Burning Desire For FIRE

Financially Independent, Retired Early(ish) at 57.

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Wednesday W’s #42.

Robin Williams from Jumanji.
He has luscious hair and a luxuriant beard.

What’s top of my mind: I’m over halfway there!

Have a look at this year’s Retirement Reading Challenge, over on the side of the blog. This year is the highest target yet, with the inclusion of my dog registration fees as well as my property rates added to the total.

I’ve been reading some fantastic titles from the library. Whoever buys books for the Kingston library is doing a cracking job. I’ve read 3 books in the last 5 days which were all excellent. Never has a personal challenge been more enjoyable!

Where I’ve been: Lawn Bowling with the year 7s.

I really didn’t want to take this day’s work when the Daily Org mentioned that I’d be taking sport in the afternoon. However, she was kind to me. 17 kids are bussed to and from the bowling Club in the next suburb, and they have instructors once they get there.

My friend Helen, who I went to North Korea with, is also doing a day of CRT. She’s going POWER WALKING with the year 7s. Honestly, your days can get pretty varied when you’re a CRT.

Where I’m going: Nowhere much.

Now that November is rapidly approaching, this means that Antarctica is also getting close. I’ve avoided covid for the last couple of years so I’d hate to get it now. I’m thinking of hunkering down and just pottering around the house until my flight out of here.

What I’m reading: Here are the 3 books I mentioned above…

  1. The Ink Black Heart – Robert Galbraith

One of the perks of freedom is that if you feel like binge reading, you can finish a 1,000 page book in 2 days. I really like this series and, once I got my head around how to tackle the internet chat sections, I galloped through it, thoroughly enjoying the ride.

2. The Paper Palace – Miranda Cowley Heller

I liked this one, particularly the way it was all put together.

3. Lucy By the Sea- Elizabeth Strout

Elizabeth Strout is an extraordinary writer. This is the 4th in the Lucy Barton series, set during the first year of the pandemic. It’s a beautiful book, so simple yet so profound.

I have another novel by my bed, waiting for my next day of freedom.

What I’m watching: Kids pretending to work.

The year 8 camps are on this week – we have so many kids at this school that the year level camps are always split in two – and I’m supervising a Science class that is 3 classes smooshed into one. Their classmates are all away at camp and so I have 15 kids sitting in front of me.

Obviously, the teachers aren’t going to leave major assignments for only a few kids to do while the majority of the classes are away, so the kids are (with permission) wearing headphones and are “listening to music” while they “do their work.”

In reality, whatever work was left for them has been finished long ago and they’re playing games. Hey, as long as they’re quiet, I don’t mind.

What I’m listening to: Podcasts.

I seem to alternate between listening to an audiobook and letting my poddies build up, then once the book is finished, burning through the podcasts until there’s nothing left, then borrowing another audiobook.

There’s no way I can go for a drive without having my stories with me!

What I’m eating: Lentil and Halloumi salad.

Thermobexta has released another cookbook. This time it’s another salad book. We’ve tried a couple of recipes, but I have to say that the lentil and halloumi salad is worth the price of the book alone. Even Ryan27, who’s not a fan of salad dressing in general, really enjoyed this for dinner last night.

I have all but one of her books and they’re the only things that enabled me to keep my cool when Evan26 became a vegetarian a few years ago. Her recipes are excellent.

What I’m planning: The next salad I’ll make from this book.

The pumpkin, feta and black rice one sounds nice.

Who needs a good slap: Me.

I’ve been doing so much reading, I’ve let a lot of other things slide. I have 2 baby quilts I want to make before I go away and I’m going to run out of time if I don’t watch out. But once a story grabs me I just HAVE to find out what happens…

What has made me smile: My tax return.

For the first time ever, my accountant son Tom30 is doing my tax. I knew it’d be a great return, seeing as I didn’t work for 8 months out of the financial year.

Tom30 rang me yesterday to let me know how much I’d be getting back. I’m pretty happy with it! I’d have to work nearly 14 days to get the same amount of money in my take-home wage. 🙂

Sandra from Simple Savings told me that I’d get a nice little bonus for my Antarctica trip when I did my taxes. She wasn’t wrong.

Dad joke of the day:

I accidentally swallowed my cat’s medicine.

Don’t ask meow.

Little Adventures #18. Geography Excursion to the city. October 2022.

I didn’t do a Little Adventure last month – I was too tired and all I wanted to do was rediscover the glories of being at home. But I’ve got back on the horse that threw me and I’m on the quest to go somewhere each month to a place or experience I’ve never had before.

This month started with a text on Monday evening.

“Hi Frogdancer! Would you be available to go on an excursion to the city with the year 8s tomorrow? “

As it happened, I’d arranged to take Scout to the vet on Tuesday for her annual grease and oil change, but just as I was about to hit ‘send’ on the first refusal of an offer of work I’d ever have done… I paused. This was a very late text. They normally don’t hire CRTs for excursions. Someone has clearly had to bail at the last minute and they were desperate.


