Burning Desire For FIRE

Financially Independent, Retired Early(ish) at 57.

Page 7 of 60

Day 5: The Ghan/Uluru/Darwin. The King’s Canyon Rim Walk.

I got up before the alarm at 5:15 AM. I knew I wanted to be first there for breakfast at 6, so that I could have time to get myself ready for this walk. We were leaving at 6:45 – no waiting for any stragglers! The sun was rising as we set off for King’s Canyon, all of us carrying at least 2 litres of water with us.

I know I try a lot of things when I’m on holidays, but this one wasn’t a slam dunk by any means. This is a walk that is definitely an achievement, almost a badge of honour for having completed it. It’s marked as VERY DIFFICULT on lists of walks, so I wasn’t sure if I could do it.

The main area of difficulty is the first 500 steps. They’re practically vertical up a cliff face and they’re not man-made. They’re made from the natural rocks, so they are all differents sizes, depths and heights. You have to concentrate on every step. Not just with the first 500 steps, but with EVERY step you make on this 4 hour walk. It’s intense.

This is an action shot of Colin on the right, saying, “See that horizontal ridge? That’s the first 200 steps. We’ll stop there and make sure everyone is right to go on. Remember, once you take that 201st step, you’re committed. There’s no going back.”

The next 200 steps were near the top of the hill, with the final 100 steps curving around to the back. I don’t know about you, but that ridge looked. long way up…

When we got closer, we saw the steps. Zoom in on them. There’s no way anyone can mindlessly do this walk. You have to be conscious of where you place your feet every single step.

And yes. Heart Attack Hill was BRUTAL.

I took my time and let people pass me, pretending to be polite when really, I was trying to catch my breath. I had to take it slow and steady because the cardio is insane.

At the 200 steps, all of us elected to continue and we all made it to the top. Fabulous view!

Personally, I was proud that I made it to the top without needing the emergency defibrillator.

At the top of the canyon, there’s space for a helicopter to land if they need to evac someone out. There’s also a big store of medical gear here too.

It’s not just heart attacks. People have fallen from here, broken bones or sprained ankles etc. There are 4 defibrillators along the track, along with two-way radios to let the park rangers know if there’s an emergency.

After we had a drink – small sips only to let your body absorb the water! Lots of small sips along the way! – we started making our way along the top of the canyon.

Here’s Colin telling us about this narrow pass.

“You’ve all heard of the movie ‘Priscilla, Queen of the Desert? Well, when they were filming out here they brought the cast and crew here for a tour. For some reason, they named this ‘Priscilla’s Crack’ and it’s a thing on Instagram for the kids to stand, one foot on either side, hold their arms up and shout, “I’m in Priscilla’s Crack!”‘

Can’t let the kids have all the fun…

I’m pretty sure that the white you can see is the car park with all the buses.

Zoom in on this one and you’ll see that the cliffs on the left look as if they’ve been sliced by a knife, like a slice of cheesecake.

We saw ghost gums in the most precarious of places. The sandstone cliffs act like a big sponge, absorbing any rain that falls. The trees’ roots can slide between the rocks and the tree happily grows.

Look at these rocks. They prove that all of this was once under the sea, just like the lines we see on the beach in the sand. Incredible.

At last! The first sign that we were getting near The Garden of Eden.

Man-made steps, too. Fancy!

This is the first view of The Garden of Eden that I saw. I was a little disappointed, to be honest. Then, once I was down the bottom of the stairs, I turned around and saw this:

Look at the clarity of the reflection! This was a wonderful spot.

We sat here for a while, eating a snack and taking more small sips of the water.

This is almost at the mid point of the walk.

Erosion is weird sometimes.

This is where our group split up. One woman had an elevated heart beat or something, so Colin went back to check on her and give her some hydrolytes. Some of us decided to push on. It was about 10 AM by then and the sun was getting hotter. Most of the walk is in full sun, so we wanted to get while the going was good.

Frank is in the green shirt. I followed behind him like a little duckling for the rest of the walk.

Funnily enough, we were back on flat land at the car park and I almost rolled my ankle. After doing that whole walk!

Speaking of doing the walk, would I do it again?

No. I was getting over it fo the last third and I was starting to fantasise about there being a secret lift down, that everyone who takes the walk signs a vow od silence so that all newcomers don’t know about it until they reach it.

Yeah. That didn’t happen.

I NEVER want to do the 500 steps again. It was hard. Even Frank said that this was the hardest walk he’s ever done,and he willingly goes on walks all around the world.

But I’m extremely glad I chose to do it. I’m proud of the achievement that a tubby, stubborn woman from Melbourne can do.

Tomorrow we leave for Uluru. And it’ll be my birthday!

(Funny thing – Mum left a voicemail TODAY, wishing me a happy birthday. It was only her and I there at the time… you’d think she’d remember the date!! Haha.)

Dad joke of the Day:

Day 4: The Ghan/Uluru/Darwin. Standley Chasm and Ormiston Gorge.

Look at the colours of the rocks up above Standley Gorge. This was my first hint that I might be going to see something special.

First off – crisis averted! My bus buddy is Eve, a lovely woman from Canberra. She’s had an interesting life, having done farming, truck driving (she can back up a semi!) and all sorts of other jobs. I’m so relieved I won’t be stuck 24/7 making awkward conversations with Jill.

