I’m going: to work.

Antarctica is proving to be a little expensive, along with wedding and house payments. I’m lucky that a) the work is being offered, b) I like the work and c) the kids are lovely. I’m happy that I don’t have to tap my investments at the moment. I’m happy to wait for the sharemarket to recover.

What I’m watching: Becoming Elizabeth.

I’m a Tudor tragic, which is why I loved my trip to the UK in 2015 so much, especially our day at Hampton Court Palace. The header on this blog is a photo of the sky above the palace’s roof. It still lives in my memory as one of the happiest days of my life.

I’m loving this show.

What I’m reading: Helen Garner’s ‘Regions of Thick-Ribbed Ice.’

This is about her trip to Antarctica, so of course I picked it up. The page I’ve linked to has very positive reviews, but have a look at this one star review!

“Inadvertently thought it was an actual book about Antarctica with some depth then found it merely a chapter of a brief voyage that barely scratched at its border. If I ever get to the Drake passage I will place the sad brief tome in the bottom of a sick-bag where it belongs.”

Hmm… I hope it’s better than this review makes it sound!

What I’m listening to: Mum’s Boppin’ Bangers.

Spotify got me through hours of sewing over the last few days. I have some absolute bangers on that playlist.

What I’m eating: Leftover Chicken Tikka Masala for dinner.

I absolutely love this recipe. It’s like having a party in your mouth.

Having the leftovers the next day is even tastier.

What I’m planning: My girls’ weekend.

I’ve told them that I don’t want this to be a ‘spendy’ weekend, because Izzy has a wedding to pay for, Jenna has a one-woman show to put on and nearly all of them have rent to pay. I, of course, have Antarctica on the horizon.

We’re volunteering catering, alcohol, games, and those who know the area are suggesting activities. It’s going to be a lot of fun.

Who needs a good slap: Whoever gave my son the virus.

Seriously, how hard is it to wear a mask? Oof.

It’s so stupid. I’m in front of a class right now. When the word came down that we can’t make the kids wear masks, you should’ve seen how many kids ditched them. I have 17 kids in front of me… only 6 are wearing masks.

So I guess the waves are going to continue. If we’d all co-operated right at the start and worn masks for 6 months, this pandemic would almost certainly be behind us now.

What has made me smile: sitting and having lunch with my work friends.

I’ve known these people for years and it’s a quiet pleasure to sit down and have a chat. This year the school split into 2 campuses and most of my friends elected (or were told) to come to the new campus, which is where I’ve been doing the vast majority of my CRT work.

Much as I love my hermit days at home, it’s so nice to be social as well. 🙂

Dad joke of the day:

I don’t let my kids listen to orchestral music. There’s too much sax and violins.

Wednesday W’s #27.

What’s top of my mind: Making Ryan27 get his driving licence.

He hates driving. Can you imagine?

But he has a job offer that requires him to be mobile. Operation “Get Your Damned Licence, You Elderly Guy” is on!

Where I’m going: As soon as I press ‘publish, we’ll be out to the car.

Driving lessons wait for no man.

What I’m watching: Poppy sleeping in the sun.

It’s a hard life.

What I’m reading: Stephen King short stories.

I’m midway through The Bazaar of Bad Dreams and I’m loving it. In the foreword, King writes about the differences between crafting long and short fiction, which I found really interesting. (Even more interesting than learning about the periodic table guy!) He also introduces each story with an account of what sparked it.

Love that stuff.

What I’m listening to: My podcasts before I borrow another audiobook.

Most of the audiobooks I listen to are around 16 hours long. As you can imagine, it takes a while to chip away at one of these, so while I’m doing that, my podcast episodes bank up. Then, I take a while to knock those over and get back to a clean slate.

Then the cycle starts over again. The only poddie that I make an exception for is my son’s one, naturally! All I have left on my list is a Casefile and a “The Other Half.” Then I’ll have to grab another audiobook.

It’s the cycle of life.

What I’m eating: Mushroom Stroganoff.