I sent ‘ok’ and turned up to the main campus bright and early the next morning, ready to go into the city with 2 year 8 classes and 4 other teachers. We were going to learn about how Melbourne’s land use has changed over the years since settlement.

The kids were enthralled to learn that one of the names originally slated for our city was “Batmania.”

We rode in on the train and started off at Federation Square. The kids were all sitting down, listening to their teachers as they were filling in answers in their booklets, when one of the kids noticed an old man taking photos of them.

“Is he allowed to do that, Miss?” she asked.

Turns out he was a retired teacher from Holland, here to visit his sister. He complimented us on how well-behaved our children were, saying that in Holland the kids are feral. “They don’t have very good parenting!”

Fed Square always seems like a wasted opportunity to me. It’s always empty and it looks really uninviting. How hard can it be to have a space that people actually want to be in?

The photos on this post are taken from the internet. I left my phone at home.

The next step on our journey was Birrarung Mar.

It’s been ages since I’ve walked on this side of the Yarra. I had it in my head that Birrarung Mar was closer to Docklands, but there it was, tucked away behind Fed Square.

We were here for quite a while. The kids were sketching what they could see on the banks of the Yarra and answering questions in their booklet about how land usage had changed over the last couple of hundred years (and further, of course.)

After we’d eaten morning tea, we moved on down the Yarra to a bridge I’d never noticed before. Here’s where it got interesting.

Sandridge bridge is way down the Yarra. One thing you know when you go on a Geography excursion, there’s going to be a lot of walking! The sculptures on this bridge are ok, but it was the perspex plates stretching all the way across the bridge that were really interesting.

Each rectangle documented the stats of the immigrants from a country – how many were in Australia as a whole, how many were in Victoria, how their professions have changed since 1820 onwards, and the languages that they brought here.

As soon as the kids hit the bridge, they all raced off to look at the countries that were in their backgrounds. Nothing could have illustrated how much of an immigrant nation we are as they all scattered! I walked along, looking at England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales. There’s not a huge amount of diversity in my family tree!

Just around the corner from the bridge was Banana Alley. I’d heard about this place but I’d never been here before. It was good to put a face to the name. 🙂

We walked back across the bride and went to lunch at a food court in Southbank.

The plan was to go to the Arts precinct after lunch, but when we got there the lawn was packed with people attending a Welcome to Country ceremony. We decided tto go across the road so the kids could answer their questions from there.

It was nice. Every now and then we’d hear the click of the rhythm sticks and we could smell a waft of smoke, mingled with the ‘ding’ of the trams going by. The real teachers were talking about the things the kids needed to write down, as the rest of Melbourne hurried by.

The last stop before we jumped on the train to go home was the Alexandra Gardens.

Then it was all over, red rover as we walked the kids back to school. I was knackered! As I said at the start, there’s always a lot of walking on a Geography excursion.

I wouldn’t say that it was the most rivetting Little Adventure ever, but I got to see a few new places in my home town and it’s definitely the first Little Adventure that I got paid for!

Dad joke of the day:

How does a mathematician plough fields? 

With a pro-tractor.

Wednesday W’s #41.

What’s top of my mind: My veggie garden.

I’ve planted some seedlings – because of working so much last term I neglected starting any of my precious harvested seeds from scratch over winter – and now I’m in a battle with the local blackbirds and pigeons.

They want to scratch up the mulch to eat the worms I’ve so carefully nurtured. While they’re doing this, they sometimes scratch up the seedlings, or at the very least cover them with mulch. Every few hours, I’m going out there to chase them away and repair any damage.

Where I’ve been: On October’s Little Adventure.

I’ll be blogging about this next.

Where I’m going: To the in-laws for a birthday party.

On Sunday I’m going to Izzy’s parents’ place for her little sister’s 21st birthday party – the family edition. It’s nice that they’ve thought to invite me.

What I’m reading: 5 thumping good reads.

Well, I’ve actually READ all of these. I was so tired by the time the holidays came that all I wanted to do was nap and read. I’ve been on a lucky streak of picking some absolutely wonderful books.

  1. The Mother by Jane Caro.

I read this in less than a day. Loved it. It made me question what I would do if one of my boys was in a similar pickle. I haven’t reached any conclusions…

2. Shrines of Gaiety by Kate Atkinson.

The same author who wrote the wonderful Life After Life that, although I read it in 2014, I’ve never forgotten. I see there are a lot more novels that I need to catch up on, which makes me happy. This one is set in 1020’s London and the construction of the storyline is beautifully done. Another one I gulped down.

3. Fairy Tale by Stephen King.

4. Two Nights in Lisbon – Chris Pavone

This was excellent. A fast-paced thriller that I found hard to put down.

5. Coronado – Dennis Lehane

Freddy Smidlap, a blogger from the US, recommended this to me in the comments a while ago. I’m so glad he did, otherwise I’d probably never have run into it. A collection of short stories.

What I’m watching: House of the Dragon.