Anyway, let’s get back to Standley Gorge. When I went on the camel ride, Isabella from Brazil came here to the chasm. It was in the afternoon, so maybe that was why she wasn’t all that thrilled with it when she came back. So I hopped off the bus this morning with LOW expectations.

(You know, sometimes that’s the best thing, isn’t it? You sometimes get an amazing surprise, which is what I received.)

I should have felt in my waters that it would be good because Standley Chasm is named for a teacher – Ida Standley (1869 – 1948).

She was the first teacher in Alice Springs, and she was ahead of her time in suggesting that maybe it would be good if the black and white kids all sat in the same classrooms at the same time, instead of white kids being taught in the morning and the Indigenous kids in the afternoon.

It didn’t happen, of course, the White Australia policy being what it was.

But she was greatly loved in the area and so this place was named in her honour.

The rocks look like the bark of the trees. This was down by the path in the shade.

The cliffs on the right side of the path were a pale apricot colour like this. Absolutely beautiful, but the light wasn’t right to capture how they looked. The left side of the path was catching the morning sun.

Like this. Isn’t it incredible?

It was so quiet. I could hear a bird chirping and eventually I found it. It was some sort of honey eater. I stood for a while and watched it fly from blossom to blossom.

I haven’t used any colour enhancements. The rocks are exactly like this when the sun hits them. It’s just amazing. The oranges and yellows are intense.

The Chasm itself has a flat, easy track which winds its way along a creek until the end. Unlike most of the rivers we’ve seen here, which are upside down, this one actually has water in some places that you can see.

The group spead out along the walk, so no one was in anyone else’s face. It was quiet and calm, which made it easy to stroll along and soak in the beauty.

Here’s the entrance to the Chasm itself.

I was halfway in, looking back the way I’d come.

Here’s the end. The water in this pool is very cold, as no sunlight touches it. Merrilyn put her hand in it, then a few minutes later put her fingers against my cheek. They were still icy cold.

Turning back towards the path back to the bus, where morning tea awaited us.

I absolutely loved this place.

On the way to Ormiston Gorge, some of us were lucky enough to see a small flock of budgerigars keeping pace beside the bus for a few moments before they swooped away. They were iridescent green and it was so exciting. My brother used to breed them in a large aviary in the backyard when we were kids and now I’ve seen them in the wild.

I have Eve to thank for pointing out the windw for me to see them. I was looking in the wrong direction.

I also have Eve to thank for giving me a lot of very practical advice about my trip wending my way down to the Snowy Mountains after I drop the Ligas off in November. As I mentioned, at one stage Eve was a truckie and she drove along these roads up in the Top End.

She seems to have no doubt that I can do this – which gives me a lot of confidence – and she knows where I should stay and how I can make the car and me safer as we’re travelling. We had a really interesting conversation as the bus drove along.

We also saw BRUMBIES! Ever snce I read ‘The Silver Brumby’ and the rest of the series as a child, I wanted to see one. Today was certainly the day for catching up with childhood things.

Ormiston Gorge was ok, but it was the walk up the cliffs that was the most important part.

“If you’re considering doing the Rim Walk at King’s Canyon tomorrow, then this walk will be a good test to see if you can make it,” said Colin.

Hmmm… I was thinking about tackling this, but because I’m fat and unfit, I wasn’t sure if I could make it. I decided to give Ormiston Gorge a crack.

As you can see, I made it. I found that if I stopped when I started to get out of breath and let my heart rate and breathing calm down, then I was good to go. The first little bit of the walk was steep, but in what seemed like no time, I was up on the lookout with the rest of the group.

I’d brought a towel and my bathers, but I decided not to go swimming. The water was cold and only the Tasmanians said that it was ok. I climbed a mountain today. Let that be enough!

We stayed up there for a fair while. Tracey, the bus driver, climbed up to join us, while Colin was back at the bus putting together lunch.

I spotted the first fly net of the trip! You can either wear them over or under your hat. I’ve noticed that tourists from other countries are wearing them most. Honestly, for Aussies, the flies so far have been pretty good. You have to do the occasional ‘Aussie Salute’ but so far, I’ve been happy to keep my Ghan fly net in reserve.

After lunch Eve, Janet and I walked down to the waterhole to take a closer look. Janet is the other solo traveller and she’d great value. Very positive and upbeat all the time. The three of us climbed down the hill together before lunch and although she has a dicky knee, she worked around it and kept up the pace while carrying on a lively conversation.

The wattles are starting to bloom. We used to have one in our back yard when we were kids and when they bloom, you know that spring is here.

Here’s what we found. It actually has a sandy beach, though the water looked a bit murky, to be honest.

Here’s Eve, communing with nature. It is a very beautiful spot. I can imagine that when the weather gets very intense, this would be a fabulous place to spend the day and cool off.

On the way back to the bus, I heard a ‘peep peep’ sound. I instantly knew what it was. There were wild Zebra Finches hanging around near a tap, taking a drink. Along with the budgies, my brother also had Zebra Finches. They make a sound that is unforgettable.

Not-so-fun fact: You can’t keep Budgies and Zebra Finches in the same aviary. The Budgies don’t like them and they bite their legs off. We didn’t experience this back in the day. Simon was told that when he wanted to get the finches, so Dad built a new aviary for them. Thank god we avoided that trauma!

On our journey to the King’s Canyon resort, we passed by Gosses Bluff. This is the remnants of a meteor impact, which took place millions of years ago, “on Wednesday afternoon at 4 o’clock,” said Tracey.

The interesting thing about this is that the scientific and indiginous explanations are very similar.