This is turning into an expensive year, what with the wedding, Tom30’s property purchase and Antarctica, so I’ve been making more vegetarian meals to stretch out the meat in the freezer. For those with a thermomix, Thermobexta is my go-to for vego and vegan recipes. I have all but one of her books and they certainly came in handy when Evan25 decided he wasn’t a meat-eater.

I write in my books when I try a recipe. This recipe had a notation, “Really nice,” so I bought lots of mushrooms and we’re partaking tonight.

What I’m planning: My Antarctica wardrobe.

Aldi had some clothing specials on Saturday. Some of them were merino t-shirts and leggings, as well as some gloves that enable the wearer to use a mobile phone. Just what I was looking for!

That’s ticked a few items off the list!

Who needs a good slap: My ex-husband.

You know, if I had 4 kids from my first marriage and two of them have decided to have no contact anymore with me, while another one has only minimal contact, I’m pretty sure I’d make an effort with the only kid who actively pursues a relationship with me. But clearly that’s not the way my ex-husband sees things…

Tom30 put in an offer on a unit last week. The bank came back and said they wanted a 10% deposit, not a 5% deposit as was originally asked for, due to a gift of 15K that I gave him. I’m sure you can imagine the maths and budgeting that went on for him to work out how to gather an extra 24K by October! He’s selling everything that isn’t nailed down and squeezing his spending to the max. However, there was still going to be a small shortfall. He didn’t want to ask me for any more money – “You’ve done more than enough, Mum.”

With a bit of trepidation, he asked his father for a loan of 5K. His father (who apparently earns into the 6 figures, as does his wife) refused, which he has every right to do, but served it with a side-order of “You’re not working hard enough. At your age you should be earning 150K/year. When I got MY first house I had to struggle. You should too. Why don’t you ask your mother or your grandfather? They’re rich.”

What an absolute arsehole. I’m so glad I’m not still married to him. (By the way, these remarks weren’t said exactly like this. They were sprinkled into the conversation like nasty little land mines for Tom30 to be hurt by.)

There are a few things to unpack from those nuggets of bile.

When my ex-husband was 30 he was a small businessman earning nowhere near 150K. Not sure why he expects Tom30 to be doing much better at the same age. When I told friends at work this statement they laughed and laughed. The consensus was, “Yeah, we should ALL be earning 150K!!! I’m nearly 60 and I don’t earn that much!”

I think my ex-husband forgets that when we bought our first (and only) house together, I was the one that made it happen. We’d saved 40K and he wanted to pour it all into buying new fridges for his small business of cutting up fruit salads for supermarkets from our garage. Yes, a business that was obviously going to go nowhere.

I saw which way the wind was blowing, put my foot down and instead, we put the money into buying a house in an excellent secondary school zone. Over the years that decision has served the boys well. So he thinks he ‘struggled’ to get that house? Imagine the struggle we would’ve had if he’d bought those fridges instead?

Finally – who tells his own son to go and ask an elderly couple for money, when all the guy is asking for is a 5K loan? Refuse the money if you wish – it’s your money – but telling him to put the hard word on a frail couple in their 80’s is unconscionable.

Fortunately, this has a happy ending. A family friend who’s known Tom30 all his life, was so disgusted when they heard this story that they’ve agreed to lend him the money he needs at settlement. Tom30’s now obsessed with ensuring that he borrows as little as possible from them. He’s so grateful and relieved.

I just had a text from him 10 minutes ago – the bank has approved the loan and so the property is his!

What has made me smile: Meeting next door’s puppy.

We’ve been hearing Hero for a while, but now we’ve finally met. He’s a blue staffy and is a lovely little guy. The guy next door suggested that we take the dogs and meet at the beach, but Hero is far too full-on for my little woofs. He’d scare them without even knowing he was doing it.

But as far as people go – he’s terrific!

Dad joke of the day:

Wednesday W’s #26.

What’s top of my mind: Double-check things.

Yesterday I drove an hour to surprise David28 at his workplace at Billy Hydes in Nunawading. When I got there, it turned out that he’d taken the day off.

This is the photo I took with his co-workers and sent to him.

Where I’ve been: to a FIRE blog meet!

