What’s top of my mind: Jeffrey waking up earlier than the alarm.
When I retired back in 2020, it took the little woofs around 8 months to stop waking up early. We were all sleeping in until 8… sometimes even 8:30. It was bliss.
Now, he’s waking up at 6:20 on the dot. Every morning. EVERY morning.
Where I’ve been: Carlton North for a dance performance.
One of the guys who does integration is married to the new Theatre Studies teacher. I didn’t realise that he’s also a dancer. A few of us from work went to see his latest performance. It was an interesting idea – a series of 4 shows that are all totally improvised. Basically, you could go to all 4 shows and see a different performance each night.
It was mainly performed in silence, with only minimal music being used.
Where I’m going: To school for two more days.
I have 2 sets of tests to mark and then a couple more days to get through and then I’ll have my life back. The holidays are so close I can almost smell them…
What I’m watching: ‘The Serpent Queen’ on Stan.
When I was a teenager I discovered Jean Plaidy, the author. She was the first writer I found who wrote detailed historical fiction, which is a genre I still hold dear to my heart today. I absolutely LOVE history, and learning about it in novel form is a great way to learn.
She wrote a trilogy about Catherine de Medici, the young Italian girl from a wealthy but lowly family who ended up becoming the Queen of France and the mother of many kings.
Madame Serpent, The Italian Woman, and Queen Jezebel detail the life of one of the most unpleasant women in history. Catherine de Medici wasn’t a woman you’d want to get on the wrong side of – people who opposed her seemed to die in the strangest of ways. These books don’t sugar-coat anything but still make her sympathetic to the reader… we see the people and forces who moulded her to be the woman she became.
I used to own these books but over the years they’ve disappeared. I’d love to read them again. But at least I can watch the tv show in the meantime.
What I’m reading: An Adrian McKinty book.
I’m working my way through his novels, but this current one is an early one. It’s not really grabbing me.
What I’m listening to: Kids whispering to each other.
Next period we’re having a test. The kids are having a period of revision, but they’ve clearly moved on to other things. They’re all very quiet, but the level of whispering has risen in the last 5 minutes. I can’t say I blame them. We’re all just hanging out for the term to end.
What I’m eating: Lentil Bolognese.
I should have halved the recipe. This’ll be the third night I’ll be eating it and I’m sure it won’t all be used up.
What I’m planning: NOTHING.
I’m just going to stay at home and chill for a while. Only 2 days to go…
Who needs a good slap: Tom30.
For some weird reason, Tom30 enjoys eating a tin of mackerel with brown rice. Last night he made some for dinner and then left the tin, filled with water, in the sink instead of taking it out to the recycling. This morning when I went to the kitchen to make my morning coffee, I could smell the faint aroma of fish. He left for work without taking the tin out.
Not happy Jan.
What has made me smile: The prospect of FREEDOM.
Not long to go now!
Dad joke of the day:
What do you call a guy who is in debt?
Can you freeze some of the lentil bolognese to have a night you don’t want to cook because you are enjoying a great book 🙂
And thanks for still posting while The Job is draining you!
Two serves of that lentil bolognese is in the fridge as we speak. Even I couldn’t face a 4th dinner in a row of the same meal!
I can’t help thinking of Mel Gibson in ‘Braveheart’ when I see this!
For me it’s Janis Joplin.
Oooo that’s much better!