Now that I’ve got a Binge subscription, Ryan27 and I are watching this as our mother/son bonding show. I’ve only seen 1 episode so far, but I like what I’m seeing.

What I’m listening to: next door’s dogs.

Thank Christ I’m not listening to them now, but yesterday they started barking and asking to be let in at 5:30 AM. Seriously? If I can hear them, then their owners could definitely hear them. I wasn’t happy.

What I’m eating: Flybuys fish fillets.

A few weeks ago I had to buy $50 worth of groceries at Coles for 4 weeks to get a free $50 voucher. (I used it on meat.) It was hard some weeks to get to the $50, so one purchase I made was the Coles brand of frozen crumbed fish fillets, thinking they’d be on a par with Aldi’s ones.

They’re horrible – tasteless and with a gummy texture to the crumb layer that’s really off-putting. In true Frogdancer Jones fashion, I’ll use them up, but I definitely won’t be buying them again.

What I’m planning: Nothing; though I should be.

It’s not long before I leave for my trip to Antarctica. In my head though, it still feels like it’s MONTHS away. I’ve been planning to go for so long that it seems like it’ll always be in the future.

Who needs a good slap: Inanimate objects.

They’re annoying me at the moment. Aways getting caught on stuff, tipping over or being mislaid. Very irritating and not at all my fault.

What has made me smile:

A kid just asked which “Orthodentist” another kid was going to.

When you think about it, it’s probably what they should be called.

Dad joke of the day:

Don’t throw sodium chloride at people.

It’s a salt.

The terrific soap recipe.

As promised, I’m posting the soap recipe that’s my ‘go-to’ when it’s time to make another batch. It was the first soap recipe I tried and I love it. The bars of soap come out consistently firm, not crumbly and last for ages.

The blog post I took it from was from 2010 and I see that I was one of the first people to comment on it. Makes me feel a bit old… That blog has now been taken offline. This made me panic when 3 years ago I went to pull up the blogpost to make my next batch and it was unavailable.

My soap recipe has gone forever! Oh crappity crap! I tried PMing the blog author but she never got back to me. That was a little surprising but hey. What can you do? A few weeks later, I mentioned it on the frogblog as I was posting about making another soap recipe to give as Christmas gifts for work. A brilliant reader called Jamie sent me a link to the wonderful soap recipe post that they’d archived. I was so happy!!!

I’ve noticed that some readers since yesterday have tracked down the soap recipe I posted about in that frogblog post that uses Lux flakes. This is NOT the recipe I love. Don’t get me wrong… it smells like Lux and it’s easy to make, but call me a purist: it didn’t feel like I was making real soap. It was a bit of a cheat. But if you feel like making soap and the thought of using caustic soda turns you off, then by all means use this Easy-Peasy soap recipe.

But if you want the brilliant soap recipe, here’s the archived page that Jamie sent:


(I could’ve just given you the basic recipe, but I like the way Suse’s post gives a lot of information in a readable and informative way. This was my entry into the soap-making world and I like the idea of sharing the original post with you all.)

Suse’s post gives a ton of good hints and tips. I’d add that it’s not a good idea to rush mixing the melted oils and caustic soda mixes together. I’ve found that when I was impatient and mixed them together while they were still quite hot, I’d run the risk of the whole batch curdling, which is disappointing when you unwrap it the next day to find out that it hasn’t worked. Then I’d have to rebatch it by melting it into a slow cooker, which works to make the soap usable, but it’s never quite as pretty. Giving it an extra 10 minutes to enable the oils and caustic soda to cool to a ‘warm’ temperature is time well spent.

If you’re wondering if the soap has started curing properly and whether the caustic soda has saponified properly and lost its bite, the easiest way to test this is to touch the tip of your tongue to the newly unwrapped soap. If you feel a ‘zap’ like a tiny electric shock, then the soap has to be rebatched. This has only happened to me a couple of times. It’s annoying when it happens but it’s not the end of the world. Re-melting it in a slow cooker, then putting it back into a mould and wrapping it up for another 24 hours does the trick.

Another soap recipe that I really like is the one on The Witch’s Kitchen. Her blog and book (I just LOVE this book – such a useful resource, especially the plant index at the end!) are terrific. Anyone interested in food gardening should set aside some time to sit down with a cuppa and rummage through her blog. So much information.

Anyway, in this soap recipe, she mentions using grated lemon zest as a little added extra in the soap. How nice would that be? Also, as with the Terrific Soap Recipe, there’s a lot of useful info in the comments underneath the original post.

If you like the idea of making homemade soap to give away as Christmas gifts, now is the time to get started. The soap recipes that use caustic soda need at least 6 weeks to cure properly, so if you set aside the time to make a batch or two now, you’ve already got yourself organised for Christmas.

Imagine the warm glow you’ll feel from being so efficient!

Frugal Friday: Having fun with frugality.

Can you guess what I made yesterday by looking at these ingredients?

If you guessed soap, you’re bang on the money!