Last Saturday Latestarterfire, Adulting World and I met up in a park and we had lunch. We talked and shared stories for around 3 hours. Adulting World has been to Antarctica so I picked up some good hints and tips for my upcoming trip in December.

Going to a blog meet is never a mistake.

Where I’m going: ANTARCTICA!

Cruise, flights and accommodation are all booked and paid for. It’s on, baby!!!!!!

What I’m watching: Our Flag Means Death.

I heard some good things about this show and when I scored 3 free months of Binge, I watched it. The first few eps were a little ‘meh’ but by the end of the series, they had me!

Hoping they make another season – it’s all set up for it.

What I’m reading: The Left Hand of Darkness by Ursula Le Guin.

I’ve been meaning to read this novel for ages and I finally tracked it down.

It’s about a world that is genderless – beings can swap from male to female and back again.

I’ve only just started reading it so I’m still finding my way into the world, but it’s way famous.

What I’m listening to: Jeff snoring.

Poppy and Jeff are 9 years old today. They’re doing what they do best – sleeping on the couches. Here’s a photo to verify:

Strictly speaking, this is a shot of Poppy and Scout, Jeff’s slam-bang against me on the other couch.

What I’m eating: Aldi hazelnut milk chocolate.

This chocolate has SO MANY HAZELNUTS! It’s divine.

What I’m planning: To stop procrastinating and Get Things Done.

Just off the top of my head there are 7 things I should have done… and haven’t (yet.) They range from gardening things to crafting things to pet things to family things.

I’m a lazy person at heart.

Who needs a good slap: The USA.

Honestly, it seems that the US is going to hell in a handbasket. They need to get a grip on themselves. The divisiveness and vitriol being hurled from one side of politics to the other and then back again are awful to watch. The way they’re going, they’ll have another civil war if they don’t watch out…

What has made me smile: David28’s mortification once he got the photo!

Once I was on my way back home he called and we talked for nearly the whole drive. He had gastro, so that’s why he wasn’t at work. Ironically, we probably talked more than if he was at work and had to attend to customers.

Dad joke of the day:

Wednesday W’s #25.

What’s top of my mind: how lovely it is to travel.

Don’t get me wrong – I love being in The Best House in Melbourne and I’m as happy as a little hermit when I’m there.

But I can’t deny that sitting here on the 5th floor of the Sebel Hotel in Manly, in the sun, hearing the sea and seeing the waves glinting through the trees… life is pretty sweet.

Where I’ve been: Manly Beach.

In fact, I’m still here! It’s June’s Little Adventure. Post to come, though I’ve written about it in detail on the frogblog.

Where I’m going: Heading for home tomorrow.

It’s a shame. It’s been lovely here, but apparently I’ve missed some pretty awful weather in Melbourne, so I can’t complain.

What I’m watching: Better Call Saul.

I’ve decided to use my Little Adventure evening downtime to catch up on this show. I’m halfway through season 3 at the moment. Gus is in it, which is exciting.

What I’m reading: Sally Hepworth.

In the first few days of this Little Adventure I polished off not one, but two Sally Hepworth novels. The Mother-in-Law and The Younger Wife. I couldn’t put them down.

They were both SO GOOD! Hepworth is from Melbourne and I really enjoyed reading stories set in the suburbs and places I know. Her characters are beautifully portrayed and the situations they find themselves in are gripping. I can highly recommend these novels and I’ll be hunting down the rest of her work when I get back.

What I’m listening to: Birthright by Fiona Lowe. And the sea.

I’ve downloaded 3 audiobooks by Fiona Lowe, another Aussie author, thinking that I might need lots of listening things. A 1,000 KM drive each way means there’s a lot of hours in the car to fill!

However, I’m still barely through the first 3rd of this book. I caught up on my podcasts along the drive up, and since I’ve been here in this beachside hotel I’ve spent a lot of time with the door to my balcony open, just listening to the rhythmic sound of the sea.

What I’m eating: Pre-prepared salads and sourdough.

When I go away on a holiday by myself, I tend to race around and see things during the day and then, when it gets towards twilight, head back to the room to spend my evenings. Safety first! There are a few crazies out there and I’d prefer not to run into one.

