What’s top of my mind:
I’ve drawn a blank.
Where I’m going: To China in May.
Blogless Sandy and I are going for a 12 day trip. May was looking pretty bare, but now I’m going somewhere. It was a spur-of-the-moment decision. I saw a great deal and we were both free to take it.
Retirement has its perks. I think I have around 13 trips booked between now and the start of next October. I hope you like travel posts!
Where I’ve been: The local footy oval.
This morning, after dropping Georgia’s car off to get new tyres, I took Scout for a walk. To her annoyance, we didn’t go to the beach, but she was ecstatic when I started to throw the ball for her as we walked around the oval.
No one else was there and it was lovely. Scout was so tired that we had to take a couple of little rests on the way home. She’s getting older…
What I’m reading:
No One Saw a Thing – Andrea Mara: This was a terrific read. Two little girls get on a train and the door closes before their Mum can get on. Only one child gets off…
Hide and Seek – Andrea Mara Another cracking read. I demolished this in a day.
Intermezzo – Sally Rooney This one was very different. Told in a much slower, far more contemplative pace, this is the story of two very different brothers and their lives after their father’s death. It was very good.
What I’m watching: Thou Shalt Not Steal – on Stan.
I saw this promoted, but wasn’t drawn to it until I heard an interview by the director when I was driving. I decided to give it a go and I’m glad I did. The episodes are only around 20 minutes long, and the beautifully shot scenery is all where I was back in September, and where I’ll be in a couple of weeks. (Coober Pedy.)
It’s a slapstick kind of story, but after a few eps you really get into it. I particularly liked the lead, Robyn, played by Sherry-Lee Watson. She doesn’t say much, but her eyes are wonderfully expressive. It also has Noah Tayor and Miranda Otto. Definitely worth a watch.
What I’m listening to: ABC Radio.
Who knew that it was so interesting?
For the last couple of road trips, I’ve accidentally left my iPad at home so I couldn’t listen to my podcasts. The best interview I heard was one with Stephen Fry, which I had to cut short when I got to Mum’s place.
There’s been a huge variety of people getting interviewed. It’s been fun.
But now I’m back to the pods. ‘Bronwen’ has a new episode out.
What I’m eating: Cauliflower Cheese.
It’s Georgia’s favourite dinner.
What I’m planning: Ligas’ Crazy Road Trip.
This starts in a couple of weeks. I’ve almost decided to extend the trip when I drop them off at Uluru and fill in the 9 days between the end of this trip and the start of my Snowy Mountains trip by turning left instead of right and wending my way up and across the middle of the country.
We’ll see.
Who deserves a ‘thumbs-up’: ME.
Georgia’s car developed a problem with the power steering and she had to take it to Holden to fix it. While it was there, they quoted her 1K to replace all of the tyres. I got her to cancel that part of the job and I took her to a tyre place in Cheltenham.
Only two tyres needed replacing, so she walked away with a bill for $350 (including wheel alignment) instead of 1K.
What has made me smile: The Real Estate people who came to give the house an estimate.
Two days ago, two people from Jellis Craig popped in to have a look at the place. Now, we all know that this is The Best House in Melbourne, but who knows what other people who know the market think of it?
They LOVED it. I got an estimated price that I was happy with and they were so complimentary about what I’ve done with the place. They especially liked Scout.
I’ve done all of the renovations to make this place suit ME down to the ground, but it’s nice when people who see houses all the time are appreciative of the vision.
It makes me smile every time I think of it.
Dad joke of the day:

Is there a particular travel agency or tour group you use for your oversea trips? I was wondering which one you used when you when to Ireland.
From memory, it was called “I Love Ireland” tours. It sounds totally made up, but they exist!
oooh the decision to connect the Ligas and Snowy Mountains trips is a tricky one. Can you play it by ear – maybe bring all the things in your car, but not commit to it and see what you feel like doing? I’ll be curious how you make the decision once you do.
I’ll be bringing everything already, as I’ll be with the Ligas for 10 days. The one thing I’m worried about is setting off into the wide blue/red wonder with no rooms booked. If everything is booked up, there isn’t another alternative except to sleep in my car…
I have just come back from a 12 day tour, spending a total of 14 days in China. It was amazing! There is so much to see and do. Knowing how much you like travel, you will love it. Also, my daughter and I are taking up your idea in that we are going to attempt to travel to all the continents. What a great excuse to travel. I love that you are enjoying your retirement and making the most of your time.
It’s so silly, but I had such a sense of satisfaction wen I touched Canadian soil and knew I had been to all the continents!