Scientifically, a meteor composed of ice and gas crashed into the Earth, raising up this huge crater from the ground with the impact. The meteor was absorbed by the earth that it hit.

The Indiginous story is that the North and South stars had a baby, and it fell from the sky into a huge cradle. The baby disppeared under the earth an when we see the North and South stars, they’re looking for their baby.

Pictured from above, it looks very much like a cradle, doesn’t it?

Before we got here, Tracey gave a talk painting the King’s Canyon Rim Walk as being extremely challenging. Lots of scrambling around on hands and knees to get over cliff faces etc. I began to feel that maybe I was ging to attempt something that was too hard for me, especially when I heard that ‘Heart Attack Hill’ right at the start isn’t 300 steps as I thought … it’s 500. Yikes.

I had a quiet chart with Colin at Gosses Bluff and he asked if I had any knee or hip problems.

“No,” I said. “I’m just fat and unfit.”

We decided that I should give it a go. They take people up the first 200 steps and if they realise that it’s too much for them, they go down and join the rest of the group for an easy creek walk a couple of days later. That seemed fair and reasonable to me.

Though once I start something, I like to finish it…

When we arrived at the resort, we checked in. My room has two queen beds, so I have OPTIONS. (Or as James from Ireland would probably say… “Notions.”)

We had a great night. There are enough lovely people here to dilute the one who irritates me, so I’ll just do the dance of avoidance.

Tomorrow is the Rim Walk. We have to ge up before the crack of dawn to get there in time to get most of it done before the sun gets too hot.

Wish me luck!

Dad joke of the Day:

Day 3: The Ghan/Uluru/Darwin.

After I finished yesterday’s post, I decided to go and visit the School of the Air.

The School of the Air was started in the 50’s, bringing education to the children living on far-flung properties across the Northern Territory. The woman who started it was a teacher and she realised that if the mothers on these cattle stations didn’t give their kids an education, then they simply didn’t get one.

We all found out during the COVID lockdowns how rare it is to find a parent eager to take on their children’s education! It was the same back then.

I found this tour fascinating. I was the only one there, so I suppose I had a very personalised experience, which is fine by me!

When it started, the classes were all done by radio. The first classes were done by a teacher talking into a microphone and broadcasting to a particular cattle station or roadhouse. She had no way of knowing if the kids were fighting, listening, or if they were even there!

(The following photos are all “quilts.” They give the kids a theme, and the kids make their patch at home and bring it with them when they come into Alice Springs for one of their social weeks. They put the “quilt together as a group. )

When the two-way radio came in, things became a lot better. One of the women I was talking to was a teacher during this time. She said that if she couldn’t hear a particular student, she’d ask the other kids if they could hear him. If someone said yes, then they’d relay what the teacher said, and if the ‘silent’ kid had a question, he’d ask his mate and he’d relay the question to the teacher and the answer to the student.

Nowadays, it’s all run by satellite, which is subsidised by the NT government. It’s much more flexible, meaning that if the parents want to dig a bore, for example, they’ll take the kids and tutor with them. When it’s time for the face-to-face lesson, the kid will log on, have the lesson, then go back and help the parents and do the schoolwork when they get home.

Kids living on trucks or travelling around Australia also benefit from the flexibility.

(This ‘quilt ‘ was made from metal. The kids had to design a patch showing what their home produced.)

Each family has to have a tutor. Sometimes it’s one of the parents, but most families hire one. Each child has half an hour face-to-face with their teacher each day. The rest of the time, they’re working through material that is mailed to them every two weeks.

The socialisation of these kids is looked after as best they can. Four times a year they all come together in Alice Springs. The kids get to see their friends in real life and interact with them. They get taught swimming, they perform plays and generally have a good time. Most of them won’t go to a “regular” school until year 10 when they’ll board in Alice Springs or interstate.

(I liked this one the best. It’s the kids from a local police station, and they’ve put handcuffs on it!)

Having taught through the first two lockdowns in 2020, I know how hard the teachers must work to make the classes interesting and engaging. It sounds like an easy gig, but it certainly wouldn’t be.

As we were talking, I mentioned that after I drop the Ligas off at Uluru on their Crazy Road Trip, I was thinking that maybe I’ll come up to stay in Alice Springs for a couple of days.

The woman I was talking to lit up. She’s now sold me on the idea of going to the Alice Springs Desert Park. David Attenborough rates it as one of the 5 best parks of its type and he’s visited it twice. I’m thinking I could do some walks, see the Park, then go home.

This is where my life may have changed. This woman suggested that I drive up to Tennant Creek, then turn right, head across for a bit, go down through Dubbo and instead of going home, go straight to my Snowy Mountains holiday.


At 3 PM, we all met up for the beginning of the Red Centre part of the tour. Unfortunately, we’re a full bus of around 20 people, so I’m going to have to share my seat with someone else. There are 4 solo women travelling, so we’ll work it out.

We were taken to see John Flynn’s grave. His ashes are buried under this rock.

John Flynn began the Royal Flying Doctor Service and by doing so, he saved countless lives in the Northern Territory and beyond. He had the idea for ages, but was spurred on by the story of what happened to a guy called Jim Darcy in 1917.

Jim was an aboriginal stockman who was thrown by his horse when there was a cattle stampede. He was badly trampled. His mates took him to the nearest house and they radioed Perth for help. 2 doctors were servicing the whole of Western Australia at that time, and both were busy. Not surprising… have a look at the map of Australia and see how big WA is.

