Financially Independent, Retired Early(ish) at 57.

Frugal Friday: See you later!

This book just came up on my library holds. When I reserved it, I was number 39 in the queue. I didn’t know if I could stop myself from buying it. After all, I have the previous 8 books in my kindle app. But here we are – frugality for the win. But I had to wait 4 months to dive into it.

Anyone who hasn’t read the “Outlander‘ novels, (or at the very least, seen the series), is missing out big time.

It’s 900 pages – with very small font – of Claire and Jamie magnificence. So much to read!! I’m so happy.

See you on the other side!


  1. Nicola Stidever

    Only trouble is, when so many people have placed reservations, you only get 2 weeks to read them 🥺 (At least with our library anyway.)
    I struggle with that with long books!

    • FrogdancerJones

      I’m a speed reader. I’m onto it, baby!!!!

  2. Karen Rojahn

    You will love it! I couldn’t wait and bought it. However, I’ll pass it on to a friend who’ll pass it on to a friend….

    • FrogdancerJones

      The circle of life. Or reading.
      Whichever, it’s all good. I’m 113 pages in so far.

  3. Wendy Sparks

    Oh – I know – I am a couple of hundred pages in. I wish I could just put the world on hold so I can devote all of my time to reading…lol

    • FrogdancerJones

      Haha. I CAN do that… I’m 113 pages in (I had to finish 3 Murderbot novellas before I started.) Now I’m all ready to immerse myself into the Outlander world.

  4. Jan

    Thats first on my list when I retire in a few weeks, can’t wait!

  5. sandyg61

    I love the hold system. Just watched a DVD that I put on hold when I first re-joined the library about 4 months ago.
    Never read or watched Outlander I’m afraid.

  6. bethh

    Enjoy!!! I stalked the library catalog for that title diligently as soon as it was announced and was NUMBER ONE on the hold list – will never happen again! I still work but read the book in a week.

    Now I’ve got a hold for the e-book so I can reread. I’ve frozen the hold and will activate it when I’ve floated to the top of the queue and it’s a convenient time to read (that’s my favorite library trick!).

    • FrogdancerJones

      I’ve just been notified that I have another book on hold that’s available, but I’ll be waiting a few days until I pick it up.

  7. Kelly

    I loooove these books and series. One of the few that I’m collecting. I bought the book but need to finish another before I get lost in this one!

    • FrogdancerJones

      I’m about 2/3 through now. It’s all-encompassing.

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