Financially Independent, Retired Early(ish) at 57.

Little Adventures #4 – The other side of the bridge. August 2021

Suburban path over bridge.

With only one more day to go before August finishes, I knew I had to think quickly to tick off this month’s Little Adventure. We’re still in strict lockdown in Melbourne, so I could only travel within 5kms of The Best House in Melbourne. Where could I go?

Then it dawned on me. The little woofs and I have walked along the river many times. But… was there a track that went under the bridge and kept going? I decided that we should explore. I drove to the top of the bridge, then we jumped out of the car to do just that.

Fork in the path.

Look at this! My memory hadn’t deceived me. Flushed with the spirit of adventure, we set off under the bridge.

River under bridge.

As we walked under one set of traffic, the sound of running water was pretty loud.

Then there was a set of footsteps behind me. A guy in a tracksuit was walking near us. he kept back on our left, then suddenly walked quickly forward to veer off towards the river off the path.

Hole in wire fence.

Then I heard the jangling of a wire fence. He’d jumped through this hole so he could walk beside the river. Meanwhile, like law-abiding citizens, we kept walking on the gravel park, with a chain-link fence between us and the river.

End of wire fence.

Until, no more than 20 steps later, the fence ended. Made me wonder what the point of jumping through the hole in the fence was.

Grass and trees.

On my right was this view.

Low building on the other riverbank.

On our left. This is a water sports centre, I think.

Deserted gravel path.

The sun was out and the wind was blowing. This side of the bridge path was pretty well deserted. I kept looking back to keep tabs on the tracksuited guy. He’d stopped on the riverbank opposite the water sports place and was doing some sort of callisthenics. I didn’t want him to sneak up on us unawares… I’ve listened to too many episodes of Casefile! Better be safe than sorry; it’s not as if I’m walking with guard dogs, after all.

Bent tree with yellow flowers underneath.

I thought this tree was pretty.

Sparkling water.

The sunshine was making the river sparkle. It was all very quiet and serene.

Poppy and the path.

Judging by the tyre tracks in the gravel, walkers aren’t the only people who use this path.

Then, just as I was trying to get the little woofs to stay still so I could get a decent photo… WHOOSH!

Bike, path and dog.

We were overtaken.

Bridge and river.

After around half an hour we turned to head back to the car. This bridge is a lot lower than I ever realised when I was driving over it.

Jeff beside the path.

There are signs warning of possible flooding on the path, which isn’t surprising as you can see how close it is to the level of the river. This is Jeff giving a happy look back. He loves his walks.


And there’s the river leading back towards home.

I’m pleased I snuck this Little Adventure in – just in the nick of time.

I wonder what else I’ll discover within 5kms of home while lockdown exists?


  1. Helen Kuriata

    You could take up waterskiing, living so close to the water sports centre! 😉

    • FrogdancerJones

      If only you didn’t have to get wet while doing it!

  2. Kathy Aylward

    Looks like a really nice walk in the sunshine and so close to home too.

  3. Budget Life List

    The trail is similar to the one near our house too. We dont have a water complex here but its scenic, peaceful, and a perfect distance from home and nowhere near the 500-year flood zone.

    • FrogdancerJones

      We don’t go to the river much, mainly because I don’t think Scout likes the feel of the gravel on her feet.
      But every now and then she has to suck it up while we enjoy the pelicans. 🙂

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