His mates suspected that he had internal injuries such as a ruptured bladder, so they decided to operate.

The local postmaster did the honours, with his mates holding him down, because there was no anaesthetic. The postman sewed up what he could, and they waited for the doctor to come. This only prolonged the inevitable, and Jim Darcy died 2 weeks later, a day before the doctor finally arrived.

Can you imagine??

The School of the Air used the same tech as the Flying Doctors. Both services changed life in the Outback from then on. People were no longer quite so isolated.

When Flynn died in 1951, he requested to be buried in the Outback. People went to the Devils Marbles to grab a rock. Later, when Land Rights started to become a thing, there was a huge stink kicked up because the Devils Marbles is a sacred site and so the rock might be sacred. There was a lot of argy-bargy, but in the end, sanity prevailed. They took the rock back, went outside the sacred site and chose another one that looked identical. This is the rock we see today.

Flynn is on the $20 bill, not that we see too much “real” money nowadays.

After a swing by Anzac Hill, which I saw yesterday, we went back to the hotel. The people on the tour seem nice, so I’m optimistic about the fun we’ll have. Tomorrow is a WALKING DAY, with Stanley Gorge and Ormiston Something-Or-Other, so my time in the walking group with Blogless Sandy will come in handy.

Guess what Tracey the bus driver said to us?

In a climate like this, if you’re walking you should be drinking a LITRE of water an HOUR.


Also, just over one of the ranges is Pine Gap, the US Intelligence base. The tour guide, Colin, said “It’s a very well-maintained base. Whenever you meet someone from there, they’re always a gardener or a janitor or something like that. No one ever seems to have a job that actually involves army intelligence!”


I thought I was finished for today, but I’ve just come back from dinner.


There are 4 solo women. I had dinner at a table with one of them, while the other two were at another table.

Jill is the most vapid, boring woman I’ve come across in a month of Sundays.

Stupid, too. She was talking about all sorts of racist stuff about her Chinese Great Grandfather WHILE WE WERE SHARING A TABLE WITH TWO THAI/AMERICANS. For goodness sake – read the room, lady!

Kill Me Now. The other two women looked like they were bonding beautifully.

My problem is that the bus is full, so the 4 single ladies will have to sit next to someone. If I have to sit next to Jill for the next 6 days, I won’t be a happy camper. My only hope is that I suggest that we rotate sharing seats, so I only have to deal 1:1 with her for a couple of days, not the whole trip.

Ugh. Just venting. It was awful. The only good thing was that she went to bed early, so we three had a great talk after she left. They’re a father and son – the wife/mother died 6 months ago so they’re travelling together to give the Dad something to do that’s positive. I love that they’re doing a father/son experience. It should be a THING, like a rite of passage. They clearly love each other – it was good to see.

But I think it won’t be too long before I’ll be actively avoiding Jill.

Dad joke of the Day:

Day 2: The Ghan/Uluru/Darwin.

Just me and my mate having a laugh.

But I’m getting a bit ahead of myself. I had to publish the last post before the day was finished because we were getting to NO INTERNET places.

I had a fantastic time on the Ghan and it was all down to the people I met there. Let’s face it, there’s not a lot to look at outside, This next shot was taken from my cupboard cabin during the day:

… so it was what was happening inside the train which made all the difference. To prove this, there was a couple I met from Platinum Class who felt unwelcome there, so they came down to Gold Class with us and were having a fine old time.

When I got back to my cabin after dinner and drinks, this was what awaited me:

The bed was comfy enough, but I didn’t have the best night’s sleep. The train’s movements were erratic and being in a car where there were shared toilets and bathrooms, every. time someone went to the loo in the middle of the night and let the door bang… annoying.

I don’t know if I’m the only one who does this, but when I know I have to wake up early for something, I tend to wake up every hour or so to check the time. Even though the girl looking after our carriage promised she’d knock on the door at 5:45, my brain still made me check.

So why the early start? We were getting up to watch an Outback sunrise.

When the time came, we got off the train and made our way to where the coffee was being served. There weren’t as many people there as I would have thought, considering the number of passengers on the train.

Here you can see Marla siding, with people queueing for coffee and standing around one of the fires.

Before we got off the train, we saw a fire engine go past. Safety first!

So this was what we started with.

Some people ask others to take photos for them. I, as you know, usually take selfies.

Remember how Rhoda from the Canada trip taught me how to take panorama shots? Can’t waste that knowledge.

Once the sunrise was over, I went back to my cabin. I’d been coffeed and fed with a bacon and egg slider, and I wanted to see if I could get some sleep before the train started up again. As it was, I slept for two solid hours and woke up feeling great!

It was a bit of a thrill to pass across the border into the Northern Territory. I’ve never been here before. (Only one more state to go… WA.)

Isabella from Brazil was over the corridor from me. The poor thing. She’s only 31 and had hopped on a train full of geriatrics! She is a doctor and is living in Sydney for a year to get a bit more experience in her field. Her plan was to leave the Ghan at Alice Springs and make her way to Uluru for a few days.

Our trips will overlap, so we’re hoping to catch up at the Rock. I’m hoping for her sake that she finds a younger crowd at Uluru so she can have more fun.

I tell you what The Ghan has SERVICE. I tried to find a fly net for my hat in Melbourne and couldn’t get one for love or money. Here? I mentioned it and Kylie pulled one out from behind the bar.

“Here, take it,” she said.