This trip, I decided to try some of the frozen meals and pre-packed salads at Coles and Woolworths to see what they’re like.

The verdict on the salads? Pretty darned good.

The frozen meals? Last night I had the WORST meal ever. Supposedly chicken and leek pie, it was a disgusting mush.

Thank goodness I also had some delicious sourdough bread rolls that I smeared with hommus. Saved the day!

Tonight’s lamb rogan josh had better be ok. I only have one sourdough roll left.

What I’m planning: lunch with a blogging friend.

Frogdancer Jones and Fifi La Stupenda (which may not be our real names) first met in real life 13 years ago when I was last in Sydney. It was a blog meet so the Sydney girls could meet me – from Melbourne – and generally just have a nice girls’ night out.

Since then we haven’t clapped eyes on each other again, but we’ve stayed in touch via FB. We met for brunch yesterday and had such a good time that we’re having lunch again today. She swims every day at Manly Beach. Not 5 minutes ago we were waving at each other – she on the foreshore, me on the balcony – and we’ll grab a bite to eat once she’s finished her swim.

Who needs a good slap: Everyone who has crowded out Easter Island so I can’t go there.

Yes, I’ve paid for flights, accommodation and insurance for Antarctica, but Easter Island is off the itinerary. After the cruise was impossible – all booked out. Before the cruise was possible, but my travel agent said, “I’m seeing that they’re cancelling a lot of flights. I’d hate for you to be stranded there and miss your cruise. You said Antarctica was the main reason you’re travelling, right?”

So yes. No Easter Island. Maybe next time.

What has made me smile: Fifi’s conviction that I’d love to swim in the ocean.


I don’t even do that in the summer, unless it’s about 45C and I’m right by the beach. I didn’t even pack my bathers. She said that I could swim in my underwear, but I don’t think I want to ruin the ambience of Manly Beach so cruelly.

Dad joke of the day:

Wednesday W’s #24

What’s top of my mind: Getting Things Done.

There are a few things I’d like to tick off my ‘to-do’ list before I jump in the car on Friday and start driving north. I have no idea how many I’ll be able to complete, but we’ll see how I go.

Where I’ve been: Flight Centre.


As my travel agent said, “There are no difficult clients, just difficult itineraries!”

She needs more time to work out a flyer-friendly way to get there and back. Not to Sydney, but to South America!

There are problems with both putting Easter Island first or after Antarctica.

She said she’d let me know by Thursday.

Where I’m going: Sydney for June’s Little Adventure!

Have I packed? No.

Have I planned anything? Only my accommodation on the way there and while I’m in Sydney.

Am I concerned? Not yet! I might start to wonder what I’m going to do with my time once I’m driving on the way up, though.

What I’m watching: Better Call Saul, The Boys and Obi-Wan.

The Umbrella Academy is out now, too!

What I’m reading: ‘The Other Side of Beautiful’ by Kim Lock

I chose this book purely because I like to have an eBook on the go and it was available immediately on Borrowbox. It’s a hidden gem.

It’s primarily set in the Outback, with vivid descriptions of the land. I’ve never been, but now I want to go even more! Let’s face it – every Aussie needs to see Uluru at least once in their lives. It’s a rite of passage.

Plus, the protagonist owns a sausage dog. I approve.

What I’m listening to: Tom30 talking about real estate.

Tom30 is a few weeks away from being able to throw his hat into the real estate market and it’s practically all he can talk about.

Luckily, I don’t mind a bit of real estate talk and I LOVE going to open houses. The last few Saturdays we’ve been galloping through units and apartments in his price range.

I have to say, 500K doesn’t buy much nowadays.

What I’m eating: Schnitzels.

I love me a schnitty! I can handle a parma but I prefer a plain schnitzel. I’m a woman of simple tastes.

Mum is still in the rehab hospital – they’re keeping her in for another week – so I’m having Dad over for dinner tonight before I go away. Schnitzels have been defrosted and are ready for crumbing!

What I’m planning: How and when I’m going to post my thermomix off to the spa.

My first thermomix is now 10 years old. She’s served me very well, both as an easy way to cook and as a business tool when I was a thermomix consultant.

