Financially Independent, Retired Early(ish) at 57.

Wednesday W’s #84.

What’s top of my mind: My lounge room.

Today I picked up the carpet offcut/rug that I ordered a couple of weeks ago. (This section is a copy-and-paste from the frogblog, so if you’ve already read it, jump to the next answer.)

My sister Kate suggested this, as it’s much cheaper than buying a huge rug to cover the space.

Funny story: I measured the space that I wanted the rug to define (my lounge room) and it came to 3m X 3m. I saw a suitable piece and ordered that size. For some reason, the next morning I decided to measure it again and I realised that it was too small. ARGH! I needed a piece of 3m X 3.2m.

I rang the carpet place in a mad panic. Nope, they’d already cut it. Oh well. It meant that instead of the 3 seater couch having all its legs on the rug, only the front two would.

I went to bed and had a nap. Twenty minutes in, I sat bolt upright. Why don’t I get another piece sewn back on the end? Most of the seam is going to be under the couch anyway!

I rang the carpet place. Yes it could be done. And you honestly wouldn’t notice it’s even there if I didn’t hunt for it and show you.

And the price? Just over $500. A ‘proper’ rug of comparable size is at least 3 times that.

So I’m happy.

Where I’m going: Noble Park

See below…

Where I’ve been: JB Hi Fi

You might have noticed that the couches are facing a bare wall. This is because I’m going to have a 65″ new TV mounted there, with a sound bar mounted underneath. David30 and Ryan28 are going to do the work, which will save me $300 or more.

The room is going to look amazing, especially when I add a bigger coffee table and a lamp or two. (I heard what Neale Whitaker said on The Block – “every living area needs lamps!!!”)

What I’m reading: Everyone on the train is a suspect – Benjamin Stephenson.

This is a cracker! It’s written by the guy who wrote “Everyone in my family has killed someone” that I read last year sometime. I just love how this author writes. There are some literal Laugh Out Loud lines and the way the narrator tells the tale is utterly different to any crime narrator I’ve ever read. Definitely a big THUMBS UP from me.

Roald Dahl’s Ghost Stories – Honestly, don’t bother. This s a collection of stories he complied as being the best of the best. All I can say is – they must’ve scared a lot easier back in his time than we do now.

So Late in the Day – Clare Keegan

This has been released as a novella and it’s beautiful. I read it in one sitting and days later, I’m still thinking about what went on.

What I’m watching: Outlander season 7.

I’ll be finishing this tonight – I have 3 episodes to go. How I love these novels and the tv show!

They have stayed really true to what happens in the novels, which pleases me greatly.

What I’m listening to: a fly’s buzzing.

I have no idea how it got in, but now it’s trying to find a way out. It’s driving me crazy…

What I’m eating: boiled eggs and an avo.

Can’t wait until my avocado trees start producing fruit.

What I’m planning: a drive to Noble Park tonight.

I want to get Ryan28 some jewellery for their birthday, and I think I’ve seen something they’ll like on Marketplace.

Reminds me that I actually went onto Marketplace to put my crazy-legged bureau and little coffee table up for sale. I got distracted.

Anyway, I’m hoping to be home before they are. Shhhh!

Who needs a thumbs up: whoever sewed the extra bit on my carpet.

Whoever they were, they’ve done a sensational job. I’m impressed.

What has made me smile: the way my house is suddenly coming together.

The impetus for all the work being done was the big party last week, but the momentum is still going.

As I get each new thing completed, it makes me so happy that I’ll be spending my retirement days at home in a place that I know is really pleasant to be. So even though I’m spending a lot of money right now, I think that it’ll pay emotional dividends in years to come, as I can relax and enjoy my beautiful surroundings.

Which reminds me… as soon as I press publish, I’d better go and water all of those veggie seedlings.

Dad joke of the day:


  1. Loretta

    Please share where you bought the rug off cuts! I need to do this too. And loving the wall colour.

    • FrogdancerJones

      Just go to any carpet retailer. They all do this. They just overlock around the edges.
      But make sure you get your measurements absolutely correct first!

  2. Josie

    It’s wonderful to read how you are making your home beautiful to enjoy in your (full-time!!) retirement. So often we hear of people who prepped their home for sale and then wished they had done it while they were still going to live there. Enjoy!

  3. sandyg61

    The rug looks great. We have our new tv on the wall and it’s the best thing we did. Those books sound interesting.

    • FrogdancerJones

      I’ve just booked an installer to come and do the job of putting the tv and soundbar on the wall. The boys were going to do it but it was going to be a lot of mucking around – and I’d have to hire an electrician.

  4. Maureen Carreau

    I like the sound of “emotional dividends” and they are just as valuable as financial ones. Your house is looking beautiful.

    • FrogdancerJones

      Thank you! My tv and soundbar are getting mounted on the wall this morning. I’m ridiculously excited about it!

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