Financially Independent, Retired Early(ish) at 57.


Poppy has gone rapidly downhill, and Georgia has made the call that it’s time to green dream.

She’ll be going over the rainbow bridge later today.

This is her on our last walk on the beach, eagerly waiting for me to throw the ball.

This is her last night, home from the Emergency Vet, lying on my dressing gown with her brother Jeffrey beside her on the left. They were probably lying like that in the womb.

I’ll miss my constant shadow. The only quality she lacks is a sense of humour – she’s the most intense Cavalier I’ve ever owned – and the most beautiful. I’m not sure how I’ll ever get anything done without my little helper by my side at all times. (Well, except when there was someone in the kitchen!)

Goodbye my baby girl.

I love you.


  1. Martha F

    I’m so sorry for your loss. I hope the pain in your heart will be eased by the beautiful memories you shared with Poppy and with Jeffrey and Scout to comfort you.

  2. Bindii

    I’m so sorry to hear this. You know that you gave Poppy a wonderful life and she’s lucky to have found you to care for her ❤️

  3. sandyg61

    I’m so sorry to hear this. She had a wonderful life at your home and I’m sure she will be missed.

  4. FIRE for One

    I’m so very sorry to hear this, Frogdancer. I know what it’s like to lose a beloved pet. RIP beautiful Poppy, and have a peaceful trip over the Rainbow Bridge.

  5. Katie

    I’m so sad for you all as I read this. RIP Poppy.

  6. Maureen

    It’s never easy to say goodbye to the unconditional love of puppy companion. Peace.

  7. Latestarterfire

    I’m so sorry, Frogdancer – this is especially hard when you’re so far away. RIP Poppy – glad that I met you in real life

  8. IM-PCP

    I am so sorry to hear this news–it must be very hard for you while so far away from home.

  9. H

    I’m so sorry. This is the hard part of owning a pet. You were such a good dog mom for her (and Scout and Jeffrey, too). How lucky you are to have Georgia in charge while you are away.

    • FrogdancerJones

      Georgia (and David30) did everything that I would have done. I’m very proud of them – especially Georgia, who did the hard yards when no one else was there.

  10. Rae

    Well, that just sucks, but I’m glad she had a beloved, familiar friend with her. My condolences on your loss.

    PS – I live in Juneau and would be willing to drive you out to the glacier if you don’t mind a bit of dog fur – ok, rather a lot of it, I have a husky. Drop me an email if you’re interested 🙂

    • FrogdancerJones

      Oh man! That would have been fantastic. I’ve booked a helicopter ride to the glacier! 🙁

      • Rae

        That will be a ton of fun! I’ve always wanted to do that, but you know how it is in your own backyard 🙂

        If you’d like a backup plan in case of thick fog, email me, and I’ll give you my phone number.

        • FrogdancerJones

          Will do. We’ll be in Juneau on Sunday June 2 at 9:30. Thanks so much for the offer!

  11. freddy smidlap

    i am very sorry to hear this news. my sincere condolences to you and your family.

  12. Josie

    I am so sorry for your loss. I remember how you had said you wanted to get in a lot of travel while Georgia was at home. What a strong person she is to deal with this.

    • FrogdancerJones

      She’s been incredible. I couldn’t have asked for a more caring, responsive person to be by Poppy’s side.

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