After the big decision to drop back to part-time work next year was made by my good self, certain plans have now been put in motion. I still really like the idea of getting big renovations and other jobs done around the house done while I still have money coming in from a wage. It’s a little scary to think about paying for anything more pricey than a good holiday once I reach the stage of dipping into savings in retirement instead of simply cash flowing it from my wage.
One of the jobs that I was going to organise in some misty future once the boys leave home was to beef up security on this place. This new neighbourhood isn’t dodgy as such, but it definitely has a few more dodgy elements than where we used to live. It’s a suburb that is slowly being gentrified, but there’s a fair bit of public housing which means that there’ll always be some inequities in income.
At the moment it seems that we have an arsonist in our midst. I blogged about it here, and although it’s not a huge worry – I don’t think he’ll be desperately trying to torch my place any time soon – David25 came home last night and said he saw 3 fire engines attending a fire a few streets over. I think my place is pretty safe with the two boys living here… I call them boys but they’re both in their mid-twenties … but Old Lady Frogdancer will definitely want to feel secure when all of the kids have flown from the nest.
Plus, ever since David25 took off the flyscreens to wash the windows for me and bent most of the screens so they were unusable, I knew I had to get them replaced. You don’t want to go through an Aussie summer without flyscreens!
So guess whose house is now totally Crimsafed?

The weather forecast was hellish, with torrential rain all day, high winds, you name it. The guy arrived at 7:30 in the morning and managed to get the 2 sliding doors on before the rain struck. See the photo above? I’m not kidding: within 3 seconds of him walking up to the locked door he had it off the track and he was putting it aside.
“Wow, to think of all those summer nights I locked that door to let the breeze in and felt so safe!” I said. He just laughed.
Then the rain came.

This guy was about my vintage, in his 50’s and it’s his own business. He worked right through. I carried a coffee out to him at one stage and delicately hinted that perhaps the weather was getting too bad, but he shook his head.
“I’ve got so much work booked up that I have to keep on going. Besides, it’s only rain.”
To be honest, the selfish part of me was glad that the job was going to be done that day. I’d taken a day off and I didn’t want to drag it out.
But the other part of me was thinking that this was a perfect advertisement for reaching FI as soon as possible. The man was saturated. He was cold, wet and having to go onto another job when he finished mine. Sure, it’s his own business, but he’s clearly working as much and as hard as he can. If he wasn’t, he would definitely have postponed the job. Anyone would.

The above picture is the door leading onto the backyard from Ryan24’s room. Once this room is free, it’ll be my study/sewing room. Look at the beautiful view I’ll have, unimpeded by the white diamond-shaped grill of the old aluminium door.

When he was giving me the quote, I asked him which colour I should use for the new door. I couldn’t make up my mind and I thought that he’d seen a few doors in his time and would know better than me which colours worked. He suggested black. I’m so glad I listened to him.

All white would’ve been a bit much. The black looks sleek and stylish, just like me.

I put steel mesh screen across every single one of the sliding windows. With the old screens, even if the window was shut, a burglar would’ve just had to slice the flywire with a knife, jimmy the window and he’d have been in. This won’t happen now. And the view outside is so clear. I’m really pleased.
All in all, it cost just over 8K to Get This Job Done. As I said before, it wasn’t a job I was initially planning to get done this year, but I’m glad it’s off the list and I don’t have to think about it anymore. I’m a person who likes to do a job once, do it right and then never have to worry about it again.
On to the next job on my list!
Good for you! 🙂 Happy moments indeed.
Sometimes it just seems like things happen for a reason. I believe the going back to part time thing will turn out to be exactly that experience for you. 🙂
I hope so. I was having a spot of anxiety earlier today about how I was going to Get Things Done on less money.
Then I told myself to chill.
Looks wonderful! Those kind of home improvements make such a big difference to the feel of a place.
Thanks. I agree with you. 🙂
The new style of screens seem to be much better than the old Amplimesh (which I still have on my place). It’s looking very nice!
When we moved in here there were only two window screens on the whole house! I don’t know how the people before us managed. It isn’t as though the house has air conditioning.
My husband got to work soon after we moved in (at the start of summer) and we now have screens on every window. Nothing fancy, but it’s so nice to be able to open everything up in summer.
Right now everything it completely closed up for the winter! I hung out a load of towels today and the temperature didn’t get over 6C, so in they came and now they are in the lounge room with the fire going. I’m very grateful that our fireplace also heats our back hallway. I can hide two clothes racks in there all winter and everything dries in the trapped heat.
I love drying clothes for free. We have a clothes rack permanently set up in the Man Cave to dry our clothes in winter.