I was so happy.

Camel ride time!

Naturally, as an inexperienced horse and camel rider, I was placed on the biggest and widest camel. All you have are stirrups for your feet and a metal arch to hold on to.

For the first ten minutes, I was hanging on like grim death. The guy in front of me was hands-free, merrily taking videos and drinking from his water bottle like a big show-off, while I was stuck, thighs gripping the camel and my hands gripping onto the arch.

Then I realised that my phone was slipping out of my pocket. That distracted me. I grabbed it, then took a few quick photos of my surroundings.


When I said they were quick, I meant it. Look at the angle. I was still too nervous to let go and properly feel the rhythm of the camel.

I got better as we went along, though.

It was a harch place in some ways, but when the Welsh woman on the camel behind us stopped yapping about how calm and peaceful it was… well, then it was.

At the halfway point we stopped and the woman leading the camels took photos for us, using our phones. We ambled our way back to the camel farm, where we had refreshments and then we were driven back to town.

On the way, we were taken to Anzac Hill, the highest point in Alice Springs.

Here’s a panorama shot of Alice Springs. The town is built inside a bowl, with two mountain ranges pretty much enclosing it. All of this was once under the sea. Now it’s in the middle of a continent. Isn’t it incredible?

When I got back to the hotel, I walked into my room and got a hell of a surprise:

I wasn’t expecting anything to be on my bed, so when I first saw this out of the corner of my eye, I let out an involuntary “Ahhh!”

Upon closer inspection, it looked like a wedding cake. Was I in the right room? The last time I was in a bridal suite was 37 years ago!

Then I found this on the table.

How nice! My birthday isn’t for another 4 days, but hey. I’m not complaining. Let the birthday celebrations begin!

While I was eating my fruit platter and chocolates, I messaged Georgia. Apparently, Melbourne had cyclone-strength winds and the power has been out for hours.

I guess Fortunate Frogdancer strikes again. I’m at the Hilton.

Now that I’ve finished this, I’m off to take a look at Alice Springs.

Dad joke of the day:

Day 1: The Ghan/Uluru/Darwin.

This is just before I set off to the station. I’m saying goodbye to two VERY unimpressed dogs. I’m experimenting by using a backpack instead of my leather satchel bag as my everyday bag. (So far, I’m not loving it…)

I took a room in the Novotel at Tullamarine because my flight to Adelaide left at 6:30 AM. Even with doing this, I underestimated the time it would take to get from the hotel room to the plane. By the time I’d walked the length of the airport and got through security, time was a’ticking.

I looked at the board and my flight was marked as LAST CALL. Now I’m no athlete, but I RAN to the gate. I got there just before the gate was closed. omg. If I missed that flight, I would have probably missed the train.

Lesson learned. From now on, I’m flying over the night before.

It’s almost 5 PM in Juneau Alaska, where Megan and I were only a couple of months ago, so it’s perfectly fine to have a glass of bubbles at 10 AM here in Adelaide.

So far, I’ve only seen one young person here. She looks like she’s travelling with her grandmother. Everyone else who has black or brown hair is using hair dye. This is NOT a cheap trip.

Naturally, when I got to the terminus for the Ghan, I was 3 hours early and the first one here. They welcome everyone with music, bubbly and good cheer. They make it a celebration.

The Ghan is 648 m long and the trip from Adelaide to Darwin is 2900 and something kilometres. It’s an iconic trip to take in Australia, being on many people’s bucket lists. No wonder they welcome people with open arms – it’s very special.

The single cabins are located on the last two carriages on the train. I laughed when I opened the door to my “cupboard.” It looks like Harry Potter’s room under the stairs. I took one step when I had my back pressed up against the table and I was in the hall. It’s tiny.

Behind the door is a little basin, with individual toiletries. I was so happy! I love bringing home those little soaps and shampoos and they’re hardly to be found in Australia anymore.

I have to share toilets and showers with the rest of the carriage. Not ideal, but it’s only for a couple of nights. Most of the time I’m staying in hotels with 5 star luxury.

This is the lounge car, where people go to socialise. I met a lovely girl from Brazil in the cabin opposite mine. She’s 31 and is a doctor. She’s using her holidays from a hospital in Sydney to travel to Alice Springs in the Ghan, before splitting off and heading to Uluru. We headed off here to have a drink and a chat.

While we were there, we met Beverley and Janine, who live very near me, as it turns out. Small world and all that.

Here’s one for the foodies. We’re not going to starve.

Isabella and I shared a table at lunch with Marissa and Suresh, all four of us solo travellers. Suresh and I stayed back after lunch for a long chat, which was nice as the salt bush plains swept past us outside.

We talked about Financial Independence and our plans for inheritances for our kids. He’s got a far bigger pot than I do, but we both had similar ideas on what we plan to do.

He originally comes from Kenya and when I said I was going there next year, he mentioned that there are flamingos there.



The pressed tin in the dining room was a nice little nod to the past.

So far, I’m having a good time. The people here are very warm and friendly and are perfectly ready to have a chat, unlike the people on the Irish tour. I met two couples from Tassie while we were waiting to board, and they’ve taken the same long trip that I have, so I’ll be bumping into them again. They’re in the Platinum part of the train, so we probably won’t mingle until tomorrow night when our tour splits from the train and we head off to the resort in Alice Springs.

I’m using my phone to hotspot this and I’ll post while we still have internet.

