Look at this. What does it remind you of?
YES!!! Holidays! Teeny little shampoos, shower gels and conditioners. We all have them kicking around our bathroom cabinets.
In these dreary lockdown days, I’ve decided to use up all of these little bits and bobs. For a few minutes every morning when I jump into the shower – yeah babyyyyy!!! I’m on holidays!

I was amazed when I unearthed this one. I’m pretty sure that this was from when I took the boys to Thailand – back in 2007. (By the way – this is why I like blogging. I read through this blog post and there was so much detail that I’d forgotten. And yes; I still have and love the emerald ring.)

Once I get through all of the mini body washes I have quite a few little cakes of soap to enjoy. I’m currently on my last bar of homemade soap, so soon I’ll be mixing up a new batch for Christmas presents and working my way through the tourist ones.
But there’s also an over-abundance of hand lotion…

So many tubes of hand lotion. I’m ashamed to say that I always forget to use it, so gifts and motel ones have multiplied over the years. This one pictured above is the last of a pack of three that I bought in Pyongyang, North Korea, mainly to freak out the people in my staffroom. We used to have ‘Handcream Friday’ every week, so I thought they’d like a new and exciting option of Horse Oil.
Not all of them took up the challenge, especially the vegetarians.
Surprisingly, this is one of the nicest hand creams I’ve ever used. Its texture is lovely and the scent is beautiful. I’m going to go into mourning when my last ever Horse Oil moisturiser is gone.
After 3 weeks of consistently using hand lotion, my old, withered crone hands are looking youthful and dewy. I have tiny little scars on the backs of my hands from when I bred Cavalier King Charles Spaniels – puppy teeth are sharp – and now you can barely see them.
So if lockdown is getting you down and you have some little souvenirs like this, drag them out and start using them. It’s a little bit of fun. 🙂
Dad Joke of the Day:
Is it just me, or are nuts over-the-top expensive?
The last packet I bought cost me an almond a leg.
My soaps all head to the main bathroom which is now a guest bathroom since it’s just the two of us. Shampoos etc are in a bag in the caravan for the times we use the main shower block instead of the one in the caravan. At least that way they get used. Not looking forward to mask wearing again when we get back from our holiday.
Lately every day has been a holiday for you, not just the mornings!
Your trip looks really enjoyable.
I think its hilarious that you bought lotion to freak out your coworkers.
Job. Well. Done. 😆
You should’ve seen their faces!
I’m almost through my stash of little bar soaps, but for a different reason – I’m determined to drastically reduce my consumption of plastic bottles and packaging. All the gifts of soaps are wonderful and I’ve even gone to bar shampoo and conditioner. Do you have any recipes for those? They would make a lovely set, and save the planet!