Nothing like starting off the new year with a Little Adventure – especially when I’ll be jumping on a ferry to go to an actual island on the first day back at school for teachers.
Kangaroo Island is a large blob at the bottom of South Australia and is well-known for its foodie crops like cheese and honey, along with a seal colony and lots of nature walks. Cafés and wine bars are of course a staple. When I had a Little Adventure in South Australia back in April 2021 I drove down to where the ferry docked and thought, “One day I’ll go over there and see Kangaroo Island.”
Soon, I’ll be there.
I left home at 6:20 AM to drive to Adelaide, where I’ll be staying for a few days with Jenna’s family. I drove all day, only stopping once for lunch at a little place called Kaniva.

It has wheat silo art, which is what made me get out of the car. Then the other art on the main drag persuaded me to stop for lunch.

I love the brown kelpie sitting at the back.

Sheep and pigs were dotted up and down the main street. It’s a smart move by the locals. I’m sure I wouldn’t be the only one to stop for a break here.
In the afternoon the rain came down. I could hardly see the road at times, but honestly, if you’re going to have a driving day on a holiday, you may as well let the bad weather use itself upon that day. Hopefully by the time I get to the island, the rain will have moved on and I’ll be left with nothing but sunshine!

Two days later Jenna’s parents gave me a quick tour of Adelaide, ending up at Semaphore, a trendy beachside town. We popped into a local bakery for lunch, then wandered out along the jetty.

It was a stunning day.

The local lifesavers were out doing something-or-other on the beach, while on the other side of the jetty…

… there was a spot of beach cricket going on.

There are a lot of impressive homes along the foreshore. I liked the look of this one.

We were just about to head off back to the car when Andrew, Jenna’s dad, called us back. He’s found a pet lizard, sunning itself on the base of a statue.

When I was last in Adelaide in 2021, Jenna’s parents took me to a winery where they bought me this very expensive bottle of wine. I told them that I’d save it until I was 60, then we’d open it together.
I’m a woman of my word. On my last night with them, we enjoyed it.
I had a lovely few days with them. It’s a lucky thing when you get on with your in-laws.

Then it was time to leave Adelaide and get onto Kangaroo Island. It’s a 2 hour drive down to the Jervis Bay ferry.
I tell you… they sting you on the ferry! I remember years ago when I was in the Barefoot Investor’s investment club, one of the recommendations he gave was Sealink. The reasoning was that they were the only option for people to get cars etc to various islands that they service.
To bring my car to Kangaroo Island and back was in the high 300’s.
I picked up a brochure at the ferry place, and while I was waiting to board I read through it and circled the things I thought might be interesting to see. I dd my research! Better late than never,

Here’s the road leading out of the first town and on towards the rest of the island. Apparently the place is quite big. As Jenna’s Dad said, “You could fit 10 Malta’s in there!”

And here’s the view from my window. Both a pool AND a sea view.
From the little I’ve seen so far, this place looks stunning. The weather is terrific and I have 3 full days to explore.
Dad joke of the day:

Having an adventure when everyone returns to work makes it all the more delicious. I can’t drive for 8 hours – how do stay awake?
Love the dad joke.
I ate Minties to keep myself awake. I was also listening to a very good podcast by Trevor Noah – his guests were really interesting. Also, the torrential rain as I was coming into Adelaide helped!
Sounds like a great start to your adventure
Wait till you hear about Monday…!