A quick glance back at the frogblog shows that I’ve been making soap for over a decade now. When I first began, I tried just about every recipe that I could lay my hands on. I made green tea soap, coffee soap, olive oil/Castile soap… you name it, I gave it a go.

For a brief time, I even had teachers at school buying it from me.

But now I stick to one very basic but effective recipe that I first saw on a defunct blog many years ago. It rarely fails and even if it does, it’s easy to fix.

But why would I bother to make soap in the first place? After all, basic soap is cheap to buy. I clearly don’t NEED to make soap to save a few pennies – after all, I retired by choice 2 years ago. I’m not short of the pennies required to keep myself clean. So why would I still choose to do it?

One of the main reasons I find myself coming back to doing this whenever my soap stocks start getting low is that homemade soap is very good for the skin. Commercial soap makers take out the glycerin that’s formed when soap is made, because glycerin is lucrative to sell on its own. My soap has its own glycerin within it, so the soap moisturises as well as cleans. I like that.

I also really like to have pretty soap put aside for little gifts. A bar of homemade soap and a hand-knitted washcloth is something that I like to give when I go to a blog meet or when a friend has a birthday. These handmade gifts, wrapped in brown paper and string, look great.

The third reason is that it’s personally very satisfying to produce something useful from nothing but a random bunch of ingredients. The same can be said of knitting and quilting, I guess. Being able to point at something that now exists in the world that wouldn’t be here if I wasn’t here is a nice feeling. (Pointing at the boys just doesn’t have the same effect…!)

Another reason why I like to do it is that I can personalise each batch. This batch of soap smells like eucalyptus. I’ve sprinkled dried cornflower and calendula petals over 3/4 of the top, but I’ve left a strip on the side free of petals because Ryan27 is a hairy guy and he doesn’t like to pick petals from his chest hair after having a shower. Fair enough. Sometimes I add rolled oats or poppy seeds (lovely and scratchy), food colourings, and different scents. Every batch is different.

The last reason is a hangover from the days when the boys and I were very, very broke and I had to stretch every dollar. Anything that I could do to stop a visit to the supermarket was a way to save money. Growing some of my own food and making things like soap is a way to limit setting foot in the supermarket and spending more money. I like the discipline of this, even though I no longer need to do it for financial survival.

It’s funny how the things that I once did to save even a few cents towards big things like the mortgage or the boys’ education are now the things that I choose to do for fun.

Smething that I was really looking forward to when Tom30 left home and Ryan27 was housesitting was how I was going to use up the food I had in the freezer and the zombie apocalypse cupboard during the 9 weeks when I’d be living on my own before I went away to Antarctica. During the lockdowns I’d bumped up the stores a bit and it seemed like now was the perfect opportunity to eat them down a bit.

I decided that I was going to keep supermarket visits to an absolute minimum and I’d spin out the meat I had by making vegetarian meals, using up the piles of lentils and beans I had hanging around. I was going to use up the frozen veggies I had – about 5 packets – and utilise what I had growing in the garden rather than buying fresh greens.

I have lots of longlife milk and milk powder, so that wouldn’t be a problem, though eggs, carrots and potatoes would be on the shopping list. I have heaps of stewed fruit that I’ve frozen as ice cubes. I have enough rice and bakers flour to sink a small ship, so all in all, I was in a great position to live out of my pantry for quite a long time.

The more I thought about it, the more excited I got. How long could I make everything last? This was going to be interesting! I didn’t set any specific targets… I just wanted to wing it and see how far I got.

Then two days later Ryan27 moved back home.


Now don’t get me wrong – I’m very happy that he’s happy to share a roof with me, but my frugal experiment went straight out the window. He wants to make a Mongolian sauce for me to try that he discovered when he was away, so I found myself at Aldi yesterday buying some broccoli that he wanted.

THIS WOULD NEVER HAVE HAPPENED IF I WAS ON MY OWN!!! I’D DO WITHOUT THE BROCCOLI!!! I know I could have refused to buy it, but I don’t think it’s fair to inflict my own little frugal games on unsuspecting housemates.

Another frugal entertainment is my reading challenge. This is in its third year and I LOVE it! In a nutshell, I have to pay over 2K in local council fees each year. I decided to try and “make’ those rates back by reading over 2K’s worth of library books, which are paid for by my local council.

Since I started it, the only books I’ve bought have been a couple of recipe books. I had no idea that my local library was so very well-stocked. I rarely go into my local branch and browse. Most of the time, I hear about a novel I’d like to read, jump on the library’s website and do a search. It’s a rare day when the library doesn’t have a copy of the book I want.

I’ve read literally thousands of dollars worth of books since I began this challenge. Obviously, I wouldn’t have bought all of those books myself, but I certainly would have bought quite a few. I’m addicted to reading and I always have 2 or 3 books on the go at any one time.

This challenge is fun. I have read so many books that I never would have bought for myself, I have the goal of meeting a dollar amount in a 12 month period so I can’t slacken off, and also have the satisfaction of gradually, book by book, ticking down to meet my goal.