She’s been used almost every day during those 10 years and she needs to have a service. This is how good these machines are – the button for the scales has disintegrated but the scales still work!

That’s going above and beyond.

If I post her to the service centre before I go, she might return to the house before I get back. Seems like a good use of the time to me. My sister has suggested that I trade her in for a brand-new tm6, but there’s no way I’m parting with my tm31. You’ll have to prise her from my cold, dead hands.

The boys will still have my tm5, as well as Ryan27’s tm31 and Tom30’s tm5, so they’ll be able to feed themselves.

Who needs a good slap: People who are clogging up the direct flights to South America to and from Australia.

Seriously – why should I have to fly into Los Angeles to get down to South America? It’ll be a 50 hour flight!!

Still, if I have to set foot on North American soil, that’ll mean that by the time I reach Antarctica I’ll have visited all 7 continents. This has never been a bucket list for me, but I feel incredibly lucky to be so close to ticking this off.

We live in an amazing time.

What has made me smile: Jeffrey.

Just look at the photo at the top of the post.

He’s a doofus. Dumb as a box of bricks.

But he’s MY doofus.

Dad joke of the day:

Wednesday W’s #23

What’s top of my mind: Why the news is so sensational.

Ok, so the share market went down today. A lot.

I was watching 9 News last night and the way they were reporting it – you’d swear that boatloads of Vikings had swarmed in and raped and pillaged everyone’s Superannuation accounts. According to them, everyone’s retirements are fu#*ed.

Seriously? Get a fu#*ing grip.

I’m not saying that things won’t be rough for a while. But it won’t last forever. The doom and gloom reporting was eyebrow-raising.

Still, having said that, I think I’ve made the right decision to do CRT work at the moment. I have my contingency plan for a bear market, but having some income trickling in while a bear market is happening within the first 5 years of my retirement seems to be a very good decision.

Where I’ve been: Wedding dress shopping (again).

This time it was at a place in Oakleigh. They gave each of us a glass of pink champagne while we were there.


Where I’m going: another wedding dress expedition.

Izzy tried on a dress that she loved. Months ago. At a place on the other side of the city.

Despite having tried on MANY other ones, apparently the Deer Park dress is “the one”. She’s booking an appointment this week to go back.

What I’m watching: Peaky Blinders (season 6.)

A kid who was in Tom30’s year level at school is in this season as one of the major characters. I’ve been meaning to watch this show for years – it’s been on my Netflix watchlist since I first bought a subscription.

When I heard James Frecheville was in this final season, I finally started watching. Now I’ve only got 5 episodes left to go.

What I’m reading: More Anne Tyler.

I’m halfway through The Accidental Tourist and I have Clock Dance waiting by my bed. I read The Accidental Tourist decades ago but I can’t remember much about it, so seeing as I’m reading as much Anne Tyler as I can lay my hands on, I picked up this novel again.

I SO love Tyler’s writing. She’s a master at understated prose.

What I’m listening to: The Teacher’s Trial.

Many of you would have heard (or heard about) the podcast called The Teacher’s Pet, which investigated the disappearance of Lyn Dawson, a married mother of two little girls. This happened 40 years ago. At the time, her husband was having an affair with one of his 17 year old students. What a delightful man he must have been. #sarcasm

This podcast was riveting, especially when it started uncovering the toxic predatory culture of the 1970’s secondary school scene on Sydney’s northern beaches. It was gobsmacking.

Anyway, he’s now on trial for the murder of his wife Lynette. This new podcast is following the trial, week by week. I only recently found out about it so I’m playing catch-up.

What I’m eating: See the photo at the top of this post.

I decided to make not only bread rolls for lunches, but also ham and cheese scrolls. I think the boys’ll like ’em.

What I’m planning: my upcoming Sydney holiday.

Yesterday I realised that in less than 2 weeks’ time I’ll be heading off for a week in Manly Beach.

I booked it a couple of months ago when it dawned on me that unless I booked something from my timeshare before June 30, I’d be losing lots of points I’d paid for.

Not on my watch!

