What’s top of my mind: Evan26 is on his way to Clown College!
Yes, as I type this he and his friend Will are in the plane on the last leg of their journey. They broke their flight in Vietnam, of all places. I’ve never heard of that before. Singapore and Dubai, yes, but Vietnam?
I really hope that they have a rewarding and wonderful couple of months.
Where I’ve been: on Ryan28’s massage table.
Remember when I took Scout to the Guinness Book of Records attempt and she refused to walk? Turns out I pulled a ligament in my right shoulder by carrying her around. After a week of pain, I got Ryan28 to look at it and he was able to put it back in place.
So no painting has been done, but on the bright side – I’ve read some terrific books!
Where I’m going: Nowhere.
Thank God. I’m just wanting to sit here in my own house with my own dogs and chill.
What I’m reading: The Running Club – Lowe.
This book is excellent. I read it in a day – I couldn’t leave it alone. This is the second novel this author has written and they’re both really good. Highly recommend.
The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society – Shaffer
Yes, yes, I know I’m REALLY late to the party with this one. It’s one of those books you hear about but never quite get around to picking up. (Or is that just me?) Anyway, I really enjoyed it. As soon as I finished it, I watched the movie (on Stan, for Aussie readers.) It isn’t as good as the book – it particularly rushes the beginning – but it was ok.
What I’m watching: Black Mirror series 6.
I finally finished ‘Z Nation’ … what a stupid show that ended up becoming… and rather than jump straight into the ‘Walking Dead’ sequel, I decided to catch up on some Black Mittor action. I’m enjoying it.
What I’m listening to: The dishwasher.
Since I got the PowerPal thingy from the state government that measures your electricity use in real time, I’ve been making much more use of my solar panels by running things during the day when at all possible. I never would have guessed, for example, that an Eco-Wash on the dishwasher that takes 3 hours to run is far cheaper to pay for than a quick 60 minute wash.
Now that the cost of gas and electricity is soaring, we’re doing the experiment of using our split systems to heat the house during winter, rather than using the gas ducted heating that heats the entire house. I’m interested to see if we come out ahead from the previous years’ costs during winter.
What I’m eating: Not enough. I’m hungry.
Now that I look at the time, it’s just about lunchtime.
What I’m planning: A wedding book.
David29 and Izzy got their photos back from the wedding. I’ve downloaded enough to put into a wedding album on Snapfish. A woman I’ve “known” for years from the Simple Savings forum (Hi Sandra!) put me onto them.
As a welcome to Snapfish signup, I also have the offer of 50 free prints. This s great, because Mum wanted some photos but was worried about how much they’d cost. She’ll be happy when I tell her that they’re a freebie.
Who deserves a high five: Ryan28 for fixing my shoulder.
It’s handy to have a remedial masseur in the family!
What has made me smile: Going through the wedding photos.
You know, try as I may to avoid it, I can’t help feeling fond of my boys and the partners they’ve chosen. Seeing David29 and Izzy so very happy and so much in love makes even this hardened old heart melt a little.
Dad joke of the day:

You’ll love Snapfish, but beware it’s easy to get hooked. Just log in every so often to check on specials for printing especially for holiday ones that need extra pages.
I could do with a visit from Ryan for my shoulder with all the unpacking boxes at present.
Sorry to hear about your shoulder, but it’s also lovely to see you being able to just stay home. What a luxury, particularly with the winter weather. I hope Scout appreciates the lengths you went to to save her little snag legs – no pulled ligaments for her!
I’ll tell her that she should be grateful.