What’s top of my mind: Nothing.
Nothing is at the top of my mind.
I’m just chillin’, baby.
Where I’m going: out to lunch with Izzy.
When I picked up my reading glasses from Specsavers, I had lunch with Izzy while I was there. It occurred to my brilliant brain that this might be a fun thing to do every now and then, so in a couple of hours I’ll be heading off to where she works.
Sushi and a chat on a Wednesday lunchtime with my daughter-in-law. Sounds nice, doesn’t it?

Where I’ve been: in the backyard shaving my dogs.
No, that’s NOT a euphemism.
It’s been a weird old summer so far, but now the hot weather is here and the cavaliers needed to get their spay/neuter coats off. Poppy, in particular, was beginning to look like an explosion.
My sister isn’t doing this for me anymore, which is fair enough as she intends to let her new dog grow his coat. So it was up to Georgia and me to do the deed.
The little woofs were surprisingly good. It was all done and dusted in about an hour which coincidentally was around the same time that Scout was preparing to DIE from jealousy at all the attention the others were getting.
The photo is Poppy, now looking sleek and lithe. It’s amazing how much dog is NOT under all that fur.
What I’m reading: ‘Did I Ever Tell You This?’ by Sam Neill.
I’ve always loved Sam Neill, so his memoir was an absolute ‘must-read’ for me. I enjoyed it – particularly two stories. One about Judy Davis (where NO punches are pulled) and the other about James Mason.
Some people have the most incredible lives.

What I’m watching: Australian Survivor.
We just passed Day 26, which was Merge. On US Survivor, that’s when the show ends. And the poor things think that they’re doing it tough!
What I’m listening to: Nothing.
Most days I keep the house really quiet. No music, no podcasts; just natural sounds. I think it’s a reaction to being in a large, noisy school for so long.

What I’m eating: Wraps.
It’s supposed to be 37C today, so I’m thinking that salad wraps will be just the ticket for dinner tonight. Georgia has their first on-campus day at Uni today, so I think they’ll appreciate that too.
Plus sushi for lunch!

What I’m planning: Travel Insurance.
Today is a ‘Spend’ day, because sushi, so I’ll be buying my travel insurance for the Ghan adventure today. I should have done it on the day I booked it, but I can’t help that now!
Who deserves a thumbs-up: My cousin.
My aunt on my Dad’s side has two children, but they both live in the States. She, however, moved back here when her marriage broke up.
She lives near my cousin R, (also on my Dad’s side) who, over the years as my aunt has grown increasingly frail, has taken our aunt under her wing and kept and eye on her.
My cousin is a very compassionate person. She looked after her mother’s husband for years after her Mum died, and is now doing the same thing for my aunt. There are lots of decisions and day-to-day things that simply can’t be attended to from the other side of the world when it comes to the care of an elderly person.
My US cousins are very lucky that R is around.

What has made me smile: The tomatoes are finally coming to an end.
Yes, I know that I was ecstatic to have tomatoes to harvest after 3 years of nothing, but my freezer is full. I can’t take much more!!!
Dad joke of the day:

when we were inundated with tomatoes, we used a lot for bruschetta and a simple pasta dish. Sauté the tomatoes and onions in EVOO with some fresh basil and serve with pasta and sliced feta cheese. Very light so good even in summer!
And a big thumbs up for your cousin! That level of compassion is so rare!
Yes, my cousin is one of the good ones.
Another big thumbs up to your cousin. We (by we, I mean: mostly my husband) are dealing with his father’s decline, and find that there are tons of decisions and errands to be run. This takes lots of time and energy, even if we aren’t providing the hands on care 24/7.
Yes, it’s a big job.