Since then, this holiday has been comfortably filed in “the future” part of my brain. Looks like I’m going to have to get cracking and work out some fun things to do while I’m there. I’ve already done the Bridge climb the last time I was here – 12 years ago when I brought the boys with me.

Surely there are some good things to do in Sydney? Any ideas?

Who needs a good slap: Flight Centre.

It’s been a week since I walked to their shop in Southland, only to be told that they only accept appointments. WTF????

Anyway, Olga (the woman monitoring the line outside the door) asked me where I wanted to go, then asked me to email all the particulars of Buenos Aires, Ushuaia, Santiago, and Easter Island and she’d get right back to me.

It’s been a week, as I said before. I think we can all agree that I’ve been patient. I sent a follow-up email this morning and have heard nothing all day. Maybe it’s time for another travel agent.

(Starting to wonder if this holiday is cursed…)

What has made me smile: the dogs when they saw Dad.

While Mum’s in the rehab hospital with her fractured pelvis, I’ve decided to have Dad around for dinner every week, mainly to give him something different to do while he’s Home Alone.

On Monday night he opened the front gate so quietly that the little woofs didn’t hear him. The joy when I opened the front door and they realised that someone they like was there!

They love it when their people come over.

Dad joke of the day:

Wednesday W’s #22

What’s top of my mind: My trip to Antarctica is ON, baby!!!

After hearing nothing from my travel company despite repeated attempts from me to contact them, a simple request for info on their Facebook page did the trick. The trip is on, I’ve made a further payment and I’m now waiting on quotes from travel agents for flights and a possible side trip to Easter Island.

Easter island looks EXPENSIVE … even the flight there and back from Santiago will probably cost a thousand dollars, but hey. I’m only going to do it once. (If I do it…)

If anyone has a recommendation for a good travel agent – preferably in Melbourne in the south-eastern/bayside suburbs – I’d love to hear from you. I’m waiting on a quote from Flight Centre, but it wouldn’t hurt to get ideas from other people too.

Where I’ve been: to visit Dad.

A few days ago Mum had another fall and was carted off to hospital. At first we thought she’d broken her hip, but instead, she’s fractured her pelvis. Not as bad as a broken hip, true, but it’ll still take a long while to mend.

She won’t be home for weeks, so Dad is now needing to be looked after. He can look after himself physically – (though he asked my sister how to cook pasta and he wasn’t kidding…), but he’ll be feeling it mentally as Mum stays away in rehab. He’s never lived on his own.

Where I’m going: To Coles for one more week.

Dave from Strong Money Australia put me onto using Flybuys to get free groceries. Once he explained how he and his partner do it, I signed up straight away and waited to get the offer. I’m on my third week of buying $50 of groceries from Coles. One more week and I get a $50 free voucher for Coles groceries.

It’s fun perusing the catalogue, then going shopping with my calculator to make sure I’m not spending way over $50 each time. The only annoying thing about it is when I go to Aldi to do the rest of my shopping and I find out they’re selling their cauliflower for $1.50 less than what I just paid for one at Coles. D’Oh!

What I’m watching: The Midwich Cuckoos.

Most people have heard of The Day of the Triffids – one of the best sci-fi books ever written. I absolutely love John Wyndham’s writing. His ideas are still so fresh and even though his language may have dated – it’s very English 1950’s – I’ll challenge anyone to a bout of fisticuffs who says he’s a bad writer.

The Midwich Cuckoos isn’t one of my favourites to be honest – that honour goes to The Chrysalids, which is set in a post-apocalyptic future in a fundamentalist Christian town which frowns upon any physical aberrations. So how will they cope with a difference that cannot be seen? Oh, how I loved this novel!

Triffids and Choccy are also very good. I have a feeling that if I read The Trouble With Lichen when I was older, I would probably have liked it more. Even though I haven’t read it for decades, I still sometimes find myself thinking about it…

Anyway, back to The Midwich Cuckoos! It’s an interesting premise – for 12 hours or so everyone in a little English town falls unconscious and the town is cut off from everyone. Once the ‘blackout’ finishes, everyone appears to be fine – except that every woman of childbearing age is pregnant. Who are these babies and where/how have they come from?