Tonight during dinner, the staff will turn this sitting room into a bedroom. The bed is pulled down from the wall. I’m looking forward to being rocked to sleep by the train’s motion tonight. It’ll remind me of the ship to Antarctica.

Dad joke of the day:

I should have saved this one for next September when I’ll be there!

Wednesday W’s #114.

What’s top of my mind: I’ve (just about) finished packing.

I know this Wednesday W’s post is late, but I was entertaining visitors all day yesterday. I’m beginning to get a bit worried about the sudden stampede of visitors to see me before I go – is there something they know that I don’t???

I’ve decided to go with carry-on again, but I’ve realised that I CAN take my laptop with me, so I’m going to do that. Blogging is much easier, so I’ll be a happy little Vegemite.

Everything fits into the carry-on, and pretty much all I have to do is get to the chemist for enough medication for my chronic cough, and remember to pack my charging cords.

It feels good to be getting ready to see something new again.

Where I’m going: HERE’S THE ITINERARY.

It’s going to be epic!

Where I’ve been: nowhere.

I’ve been puddling around here, quietly getting things ready for me to go.

Now that Spring is almost here, the garden is revealing some nice surprises. See the photo at the top of the post? These are self-seeded black geraniums from plants that I bought and planted this time last year. Geraniums are as tough as old boots, so maybe I’ll have them for years to come?

The violas in the background are also self-seeded.

What I’m reading: The Cyrus Haven series by Michael Robotham.

Remember last week I said that I accidentally borrowed the 4th in a series? I liked it so much that I went back and started the series from the beginning. I loved them.

What I’m watching: The irises on top of Poppy.

My determination to be away for every birthday means that for the next few years, I’m probably not going to catch the irises in bloom.

This doesn’t matter. When I decide to slow down, they’ll still be here for me. The white one is almost ready to flower – I leave in two days…

What I’m listening to: Jeff snoring.

Business as usual.

What I’m eating: Peasant food.

Well, compared to the food I’m going to be eating on The Ghan and the tours of Uluru and Darwin etc! My tastebuds are revving up for some Gourmet Delicacies, baby.

What I’m planning: 2026.

Blogless Sandy and I will be going on an adventure together.

Where? Dunno yet.

When? We’ve narrowed it down to 2026.

Stay tuned.

Who deserves a thumbs-up: My niece.

She and her long-term boyfriend (of 8 years) got engaged a couple of days ago. They’re on holiday together in Europe and he proposed in the south of France. Ooo la la!

He came and asked for permission before he left, bringing a bottle of Moet and a 6 pack of beer, saying, “This is the dowry.”

My brother-in-law said, “What??? I was expecting a goat!”

What has made me smile: My friend loved her quilt.

One of my visitors was my friend, who picked up her Wendy quilt. She was so happy. She stayed for a couple of hours while we had a good cat and she had the quilt draped over her knees the whole time.

Dad joke of the day:

Wednesday W’s #113.

What’s top of my mind: Life and Death.

For the past week I’ve been making this quilt for a friend I’ve known since high school. I’m calling it the ‘Wendy’ quilt, after her sister who died last Monday.

My dear friend Cathy has lived through so much loss. Both her parents, her beloved husband and a baby, who died of SIDS when she was only 12 weeks old. And now her sister, who was her best friend.

I can’t explain why she’s been singled out for all of this, as she’s the loveliest person. All I could think of to do is to create something comforting, that she could wrap herself with when the world seems like it’s all a bit too much.

Where I’m going: Off to the Ghan.

I looked at the calendar and saw that I have less than 2 weeks before I’m off travelling again.


I decided I’d take a leaf from Scott and Blogless Sandy’s books and stay at the hotel at the airport for my flight to Adelaide. It leaves early in the morning, so I might as well make life a bit easier for myself.

That’s the only thing I’ve done to prepare for the journey. I have to get my act together.

Where I’ve been: nowhere.

Just to the beach with the little woofs; to my sewing room; to the garden and to the library. It’s been delightful. I love being here at home.

What I’m reading: One of the best books I’ve read in ages.

The One Hundred Years of Lenni and Margot’ by Marianne Cronin. Oh, how I love this book, even though it made me cry. (Scout was very concerned by this.) It is a beautiful read, with characters I know will live on in my head for years to come.

‘Storm Child’ by Michael Robotham. I selected this from the library’s ‘2 weeks only’ stand. To my annoyance, it was only after I got home that I realised that it was the 4th in a series. I like to follow a series chronologically, but I began reading it anyway.

I liked it so much that I’ve put the first 3 in the series on hold.

What I’m watching: The Block, of course. And ‘Slow Horses.’

I watched the first episode and a half of Slow Horses (AppleTV) and didn’t really get it, but I started it again a week or so later. The cast was too good for the script to be lacking. Now I’m into it.

What I’m listening to: Music. And Jeff snoring.

I’m letting my podcasts build up for the ‘Ligas’ Crazy Road Trip’ in November. When I’m driving from Uluru back to Melbourne, I’ll need them (and a lot of Minties) to help me stay focused.

As you all know by now, Jeffrey’s snoring is a constant.

What I’m eating: Nothing special.

I’ve been too busy quilting and reading to worry about unimportant things like food!

What I’m planning: Lots of nebulous things.

As I don’t have an internal monologue, my thoughts are just blobs of ideas. I have a few quilts I want to make, and some of them have already begun. I have my trip to the Red Centre and the Top End to pack for. My garden needs work to get it ready for Spring.

