Financially Independent, Retired Early(ish) at 57.

A Magnificent Giveaway!


One of the blogs that has helped me enormously in my quest for financial education is His ‘stock series’ is enormously helpful for people such as my good self who are deathly afraid of numerals, yet know that somehow we have to overcome our fears and start to understand them.

Although he’s based in the US, most of the articles in the series are applicable to our system here in Australia, so it’s a terrific starting point for those of us who are trying to get our heads around what shares/stocks, bonds, REITS and suchlike are all about.

Around a year ago Jim Collins released a book based on his stock series, bringing together all of the information on the blog in a streamlined, better-organised format. It’s called ‘The Simple Path to Wealth‘ and it’s my go-to book when I want to look something up. I don’t know how many times I’ve recommended it to people and I did a review of it on my other blog when Jim was kind enough to send me an advance copy to review.

Well…. guess what? This could be your lucky day! Jim has offered to give two lucky readers of this blog an Audiobook version of his book. All you have to do to be in the draw is to leave a comment on this post explaining why you’d like to be included, and at the end of the school holidays I’ll put the names in a hat and draw a couple of winners.

I’m very excited about this giveaway. May the best wo/men win!


  1. Jaybeenz

    Hey, look at me I am first!! I would love a copy of this book as I too, am coming to this all so much later! And I am in need of a helping hand to get my head around this maths stuff! And yay, school holidays 😃

    • Frogdancer

      Ha! Gotta love being first!
      I know what you mean about coming to all of this later than most. It’s definitely do-able, but there’s so much to learn. Welcome aboard.

  2. Liz Pentland

    Great post, ‘Burning Desire for FIRE’!
    You’ve already inspired me (given that I’m lucky enough to share a staffroom with you) to embark on this journey towards FIRE. I’m looking forward to having a regular reminder to keep me on track by reading your new blog. You’ve certainly turned your financial situation around in an incredibly impressive way – more power to you! And may FIRE become a reality for us both!

    • Frogdancer

      Imagine if we could both retire at the same time…
      (now THAT would give the other teachers something to talk about.)

  3. Liz Pentland

    I’d like to be included because, hey, who doesn’t love a giveaway?! A-n-d, I have a sneaky suspicion that this information will sink into my non-Maths-inclined noggin more easily if it comes to me in audio format, rather than hard copy (having tried and failed to read the hard copy version already, it may be more than a sneaky suspicion).

    • Frogdancer

      He has a voice for radio, so I’m sure it’ll be an easy listen. 🙂

  4. Mardi

    Well done you – it is so inspiring that a woman yes….. a woman is doing it for herself. Having relied on my man for “too” long I’ve decided I NEED to start doing it for myself. Perhaps this is meant to be. But win or lose best off luck and financial independence to you

    • Frogdancer

      Good on you Mardi. NEVER rely on a man… seriously I think we women may be better at this stuff than we’re generally given credit for.

  5. michelle

    Just what is needed for us (women of a certain age 🙂 ) looking forward to the pearl of wisdom 🙂

    • Frogdancer

      I hope there’ll be more than one pearl! Still, I guess that’s not for me to judge…

  6. Barb

    Have been following your journey on SS. You are very inspiring. Who wouldn’t want to know more about building their assets and having the tools to teach their children.

    • Frogdancer

      Thanks Barb! Simple Savings is still a site I check every day. 🙂

  7. Tanya

    This sounds great! Let me tell you, two women in their 40s with three kids (one 7 year old, two 4 years olds), both of us in casual work isn’t a great way to make a fortune!

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