What’s top of my mind: How to spend my days in London.
Now that I’ve brought my trip forward by 3 days, I have what seems to be eleventy billion days that I’m free to wander around London. For a history buff like me, the problem of how to fill the days is a wonderful problem to have.
At work, I’m currently between bouts of marking and my geography kids are working on a project that’s requiring minimal input from me, (unless they have a problem), so on Monday It Began.
A few weeks ago on Wednesday W’s #66, a wonderful woman named Catrin commented, giving me 2 really helpful links. I’ve spent the last couple of days down the rabbit hole, exploring links and seeing what’s out there. When I was in London last time, Scott and I spent a week there and he made sure we saw all of the “major” things. Now it’s time to look for the other nooks and crannies of interesting places.
Where I’ve been: to Costco.
The little woofs now have enough raw meat patties to last from now until I come back. That’s one job off my mind!
Where I’m going: out to lunch with Ian.
I’ve known Ian since Evan26 was Evan2. Every now and then we catch up and see what’s happening in each other’s lives. It’s nice. I have a very few friends that have been with me for decades and he’s one of them.
What I’m reading: a couple of books.
They’re both a bit ‘meh’. I’ll finish reading them, because I’m the kind of reader who has to see how a story pans out, but they’re not wonderful enough for a full book review, or so bad that I’d warn you to stay away.
What I’m watching: ‘The Block’ is back!
I love this show. This year the 5 houses being renovated are a stone’s throw from where I grew up and where my parents still live. A few months ago I actually saw one of the Nlock cars when I was driving to their place after work. Exciting!
I’m absolutely dreading al the catch-up yv I’ll have to watch wen I get back from my trip, but then again, it’ll be the perfect show to binge while I’m getting over jet lag.
What I’m listening to: Scout barking horribly.
She’s such a dibber-dobber. We have some long hall tables that we’re selling and at the moment they’re pushed behind one of the couches in the loungeroom. Jeffrey’s found that he can jump up on the couch, and then sit on the tables. He’s very proud of himself, but Scout knows that he’s doing the wrong thing, so she gets my attention.
Plus she hates him, so she loves to get him in trouble.
What I’m eating: Leftover roast pork.
We had David29 and Izzy over for lunch on Sunday to watch ‘Terminator 2’. We had the whole roast lunch, then she saw the movie. She enjoyed it, but said that it was too long.
What I’m planning: Did I mention that I’m going to the UK and Ireland soon?
I’m beginning to realise that this holiday is nearly upon me…
Who needs a fist bump: Corinna, Deana and James.
How lovely that they’re allowing me to crash at theirs. People are so lovely.
What has made me smile: Scout turned 7 today.
Look at that photo. She looks as if she’s contemplating the fact that she’s gone around the sun yet again.
She’s a big girl now. But she’s still my baby.
Dad joke of the day:

I’ve only been to London for a quick 3 days so I can’t comment on where to go however I have been following Sophia on IG for years from when she was baking sourdough at home to setting up a mirco sourdough bakery at home then crowd funding and setting up her first bakery [everything is pink] called “Sourdough Sophia”, also on IG same name. She has just crowd funded her 2nd bakery and it was so popular she has enough investors for 2 new stores. Anyway back to her bakery it would be great to go and get some treats she used to make pizzas as well and sell them by a square slice. I don’t know London but the bakery address is 24 Middle Lane, N8 8PL, London United Kingdom according to her website. Her Dad was a baker and he helps out in the shop too. Such a pretty shop. If you end up going take a photo.
You are going to have such a lovely time!