When I decide which one I’m in the Zone to work on first, the planning and the laser focus will come.

Who deserves a thumbs-up: Past Frogdancer.

I made a quilt for Evan27 back in 2020. I called it the Bees Knees quilt. Now, Maths has never been my strong suit, so I made double the number of half-square triangles than I needed. I was pretty annoyed with myself at the time, but I stowed the leftover triangles, thinking that I’d make a quilt with them someday.

The quilt at the top of this page is the one I made. I was so thankful that I could put a quilt for my friend together so quickly.

It’s a good thing that fabric doesn’t go ‘off’!

What has made me smile: Scout.

Scout just turned 9 – and she’s finally discovered that it’s possible to destroy dog toys. Being a dachshund, she has very strong jaws, so it was always surprising that she was able to keep squeaky toys around for years without a dent being put into them.

But it couldn’t last forever. Last week I was working in the front garden and as I was doing that, I was throwing her blue plastic pig for her. I threw it into the bin when I saw fluffy white stuffing on the lawn and realised that she’d bitten one of his feet off. After the high drama of her nearly dying from an intestinal blockage after she swallowed a pip back when she was 2 years old, I am taking no chances.

She stayed by the bin, crying, for half an hour. So when I went to Bunnings a couple of days ago, I bought 3 toys for her, Two were a bit like the pig, and the pink one you can see her with is made from sturdy fabric. All have squeakers, of course.

One plastic toy lasted 30 minutes. It was being tortured so much that my Apple Watch said that I was being exposed to sound over 90 decibels, which could endanger my hearing! After 30 minutes I saw white stuffing on the rug. She’d upped her game.

I haven’t been game to give her the other plastic one yet, as the squeaker disappeared. We’re hoping it passes through her…

However, the pink toy has lasted 2 days so far. Bits of it have gone, but the squeaker and body remain intact.

As I’m writing this, I’m throwing it for her again and again. She’s so happy.

Just after writing this, I tossed her toy, and in a throw that describes my sporting prowess to a tee – I threw it over the dining table and smashed some wineglasses that Mum and Dad had given me. They were from my grandparents’ place and had gold on them, so they can’t be put in a dishwasher. I was going to donate them to the op shop around the corner.

Oh well. At least the house has now had a very thorough sweep and vacuum!

Dad joke of the day:

Wednesday W’s #112

What’s top of my mind: The Antarctica trip just keeps on giving!

Look at me – I’m with my lovely friend Morgan from France on a beautiful winter’s evening, with the Yarra River behind us. Morgan was the tour leader of the Antarctica trip back in 2022. Since then, he’s taken a full-time position with Young Pioneer Tours as a guide and is being paid to travel the world.

What a gig.

This time around, he was on his way home from a tour in the South Pacific and he found himself in Melbourne with some time to spare. We met up for dinner last night and we had a great time. When two like-minded travellers meet up, the conversation FLOWS. Hopefully, we’ll be travelling together again next year to Iceland and Greenland, which will be a lot of fun.

In two weeks he’s off to Syria.

Earlier that day Liga and I were talking. I mentioned that I was going to be in Estonia next year and to cut a long story short, I’m going to be extending my trip to go to Latvia as well. She also mentioned ducking into Lithuania as well, so that I get to see all 3 of the Baltics.


I’m excited. I’ll barely be home next year, the way things are going!

Where I’m going: to my sewing room.

Unfortunately, my friend’s sister died a couple of days ago. I need to finish her quilt.

Where I’ve been: nowhere much.

Apart from dinner in the city with Morgan, I’ve been at home sewing.

What I’m reading: The Red Queen.

I needed a book to read on the train last night so I downloaded this one from Borrowbox. It’s a Spanish thriller. I’m enjoying it, though sometimes the English is slightly clunky. It’s translated from Spanish.

What I’m watching: The Block. Bad Sisters.

I read a thread on Twitter where people were talking about really good series on AppleTV, so I saved it for when I needed something to watch. Bad Sisters was mentioned a lot. I’m enjoying it. It’s about a family of 5 adult sisters, where 4 of them want to literally kill their brother-in-law. They have reason – he’s a real arsehole.

And of course The Block. I love this show.

What I’m listening to: Music.

As I’m sewing, I’m putting on Mum’s Boppin’ Bangers on mix and enjoying what comes up. I’ve decided to let my podcasts mount up for when I have the Long Drive Home from Uluru in November after I drop the Ligas off, so I’m giving Spotify a good workout.

What I’m eating: nothing special.

What I’m planning: hmmm…

I leave on the Ghan trip in a little over two weeks. I should be planning what I’m going to take with me, but I haven’t started yet.

Who deserves a thumbs-up: Jeffrey.

A while ago I bought a dog pram so that I could take Scout to crowded places without her getting scared and refusing to walk. She might only weigh 6.5 kilos, but carrying that much weight gets heavy after a while.

I mentioned last week that I was worried about Jeff’s heart because he was panting a lot. I decided to try out the pram on a walk to the library to return some books. Jeff took to it like a duck to water.

He probably walked about a kilometre, but the rest of the time he was up high and enjoying the view. Scout got tired before the end of the walk so I popped her in there too.

What has made me smile: the light on my wall.

Look at this! Sometimes it’s the little things that bring a smile to the dial.

Dad joke of the day:

Wednesday W’s #111. The Backyard Beach day.

(Scout knows the words ‘walk’, ‘ball’ and ‘beach.’ When they’re combined in a sentence, it’s her FAVOURITE THING.)

