We’re really extremely fortunate to live in the time and places that we do.
Izzy’s leukaemia is very treatable. Twenty years ago it would have been a death sentence, said her specialist. She would have had to undergo bone-marrow transplants and chemo. But now? Assuming that her bone-marrow biopsy doesn’t have any nasty surprises, all she’ll have to do is to take a pill every day for a few short years and then she should be fine.
Amazing news. We’re all very relieved.
This shot is from this morning’s beach walk with the dogs. It was around 9 AM, about an hour before it started to rain. We’re allowed on the beach with our leash-free dogs until 10 AM in the summer, so there were plenty of people with the means or the opportunity to sneak a walk in with their dogs.
Lots of pure-bred dogs, ranging from Labradors, GSDs, and Greyhounds right down to a pair of Scottie dogs, a couple of Pugs and an irascible Pomeranian, with a sprinkling of mixed-breeds running around. Everyone was in a good mood, and how could we not be? The smell of the sea was in the air, it was warm and the dogs were all having such a good time. Every time we passed people, we’d nod and exchange a few words while the dogs investigated each other, tails wagging.
Lots of retired people, with a few people on holidays such as my good self, with some kids enjoying the freedom of the summer holidays.
Soon, alas, I’ll be in a classroom at
It’s little things like this that keep nudging me on the road to FI/RE. There’s no real pleasure in reflecting that this will be me in a fortnight:

Working towards FI? You’re really working towards being able to choose how you spend your time.
At 9 AM every Friday, I’d rather be looking at this:

Scout has such a beautiful face….even when coveed with sand!
I simply HAD to take a photo of her when I saw her nose!
Congrats on the .com 🙂
Now if I could just subscribe your blog instead of bookmarking, that’d be swell 🙂
Ok, I’ll get onto that. I just assume that everyone uses Feedly, like I do. 🙂