I keep track of it on the side of this blog. It’s practically the only Maths that I enjoy.

Scrap quilts? I can spend hours upon happy hours creating quilts from fabric that’s been hanging around here for ever. Cheap as chips but when the quilts are finished, they look a million dollars. I love entertaining myself so happily and so cheaply.

I guess it’s that, as I get older, I’m getting more and more intolerant of waste. Waste of resources, waste of time, waste of money. The feeling of accomplishment and satisfaction when I can reduce any sort of waste is a precious one.

I don’t see why, just because I’ve reached financial independence, I should deny myself that feeling. Feeling accomplished and satisfied makes me happy. Frugality ticks so many boxes for me and – lets be frank – I didn’t retire just to turn around and give up one of the very things that make me happy.

Twenty-four hours later I unwrapped the soap and cut it into bars. Ryan27’s ‘pure’ unpetaled soap is already on the cake rack. It takes 6 weeks to dry before it’s ready to use, so once it was all cut, I carried it to the laundry where it’s safely tucked away, slowly curing.

I’ll probably have enough soap here for personal use and for gifts to last at least 6 months. It’s a small thing, but it fills my heart.

Dad joke of the day:

I had to read this one twice before I got it!

Wednesday W’s #40.

Sky at the backyard beach.

What’s top of my mind: My stint of living by myself appears to be over.

I only had 2 nights!!!!

Ryan27 is moving back in.

Where I’ve been: to see ‘Underwire.’

I saw Jenna’s cabaret show twice and it was GREAT! Lord knows, the kids know that I’m not the type of parent who gushes uncritically over everything they do. When it’s dodgy… I tell them. But when they do a great job, I tell them that too.

‘Underwire’ will be at the Adelaide Fringe and the Melbourne Comedy Festival later this year and next year. Definitely go along and see it. It’s an hour you’ll definitely enjoy.

Where I’m going: Kate’s place for dinner.

It’s Mum’s 82nd birthday today, so a few of us are meeting at my sister’s place for dinner.

What I’m reading: Stephen King’s Fairy Tale.

I’m halfway through and I’m really enjoying it. Like some of his door-stopper novels, it took a little while to get going but we’re definitely away now! An added bonus is that the protagonist loves his dog – definitely right up my alley.

What I’m watching: 1,000 pound Sisters.

Rarely have I seen a more unpleasant and stupid group of people. I do NOT recommend.

What I’m listening to: The Last Library – by Freya Sampson.

I’m up-to-date with all my podcasts so I needed an audiobook to have on the go. This one is a pleasant read about the imminent closing of a small-town library and how the community bands together to try and save it.

It mentions a lot of books, so I’m adding to my ‘To read one day’ list.

What I’m eating: Roast Lamb and Apple Crumble.

That’s what Mum has requested for her birthday dinner.

What I’m planning: Redecorating my lounge/dining/kitchen.

After I get back from Antarctica I’ll need a new project. I’m currently mulling over colours and window treatments.

Who needs a good slap: Those 1,000 pound sisters.

Honestly. Would it kill them to be nice to one another?

What has made me smile: Seeing Tom30 in his own place.

He’s so proud of his house. Ryan27 came over for dinner last night so I took him over to have a look at it. Tom30 absolutely LOVED showing his brother everything about his new house. It was really lovely to see.

Dad joke of the day:

Wednesday W’s #39.

What’s top of my mind: Only 2 more sleeps until Tom30 moves into his first place!

Here’s a little snap of the Man Cave, with all of Tom30’s packing in it. Melbourne had a 4 day weekend recently and he spent that time putting all his belongings into boxes. He’s been here since the end of February and it’ll seem weird to finally get the Man Cave back to the way it was.

When it started, his 90-day settlement seemed so far into the future. Now, it’s here. He gets the keys tomorrow and he’s taking the day off on Friday to move. He’s hired a truck to get all of the big things moved, as well as picking up a fridge a friend has promised him. I’ll be ferrying lots of little boxes over in my car.

Naturally, the weather forecast is for rain all day.

Where I’ve been: meeting my cousin for the third time ever.

Ahhh love! Who can tell where it strikes? Five decades ago, my aunt fell in love with a guy from Indiana and moved over there. A couple of decades later, she moved back. This means I have a couple of cousins in the states – one in LA and one in Brooklyn.

My aunt and her family came out to Australia and stayed with us once when we were kids. Since then, my younger cousin has come out twice to see his Mum.

He’s a really nice guy. It’s a shame that we live so far apart.

Where I’m going: Underwire.

Jenna and Evan26 are performing in this cabaret show that Jenna has written, all about her experiences growing up with enormous jugs from a very young age. They’ve both worked really hard on it and I can’t wait to see it. Tom30, David29 and Izzy went to see it on opening night and they came back raving about it.


I’m going on Friday and Saturday. I’m SO looking forward to it. Jenna is a talented woman. (Evan26 isn’t so bad either.)

