What’s top of my mind: It’s HUMP DAY!
Today is the midpoint of my 7-week stint of working full time AND it’s also a payday, which sweetens the deal even more. It’s all a sweet slide downhill from here, baby!
I’ll probably write a full post on how I’m finding it all, seeing as I’m at this point of the contract. It’s been interesting in a few different ways.
Where I’ve been: Out to dinner.
I have a friend that I met when Evan25 was a tiny little Evan2. Every now and then we catch up, usually for lunch or dinner. Over the last couple of years, I’ve hosted dinner at mine to avoid being around lots of people in a crowded restaurant. Seems a bit silly to wear a mask everywhere I go and then court covid by eating a meal that I can just as easily make at home.
However, we went to eat at an Indian/Nepalese restaurant in Mordialloc. When we first arrived there were only 3 other couples there and I was relieved. But then, of course, half of Melbourne stampeded in and the place was packed.
It was noisy, so I didn’t wear a mask because I knew my friend wouldn’t be able to hear me if I did. The food was good – although the Butter Chicken was way too sweet – but being around lots of people without masks, all projecting their voices in a confined space started to worry me. I was pleased to catch up with my friend, but I was glad when we decided to go.
Where I’m going: Jenna’s play.
Evan25’s girlfriend is acting, directing and producing a play written by one of her friends. I’m taking myself along to see it on Friday night. Selfishly, I wish that it was closer, but it’s in North Melbourne. *sigh*
What I’m watching: The Block.
I don’t watch a lot of free-to-air shows but The Block is one of the few shows I’m prepared to sit through ads to see.
What I’m reading: The Sean Duffy novels.
I’m really enjoying this series. They’re set in Belfast, Ireland, during the Troubles in the 1980’s, which up until now was a time I knew very little about. I remember seeing riots and bombings on the news sometimes, but it was all so far away on the other side of the world.
Sean Duffy is a Catholic policeman, working in the predominantly Protestant police force of Belfast. The author is clearly a music lover, as the novels are chock-full of music references, which as a person living through their 20’s in the 1980’s, brings back many memories. The plots are suspenseful and I’m reaching the ends desperate to see how they turn out.
I’m onto the third book, with 3 more to go. Would recommend.
What I’m listening to: The little woofs.
At first, they used to start barking when they heard the gate opening, but now they’re waiting until I walk onto the front verandah. As I’m putting my key to the door I can hear the girls start going nuts, describing how they’ve been left alone all day like animals, while Jeffrey just chills and waits on the couch for me to come to him.
I’m sure the whole street can hear when I’m home.
What I’m eating: Biccies and cheese.
Every now and then we have morning tea provided for us. Fruit, sweet biscuits and biccies and cheese. It’s a nice little treat and it sets you up for the rest of the day. 🙂
What I’m planning: Nothing.
I’m just living my life, one day at a time.
Who needs a good slap: ME.
Well, not so much now, but if I ever sign up for such a long stint of work again, then yes. Definitely slap me.
What has made me smile: Today.
I’m chuffed that I’ve reached the halfway point. For a while there I was feeling like I wasn’t making progress at all…
Dad joke of the day:
Genie: So what is your final wish?
Me: I wish I was you.
Genie: Weurd, but alrught.
I totally understand how you feel about the longer stint of working after going back for three months last year. Never again. Retirement life is good.
Must check out those books. Have you seen the movie Belfast?
Yes, Tom30 has it and we watched it together. It was great.
I’ll probably still do the odd day of CRT next year for fun, but this constant grind isn’t wonderful. I just got news that one of my high school classmates is in hospital with lung cancer. Life is indeed too short to waste.