Ryan26 has had a friend, Marcus, ever since they met in Prep at primary school. Every now and then a group of ‘The Boys’ meets up for a night of gaming and other frivolity and they catch up on what’s been going on in their lives.
A week or so ago Ryan26 stayed over at Marcus’ parents’ house and he came back with 2 massive bags full of lemons. These lemons were as big as my head.
Well, almost.
Emily, who like me has raised a houseful of boys, is so generous when it comes to sharing the produce from her garden. I still have HEAPS of chillies in the freezer that we’re slowly making our way through. Like me, she hates to see things go to waste.
So how did I deal with the lemons?

I put on “Mum’s Boppin’ Bangers” on Spotify and went to work juicing them up. I poured the juice into icecube trays and then, a day later, popped them out and into a bag.
That’s the lemon sorted for my summer gin and tonics!

Scout approves.
Dad joke of the day:
I thought about going on an all-almond diet. But that’s just nuts.
Do you have any other lemon recipes?
I have some lemon cubes too (a bottle of lemon juice was about to expire) but I don’t know what I should make with them. Suggestions, ideas, and jokes are appreciated.