There’s a limited series on Stan. I’m halfway through and enjoying it very much, though I don’t know why they’ve changed the character of Dr Zellaby from male to female. There doesn’t seem to be any narrative reason. Anyway, that’s a small quibble.

What I’m reading: The Hypnotist’s Love Story.

Say what you like about Liane Moriarty, the woman can write a cracking good yarn! I read this novel in 2 days.

We often hear about women getting stalked by an ex-boyfriend, but what if the genders are switched?

What I’m listening to: Casefile.

I’ve let my podcasts mount up a bit, so when I was working on my quilt today I listened to a couple of episodes of Casefile. One was absolutely crazy. Another female stalker – be careful out there, fellas!

What I’m eating: Twisties.

Well, it wasn’t exactly my fault. I had just over $1 to make up my $50 shop and small packets of Twisties were going for $1.10.

I can’t lie. It was really nice settling down with my book on the couch and munching through them.

What I’m planning: shopping for thermal underduds.

I HATE the cold. Hate it with a passion. Rumour has it that Antarctica is on the chilly side, even in the middle of summer.

Sometime soon, I’ll have to go shopping for thermals, a good weatherproof coat and some gloves that will let me still use my iPhone to take photos.

Anyone know where I should start looking?

Who needs a good slap: Me.

Because I’ve been working a fair bit, I’ve fallen behind on the quilt-a-long schedule for the crazy 5,000+ piece quilt. I’ve done two big blocks today, so if I keep on plugging away like that I’ll get back to where I’m meant to be.

A couple of people have finished already and have posted their quilt tops of Facebook. It’s spurred me on!

What has made me smile: Having a few days off.

I’ve been working full-time for almost a month, but the school’s main campus has exams this week and so there are more teachers available to look after classes. Far less work for CRT’s.

I have to confess that my lazy mornings reading and inter-webbing on the couch is something I treasure. So do the dogs. It’s not a bad thing to be reminded of why I retired in the first place…

Dad joke of the day:

Wednesday W’s #21.

What’s top of my mind: Helping Tom30 with his house deposit.

The boys know that I’m not in a position to be The Bank of Mum and Dad when they’re looking to put a deposit down on a home. My gift to them is the same gift my parents have given my brother, my sister and me – to be financially independent in their old age so they’re not a financial drain on their kids.

Tom30 has floated the idea that I might help out… I’ve said no to hints that I might go guarantor or that I might lend a sizeable chunk of money. If he was an only child it might be different, but with any help given having to be multiplied by 4? Forget it.

However, he asked if I’d be prepared to lend him the money to pay off his car at the end of the year when he’ll be in a serious position to start looking. It’ll be around the 5K mark by then. I told him I’d be prepared to do this for him. I know without a doubt that he’ll pay me back, and having this debt wiped from his liabilities would mean that the banks would look at him slightly more favourably.

It’s such a fine line between wrapping them in cotton wool and weakening them by helping too much, or not helping enough and putting them behind the 8 ball! He doesn’t know that I’m saving his $50/week board to give back to him when he moves out.

I don’t know – I’m happy that I’m in a position where I can do this for the boys. I really wish I could help them more, but I’m definitely not prepared to put my own financial standing at risk. I’ve worked too hard for that!

(The boys’ father suggested to Tom30 that instead of borrowing the money from him, he should ask my father for a loan… “He has HEAPS of money.” Wow. Seriously??? Every now and then I get a little reminder as to why I left him all those years ago.)

Where I’ve been: 5 minutes in the most stressful place ever.

Every teacher in a school gets a set of keys to use. We lock most classrooms after every period, especially those rooms like music rooms and computer labs that have expensive equipment in them. We all know that we have to guard those keys with our lives. If a set of keys go missing, then every single lock has to be changed in the entire school, along with issuing new keys to every single staff member. In our school, there are over 200 people who work here.

Imagine how expensive that would be?

At the end of the day yesterday I handed in my laptop and my lanyard and walked to my car. I’d just started the engine when the principal of the campus phoned me.