What I’m reading: ‘Coronado’ by Dennis Lehane.

Freddy Smidlap recommended this collection of short stories (and a play script) in a comment a week or two ago. I jumped onto my local library and reserved it. So far, I’ve read all the short stories and I’m hoping to finish the play script before the end of today.

These stories are really good, but kind of sad. Life is hard for these characters and the unvarnished writing clearly depicts their situations with absolutely no sentimentality. I’m enjoying this collection.

What I’m watching: The Block.

For those who aren’t from here, The Block is a renovation show where 4 or 5 couples completely renovate properties in 12 weeks. I love it.

Every year the task gets bigger and bigger. I remember the first season was just getting couples to gently renovate 4 tiny apartments in Bondi. Now, 18 seasons later, they’re renovating and landscaping 500 square metre houses on 10 acres of land.

Every season, you wonder if they’re asking too much of the contestants and this year is no exception. THE MUD!!!! That alone would be enough to do my head in.

What I’m listening to: Shandee’s Legacy.

This is season 2 of the podcast ‘Shandee;s Story.’ This season they’re picking apart the court case that has the only forensic lab in Queensland being investigated for massive incompetence and possible corruption.

It’s incredible how badly this lab has performed over at least the last ten years. How many criminals have walked free because the lab didn’t detect their DNA? Also, there are possibly innocent people in jail because of similar DNA bungles. It’s horrifying.

What I’m eating: Roast lamb for dinner.

I promised Tom30 that I’d make a roast dinner for his last dinner home.

What I’m planning: My luggage to Antarctica.

I’m seriously thinking about only taking carry-on luggage to Antarctica. My American cousin showed me the carry-on bag that he’s been using for years and I think that with some super strategic packing (and wearing bulky fleece clothes on the plane) I might be able to do it.

‘Might’ is the operative word. I have essential ‘cold weather’ things that might make it impossible. Mum and Dad have a hand-held lugguge weighing thing that I’ll be borrowing, just to see if it’s possible.

I was at the travel agents yesterday to sort out my visa to Chile and we checked the weight requirements for carry-on. It seems that 10kg is what most airlines have as their limit. The actual bag I’d buy retails for around $600. This is why I’m typing this in front of a year 9 English class. Yes, two days of CRT work and I’ll have paid for it.

Ah well. It’s supposed to rain this afternoon so I may as well be in a classroom.

Who needs a good slap: Me, for buying a petrol lawn mower.

When we moved here to The Best House in Melbourne over 6 years ago, I wanted to buy an electric lawn mower. I’d had one before at the old place and it was so easy to use. But I stupidly had Ryan21 (as he was then) with me at the time and his testosterone made a petrol lawn mower an imperative. He was the one who was going to use it, so I capitulated and bought one.

Now, when Tom30 moves away, I’ll be alone in the house. Being Spring, the lawn is practically leaping out of the ground. The petrol lawn mower is a bugger to start and a PIA to keep supplied with petrol.

I’ve decided to give my mower to Tom30 – he has a big nature strip out the front of his house to mow and he has absolutely no spare money to buy a mower for himself – and I’ll zip off to Bunnings and buy the mower that I should have bought in the first place.

What has made me smile: Seeing Tom30 accomplish his goal.

Sometimes people wonder how second-generation FIRE kids grow up to handle their money. When Tom30 unexpectedly moved back home in February, his goal was to have enough saved for a deposit on a 2 BR unit/townhouse/apartment by the end of next year.

When he realised the opportunity he had to save by living with the delightful Frogdancer Jones, Ryan27 and the little woofs, he knuckled down and got the job done in 10 months.

Along the way, he discussed all his plans with me and we talked over possible strategies and ways to swing things to get to the amount of money he needed. Being an accountant who works with a lot of mortgage brokers, he was very good at the high-end financial stuff. I, on the other hand, am very good at the day-to-day strategies to make money stretch further.

I prefer to believe that the reason he achieved his goal so quickly was by being motivated by the chance to live rent-free and stack his money away, rather than being motivated by wanting to get the hell away from living with his Mum. As I said in the paragraph above…

I’m delightful…

Dad joke of the day:

I swallowed a book about synonyms.

It gave me thesaurus throat I’ve ever had.

Wednesday W’s #38.

What’s top of my mind: Finishing the dishcloths for Tom30.

There’s a week to go before Tom30 gets the keys to his first place. Ages ago he asked if I’d knit him some dishcloths for his kitchen, so all this week I’ve been knitting bamboo squares for him. I haven’t touched knitting needles for 2 years or so and ny hands are feeling it. Still, I want him to have at least 5 to take with him.

When your child actually asks you to make somethuing for them, you deliver! He’s also asked for a couch quilt too, but that’ll have to be a summer job.

Where I’ve been: sitting around waiting for my car to be fixed.

It’s been an expensive month for my little VW Golf. I bought her brand new 8 years ago and this is the first year I’ve had any problems. More on the saga below.

