What’s top of my mind: He was found guilty!
Over the course of these Wednesday W’s I’ve mentioned that I’ve been listening to ‘The Teacher’s Trial’, a podcast about the ongoing trial of Christopher Dawson, who was accused of murdering his first wife 40 years ago. He was only brought to justice when a podcast about Lynette Dawson’s disappearance, called ‘The Teacher’s Pet’, was made in 2018 and revived interest in this very cold case.
In the 1980’s Chris Dawson was a professional rugby player who was also a PE teacher. He groomed and had a sexual relationship with a student and clearly became obsessed with her. Three days after his wife inexplicably disappeared, leaving behind all her belongings (including her contact lenses), he moved this teenager into his home and bed, telling her, “Lyn’s not coming back.”
Supposedly Lyn, the devoted mother of two little girls aged 2 and 4, deserted everyone in her life to go and live in a commune somewhere. It sounds dodgy as, doesn’t it? Yet for forty years he was able to live his life, raise those little girls and tell the world that Lynette was a selfish person who deserted him.
He literally nearly got away with murder.
Where I’ve been: nowhere.
Where I’m going: my sister’s place for Fathers Day.
It’ll be nice to catch up. I think we’re having scones and jam and cream. Yum!
What I’m watching: Better Call Saul.
I’m midway through season 5. Not too long to go!
What I’m reading: Police at the Station and They Don’t Look Friendly – McKinty.
This is the 6th and last Sean Duffy book. This series is really good and I’ve been enjoying them. I just picked up another Adrian McKinty book, ‘The Chain’, and I’m looking forward to sinking my teeth into it once all my marking is done.
What I’m listening to: ‘I want to know that I will be Okay’ by Dierdre Sullivan.
This is a collection of short stories and they’re wonderful. I’m about a third of the way through and there’s a story about a little girl’s imaginary friend that had me riveted.
What I’m eating: My words.
I said I’d never do any marking again, yet here we are.
Surprisingly though, I’m quite enjoying it. I’m currently marking year 9 projects about food insecurity. Each student has been assigned a different country, so even though the tasks they’re doing are all the same, the material I’m reading is different, so it keeps it interesting.
I was in the zone yesterday, so I stayed back until 4:30 to knock over the second class. I’ll have all 3 classes done by the end of the week.
Next week the Antarctica projects are due from the year 8s – the very reason I took on this contract!
What I’m planning: To enjoy next week.
I have 3 days where I’m not working next week – 2 parent/teacher days and a professional development day – and I’m looking forward to it. Who knows how I’ll spend those days? That’s the beauty of it.
Who needs a good slap: Cheating students.
I don’t need this hassle!
What has made me smile: watching ‘Better Call Saul’ with Ryan27.
He’s leaving on the weekend to house sit with a friend for a couple of months, after only getting back a few days ago from another house sit. It’s nice spending time with him.
Dad joke of the day:

(And yes, I know it’s Thursday. As I said, I was in the zone with the marking yesterday and I’ve learned that when I’m in that mind space, I need to keep going! I’m writing this before school.)
Oh I’ll have to listen to those podcasts about the duplicitous teacher on my next road trip. True crime is one of my latest interests.
I can’t wait for you to finish this teaching gig for 2 reasons. Your retirement life seems so much more interesting and fun, and the teaching is reminding me of the stress that the job brought. I enjoyed the work, but it’s a level of stress I have grown used to living without. Enjoy these last few weeks of it – and the paychecks!
Haha! Yes, I’ll probably still do the odd day of CRT for fun, but I won’t do such a long stretch of teaching again.
The Teacher’s Pet is an excellent podcast. They took it down after he was arrested, so as not to muddy the waters, but I see it’s back up now.
What a grub he is.
Just wondering about your pizza oven. How long does it take to heat up the 400 degrees for the pizzas and are they really only taking 2 minutes to cook. I have been making pizzas for years and we have a favourite dough recipe however I used the one in the videos on the Thermomix Ovana website and the dough/crust was amazing. I was only cooking them at 250 degrees so it look longer but best dough in 10 years and the dough recipe we were using was amazing. I’m thinking I need a new toy.
I just asked Ryan27. He’s the pizza cook of the family. He says it depends on the weather outside, but anywhere from 20 – 30 minutes to heat up, then a coupla minutes per pizza to cook.
I was thinking I’d retire at the start of 2023 but I dropped back to a 4 day week – every Wednesday off and 2 days from home and it has made such a difference. Wake up Monday and just tell myself ‘2 days work and a day off’ and no commute for 2 days. Perfect for now and no way I’ll go back to 5 days. Have you read Adrian McKinty’s ‘The Island’? The only one of his I’ve read – it would make a great mini series. I’m currently reading ‘Brunswick Street Blues’ which I think you’d like too.
I read ‘The Island’ a week or so ago – you’re right. It was a good read, especially as it’s set right down the road from me!