“Frogdancer, you’ve handed in the lanyard with no key fob.”

My blood went cold. This meant that the fob had fallen off somewhere. The classroom I’d been working in didn’t need to be locked, so I hadn’t looked for the fob at the end of the day. It could be anywhere – and anyone could’ve found it. Shit…

Luckily, the class I’d had after lunch for a double period was so quiet that I’d barely got up from my desk to walk around. I’d had a full lunchtime in the staff room because I’d had recess yard duty that day. The areas where it could ossibly have fallen off were pretty limited. I told the principal where I’d been teaching and he said he’d call me back with any news.

I kept driving. I felt sick with stress. This is the one thing that everyone dreads. Why am I doing this? I don’t need this stress in my life! Is avoiding Sequence of Returns Risk worth it? I’ve pretty much covered my share of David28’s wedding. Does Tom30 really need me to loan him the money for his car? Maybe I should just go back to my beautiful retirement life?

A couple of minutes later the phone rang. He’d found the keyfob on my chair. It must’ve fallen off as I bent over to pick up my bag and laptop at the end of the day.

PHEW!!!! I drove home, listening to my audiobook and feeling like all was well with the world.

This morning when I came in, the receptionist in the office said that they’d noticed that every single lanyard had dodgy clips on them. They’ve fixed them. So maybe my panic-stricken moment was actually a gift to the school…?

Still – how great is it that I’m in a position to instantly decide whether or not to keep working? For anyone still working on getting your F-You fund together – keep going! It’s worth it. The stress I felt until I got the second phone call would’ve been so much worse if I’d not had the option to walk away if I wanted to.

Where I’m going: to the supermarket.

I’ve accepted a Flybuys quest to spend $50/week for a month at Coles to earn a $50 voucher. Sounds like free food to me! Once I publish this post, I’ll have a look at the weekly specials and work out what I’m going to buy this week.

Once I spend $50, I’ll pick up the rest of what we need from Aldi.

What I’m watching: a loom video on the trenches in WWI.

I’ve just come out of a year 9 history class where they watched a video made by their teacher before they were to go on and complete some work. I found it interesting – my great-grandfather fought for the English in those trenches.

I told them his story. How, as a young married father of two he did the patriotic thing and signed up for the war. He was allowed some time to go home when his wife was due to give birth to their third child. It was an awful labour – the baby was 13 lb/6 kg and both he and his mother nearly died. My great grandfather overstayed his leave until he was sure they’d both live.

When he reported back late for duty, they sent him to the front lines as a punishment. He was dead in a week.

What I’m reading: A Single Thread – Tracy Chevalier.

I’m enjoying this book, even though I’ve never tackled embroidery and I don’t intend to try! I remember going to my Mum’s cousin’s house as a child and seeing embroidery literally EVERYWHERE. It put me off.

Clearly, the author visited Winchester cathedral and noticed the kneeling pads and cushions, and researched how and when they were made.

What I’m listening to: A Home Like Ours – Fiona Lowe.

I just finished this audiobook this morning on my way to work. It’s a marathon 16 hours worth of listening time. I enjoyed the story. Now the plan is to get back to the podcasts that have been stacking up! Then, once I whip them into shape, then I’ll borrow another audiobook.

What I’m eating: leftover goulash.

A few nights ago I made the most delectable goulash using a Skinnymixer’s recipe in the slow cooker. There was enough left over for two serves. Tom30 said he’d probably buy a pizza tonight, so Ryan27 and I will be so happy to tuck into the rest of the goulash!

What I’m planning: a delicious meal for tonight!

See above.

Who needs a good slap:

Whoever designed the dodgy clips on the lanyards. If my hair wasn’t already going grey, it would’ve started when I got that first phone call from the principal.

What has made me smile: 9H.

I taught 9 of these kids in year 7 and I haven’t caught up with most of them since I’ve been back. It was so lovely to see them all again.

It’s especially nice that they’re in a great class who are all quietly working. The loudest sound in the room is my keyboard as I’m typing this.

This class is a CRT’s dream!

Dad joke of the day:

I don’t know why some people insist on using fractions instead of decimals.

They’re pointless.

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