What’s top of my mind: The year 8’s are STILL studying ‘Bend it Like Beckham.’
Over my time at this school, I would have seen this film about 50 times. Don’t get me wrong – it’s an entertaining movie with really good themes, but I would’ve thought that there’d be something more modern by now for the kids to look at.
But hey. At least I get to look at Jonathan Rhys Meyers for a couple of periods today!
Where I’ve been: The couch on the front verandah.
I’ve read a ton of books over the last couple of weeks. It’s nice to take a cuppa out and sit in the sunshine.
Where I’m going: The Apple store (maybe).
I might need an airTag.
See below.
What I’m reading: ‘The Marriage Portrait’ by Maggie O’Farrell.
Just about every English class I’ve ever taught has had a look at my favourite poem. ‘My Last Duchess’ by Robert Browning. The masterly reveal of the psychopathic Duke is so beautifully done.
The real-life inspiration for this poem is widely believed to be Lucretia de Medici. She is also the protagonist of this novel. Imagine. Married at 15, dead a year later. Her husband ended up having 3 wives – no children. Not even illegitimate ones. But of course, it’s the women’s fault…
What I’m watching: Bend it Like Beckham.
The soundtrack is in my ears. I’ve seen it so many times that I don’t have to look at the screen to know exactly what’s happening.
What I’m listening to: The Bend it Like Beckham soundtrack.
See above.
I’m also listening to ‘Shandee’s Legacy’ – the podcast about the public inquiry into the appalling behaviour and dereliction of duty that the Queensland DNA lab has been doing over the last 10 years. This was uncovered during the podcast called ‘Shandee’s story’ which looked at the ‘unsolved’ murder of Shandee Blackburn in 2012.
(I put ‘unsolved’ in inverted commas because even though her ex-boyfriend was acquitted in a trial, TWO coronial inquests have named him as the probable murderer. He got off mainly due to the lack of DNA evidence.)
The court revelations are incredible. It’s week 5 and the last two eps, in particular, are explosive. It’s mind-blowing that hundreds, probably thousands, of crimes in Queensland have gone unsolved because the DNA lab was either lazy or incompetent.
The craziest thing about it is that it’d still be going on if the original podcast of ‘Shandee’s Story’ hadn’t asked a DNA scientist to explain some of the findings and she got very worried about what she was seeing.
What I’m eating: Salads.
David29 has put his back out and is coming over tonight to get a myo treatment from Ryan27. He’s staying for dinner, so I’ll be making a roast chook and a couple of different salads. Yum!
What I’m planning: My trip.
The tour company sent lots of forms etc on the weekend, along with a brochure of info from the actual ship. I’ve been jolted into reality – it’s only about 4 weeks until I go to the airport.
I was going to buy a carry-on suitcase, but luckily Blogless Sandy has Just The Thing, so a trip to the peninsula is on the cards so I can pick it up. Then I have to make the decision – can I manage with just carry-on, or will I have to take some checked baggage with me as well? I have FOUR flights each way, so I’m worried about my suitcase going astray.
Who needs a good slap: Baggage handlers.
I’ve never had to worry about this before, but it seems like every time I hop on Twitter there’s another tale of woe about baggage going missing.
What has made me smile: Putting the Christmas List together.
It’s not long now!
I just love Christmas.
Dad joke of the day:

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