Financially Independent, Retired Early(ish) at 57.

Wednesday W’s #105.

What’s top of my mind: Nothing much.

I’m a simple creature at heart…

Where I’m going: Afternoon coffee.

Izzy’s mum has had a procedure on her sinuses and is taking a few weeks off work while she recovers. I’m popping into her place to have a coffee and a chat, now that she’s feeling a bit better.

Where I’ve been: At Apple.

Last week was very expensive. I bought a new phone, a new (dumb) Apple watch, and left my laptop there to get a new battery and keys. It wasn’t a fiscally happy time, but Mum now has my old SE and is learning to drive it and I have a really good camera for my trips and Little Adventures.

I have no idea how to use my watch, but I’ll get the hang of it over time.

What I’m reading: Unruly by David Mitchell.

I absolutely adore English history, so I’m loving this book by David Mitchell. It’s so funny and so interesting at the same time – always a good thing.

What I’m watching: Barry.

Henry Winkler is in this as a drama coach. I started watching it purely because of this. I’ve just finished the last ep in the first of 3 seasons and I’m enjoying it.

What I’m listening to: The windchimes from Kangaroo Island.

They’re hanging from my front verandah. They sound beautiful to me, but Georgia isn’t a fan. If there’s some wind and I go away from the house for a while I usually come back to find that she’s stopped them from chiming.

What I’m eating: Crumpets with Kangaroo Island honey.

I don’t eat a lot of honey, but I bought a 3 pack of different kinds of honey from Kangaroo Island in January. Every now and then I buy some crumpets for breakfast. Yum!

What I’m planning: Liga’s trip.

We had a video call last night, she was in her summer backyard at midday and I was in my warm lounge room after dinner. We’re going to sort of whether they fly or we drive to Uluru from Adelaide.

I need to draw up an alternate itinerary so they can see what’s on offer.

Who deserves a thumbs-up: David31.

When the kids came over for dinner on Sunday night, he brought his cordless drill and hung my Alaska sculpture. I’m so happy!

It’s made from a moose antler, with the fish being the top of the moose’s skull. The eyeballs are made of caribou bone. This screams ‘Alaska!’ to me – that ‘can-do’ attitude, making art with whatever is lying around.

What has made me smile: The soles on my new shoes.

I bought these closed-toe sandals online from my favourite shoemaker (Josef Seibel), thinking they’d be good for Vietnam and Japan. These soles were a quirky little surprise.

Dad joke of the day:

1 Comment

  1. sandyg61

    Nice to settle back into home routine. Love the wall art, definitely says Alaska.

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