What’s top of my mind: QUILTING.

Yes, I’ve fallen down the quilting rabbit hole again. I knew it would happen sometime. A year ago Georgia29 put a lot of work into putting together shelves and other storage for my sewing room. It’s one of the bedrooms that, as soon as it was empty, I cleverly installed a HUGE heavy table that pretty much can’t be moved, so that I’d finally have my own space. Since then, I’ve barely set foot in it.

I started a quilt for my friend Scott last year, but I really wasn’t in the Zone, so it’s been put away to be revisited at another time. Lots of crafty people have what they call ‘WIPs’, which is an acronym for ‘Works in Progress.’ I have some too, but I’m a FINISHER. They all eventually get done.

I’m currently working on a scrap quilt for a friend’s daughter. I started on Friday afternoon and every afternoon since then has been full on at it. Today, I’m determined to finish the top, which in quilting circles is called a ‘flimsy.’ I like that name.

Usually I’d immediately start to sandwich it together with the batting and the backing, but my dearest friend from high school needs a quilt. Her sister is in the last stages of cancer and my friend needs a quilt for comfort.

Fortunate Frogdancer already has the main stage of the flimsy constructed. Years ago, Evan27 chose the fabrics for a yellow and grey quilt and I enthusiastically sewed around double the amount of blocks that I actually needed. I didn’t feel like Fortunate Frogdancer at the time – more like Foolish Frogdancer or Mathermatically-Challenged Frogdancer.

But now I can get going with that one.

I only have 4 weeks until I leave for my Ghan trip. I still have the garden to look after. Argh!

So I took the little woofs for a walk on the beach on this beautiful winter’s day. The rest of the photos will be from here.

Where I’m going: To my sewing room.

I’m a woman on a mission.

Where I’ve been: to the beach.


What I’m reading: Naked City by John Silvester.

Silvester has been a crime journalist for decades, and this book is a collection of his columns talking about criminals, judges, police etc.

It turns out I’m not a fan of his style of writing, but he references crimes that I remember from when I was growing up, so this aspect of the book is interesting. I’m nearly halfway through, so I’ll plough through until the end.

What I’m watching: The Olympics.

Like everyone else in the world, I guess.

What I’m listening to: Jeff panting.

Jeff is Poppy’s litter brother and he’s now 11 years old. He’s been on heart medication for a year or two, but he’s panting an awful lot during the day. We’ve been back from the beach for a good 45 minutes and he’s still panting as if he’s run a race. All he did was walk beside me the whole time. It was Scout who was racing around chasing the ball.

This is a worry. We don’t want to lose him so soon after Poppy. He’s as dumb as a box of bricks but he’s a bundle of love and devotion. And he’s My Boy.

What I’m eating: something from the crockpot.

I’m proud of myself this morning. I know that come dinnertime, I’ll still be wanting to sew. This morning, I threw some things in the crockpot and dinner will be ready when we are. All I have to do is cook some rice in the thermomix.

I also like that so many ingredients are from the garden. Garlic, chilli, pumpkin, spinach, basil, celery… if I butchered my own chooks and grew onions, I’d have the full package!

What I’m planning: how to fit in all the quilting.

I might have to get up earlier in the mornings. Not sure if I’m ready to take so drastic a step.

Who deserves a thumbs-up: Sophie.

Sophie is Tom32’s girlfriend. She’s lovely. They recently moved in together and last weekend she took him skiing. Apparently, it was all going well until Tom32 fell and dislocated his shoulder. This has turned him off the sport slightly.

Sophie has been looking after him beautifully, listening to him whinge and complain and she’s still with him. What a trouper!

What has made me smile: a dinner invitation.

That trip to Antarctica certainly changed lives! Remember Morgan, one of the two French guys? He was the tour leader and he and Baptiste looked after me when I would have been rattling around Ushuaia all on my own.

He’s since become an official tour leader with Young Pioneers and is currently running a tour in the South Pacific. (Hmmm… I’ve never been there and it’s so close to home…) He’ll be in Melbourne next week on his way home and he suggested we catch up.

It made my day.

Dad joke of the day:

A postscript to my last post.

After writing my Wednesday W’s post a couple of days ago, I sent the link to the friend who was in the conversation with the person who said the problematic remark. I’m so glad I did!

Straight after she read it we had a phone conversation. She asked if I’d heard what she replied to the remark about my writing.

It turns out that she said, all eager and ready for goss, “OMG! Where did Frogdancer lie??”

The person couldn’t give her an answer, so my friend casually said, “So I just didn’t believe them.”

My livid levels dropped quite a bit after hearing that!

And just to prove that I’m not perfect, yesterday’s walking group met in the suburb that my sister Kate lives in. It’s a countrified suburb with lots of dirt roads. I was walking with a guy who has travelled extensively with his wife, and I was engrossed in the conversation. We were talking about treks in Nepal, security bags to stop bag snatchers, cruises, wild animals and more.

We walked right past my sister’s house and I didn’t even notice. I only know this because Blogless Sandy was walking in the group behind us and assumed I would have told everyone about the house.

Yes, sometimes I’m not very observant. I had coffee at Kate’s place afterwards and when I told her, she laughed, rolled her eyes and said, “Yeah, that isn’t very surprising.”

Ah well. I DID notice the bloody great hill we had to walk up, which is on her street though! That’s when I decided that maybe trekking in Nepal isn’t really for me.

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