Where I’m going: out to lunch.

I’ve known Gill for as long as I’ve been working at my old school. She is an English teacher like me and so we’ve been friends and colleagues for 20 years or so.

She’s taking a term of long service leave, and unlike Frogdancer Jones, she has no desire to make a big farewell speech at the end-of-year staff function, so she’ll simply never return to her desk.

A group of us are gathering today to have lunch and to celebrate Gill’s magnificence.

What I’m reading: The Cabin at the End of the World.

I saw this one talked about on Twitter. M Night Shayamalan is making a movie based on this, called ‘Knock at the Cabin’, and people were raving about how good this novel is. I’m two chapters in and I’m liking it a lot. The author’s use of tension is very good.

What I’m watching: Spring come to the garden.

My back garden is pretty much all about the veggies, but my front garden is full of fruit trees and flowers. Every year it’s so lovely to see my old friends come back with colour. First thing in the morning, after I put the coffee on, I go outside to pick up after the little woofs. I can always tell when Spring has turned. One morning the air lacks the chill of winter and from then on it’s all happening.

I was planning to do lots with the garden this year but working so much has prevented that. Still, there’s always next year!

What I’m listening to: Jeff’s snoring.

When you choose to shre your life with cavaliers, the snoring is almost inevitable, Poppy’s not too bad, but Jeff’s a snuffly boy. I still remember Laura – she used to snore so loudly that I would wake in the middle of the night and hear her in her kennel al the way from the back yard.

What I’m eating: Potato chips.

I had everyone over for dinner last Saturday to celebrate our 3 September birthdays – mine, David29’s and Evan26’s – and we didn’t eat a couple of bags of potato chips. Well, it’d be a sin to let them go to waste, wouldn’t it?

What I’m planning: Two baby quilts.

Two young women from work are expecting babies next year. I like these girls very much, so they’re both getting a quilt before I leave for Antarctica. I was planning on finishing the Seaglass quilt top by then, but now it might have to wait until I get back.

Who needs a good slap: Whoever designed the cabin pressure valves in the boot of my car.

A while ago I mentioned on one of the blogs that my car boot was flooding. Turns out that the rubber on the cabin pressure valves had completely perished and so there were two holes on either side of my car that was letting water pour straight in. Not a quick job to find and fix – my car was there for 2 days.

A thousand dollars later, she’s back with me. Then, a day later, I bought some new tyres ($500) and found out that the rear brake pads and rotors are rusted. She’s going back to them on Monday to get them replaced… ($600. )

The picture at the top of this post is the rear left rotor thingy and brake pad. Apparently, they’re not meant to look like this.

Naturally September is rego ($900) and insurance ($700) month too. Of course it is!

What has made me smile: My son values my feedback.

Being a drama teacher, having a son who’s a performer is very satisfying. Listening to his podcast and going to see him and his partner perform their shows is joyous. Also, because I’m a drama teacher, I can’t turn off the critic… if something’s good, I say so. If something needs improvement or clarification, I’ll mention it too. It won’t help them in the long run if I try to polish any turds.

Thankfully, both Jenna and Evan26 are good at their craft, so the positive feedback far outweighs the constructive criticism. (I just knocked on wood whe I typed that. Jenna has a caberet show on next week that she wrote herself. I don’t want to jinx her.)

Yesterday, we were talking and he asked if I’d listened to the latest podcast. I said that I saw that one had dropped, but I was listening to a ‘Casefile’ episode that had awful child abuse on it and I had to keep going with it to find out if the police caught the people responsible. (Turns out, they did. Phew.) I said I’d listen to his podcast tomorrow.

He said that he’d be interested to hear what I thought as they were trying an idea he’d had. We briefly talked about what it was and I’ll be calling him tomorrow after I’ve heard it to let him know what I thought of it.

I don’t know… it’s a small thing, but I couldn’t help but smile when I hung up the phone. It feels special when your adult son cares enough about your opinion that he actually asks for feedback.

Dad joke of the day:

Wednesday W’s #37.

Two cavaliers are resting on a patchwork quilt.

What’s top of my mind: How lovely it is to have my days back.

Oof. Term is done.

The first day of the holidays I took the little woofs for a walk, then I sat and binged the last 11 episodes of ‘Better Call Saul.’ I’d already watched the first 2 eps and I THOUGHT that there were 10 episodes in the season. By the time I realised that there were actually 13, it was too late. My hand was set on the plough so I decided to see it through.

The next morning I had an intensely gripping time playing hours of Tetris. My high score is 95,000+.

Do you know what the good thing is? I can waste my time like this and I don’t feel the slightest bit guilty.

Where I’ve been: in bed, napping.

It hasn’t taken me long to rediscover the pleasures of the nanna nap. (In fact, I’m lying in bed right now, writing this.)

Where I’m going: out to the garden.

On Saturday I have the whole fambam coming over to celebrate the three September birthdays we have. I have a washing machine under a tarp and 3 bags of sugar cane mulch cluttering up the front verandah. I can’t do much about the washing machine – Tom30 doesn’t leave here for another 3 weeks – but at least I can spread out the mulch on the orchard and make the place look like someone cares for it.

What I’m reading: Two Nights in Lisbon.

I saw this on Twitter when Stephen King recommended it. I’m only 50 pages in, but I think I’m going to like it.

What I’m watching: The Orville Season 3.

HOW I love this show! I waited until the season finished before starting to watch it, so I can binge it if I want to. For Aussie readers, it’s on SBS catch-up, along with The Handmaid’s Tale. (Now there’s another excellent show!)

What I’m listening to: Argh!

I’m wrestling with the decision of whether to wait until the new book in ‘The Thursday Murder Club’ becomes available to me at the library, or whether to jump in and listen to it on Audiobook instead.

The hard copy is my preference, but I accidentally reserved the audio version, thinking that it was an eBook. I’ve read the first two in regular book format… I don’t know that I want to have someone reading the third one to me.

While you were reading this, I checked the queue on the hold at the library for the book version. I’m 44th in line. I guess my decision’s made!

What I’m eating: Pumpkin Soup.

Remember all of those pumpkin-y things I grew that took over the whole front yard? I discovered that I still have two chopped-up bags of them in the freezer. There’s enough in each bag to make a batch of the Skinnymixers Curried Pumpkin Soup. Seeing as the weather is warming up, I thought I’d better get onto it.

Lunch is served for the next few days!

What I’m planning: to organise my visas.

I need visas for Chile and Argentina, but for some reason I’m dragging my feet to get this done. Maybe I’ll get to it tomorrow.

Who needs a good slap: Me.

I really need to get those visas done and dusted.

What has made me smile: Seeing the blossoms appearing in the garden.

Spring is definitely here.

I have two maple trees in front of my house. One has bright red leaves all year round, which are just now starting to appear. My plum trees are covered in white blossoms and my iris clump is beginning to flower. The kangaroo paws are sprouting way more flowers than last year.

All’s right with the world.

Dad joke of the day:

Wednesday W’s #36.

What’s top of my mind: Jeffrey waking up earlier than the alarm.

When I retired back in 2020, it took the little woofs around 8 months to stop waking up early. We were all sleeping in until 8… sometimes even 8:30. It was bliss.

Now, he’s waking up at 6:20 on the dot. Every morning. EVERY morning.

Where I’ve been: Carlton North for a dance performance.

One of the guys who does integration is married to the new Theatre Studies teacher. I didn’t realise that he’s also a dancer. A few of us from work went to see his latest performance. It was an interesting idea – a series of 4 shows that are all totally improvised. Basically, you could go to all 4 shows and see a different performance each night.

It was mainly performed in silence, with only minimal music being used.

Where I’m going: To school for two more days.

I have 2 sets of tests to mark and then a couple more days to get through and then I’ll have my life back. The holidays are so close I can almost smell them…

What I’m watching: ‘The Serpent Queen’ on Stan.

When I was a teenager I discovered Jean Plaidy, the author. She was the first writer I found who wrote detailed historical fiction, which is a genre I still hold dear to my heart today. I absolutely LOVE history, and learning about it in novel form is a great way to learn.

She wrote a trilogy about Catherine de Medici, the young Italian girl from a wealthy but lowly family who ended up becoming the Queen of France and the mother of many kings.

Madame Serpent, The Italian Woman, and Queen Jezebel detail the life of one of the most unpleasant women in history. Catherine de Medici wasn’t a woman you’d want to get on the wrong side of – people who opposed her seemed to die in the strangest of ways. These books don’t sugar-coat anything but still make her sympathetic to the reader… we see the people and forces who moulded her to be the woman she became.

I used to own these books but over the years they’ve disappeared. I’d love to read them again. But at least I can watch the tv show in the meantime.

What I’m reading: An Adrian McKinty book.

I’m working my way through his novels, but this current one is an early one. It’s not really grabbing me.

What I’m listening to: Kids whispering to each other.

Next period we’re having a test. The kids are having a period of revision, but they’ve clearly moved on to other things. They’re all very quiet, but the level of whispering has risen in the last 5 minutes. I can’t say I blame them. We’re all just hanging out for the term to end.

What I’m eating: Lentil Bolognese.

I should have halved the recipe. This’ll be the third night I’ll be eating it and I’m sure it won’t all be used up.

What I’m planning: NOTHING.

I’m just going to stay at home and chill for a while. Only 2 days to go…

Who needs a good slap: Tom30.

For some weird reason, Tom30 enjoys eating a tin of mackerel with brown rice. Last night he made some for dinner and then left the tin, filled with water, in the sink instead of taking it out to the recycling. This morning when I went to the kitchen to make my morning coffee, I could smell the faint aroma of fish. He left for work without taking the tin out.

Not happy Jan.

What has made me smile: The prospect of FREEDOM.

Not long to go now!

Dad joke of the day:

What do you call a guy who is in debt?


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