What’s top of my mind: The little things.
When we moved to The Best House in Melbourne, I brought a mandarin tree with me. It had lived in a pot its entire life and had given me one or two mandarins. Once it was here, I pretty much ignored it. It was attacked by an insect and it lost all its leaves and nearly died.
When I got the boys to make the orchard in the front yard for me, I felt that I owed it a second chance. Last year, it gave me one plump mandarin. This year, I could see two on the tree. But in the last few days, as they’ve begun to turn orange, I’ve discovered a THIRD one!
What an increase in production! That tree has outdone itself.
Where I’ve been: To work and back.
I’ve picked up quite a bit of work over the last few weeks. I’ve decided that I want to earn the cash for Clown College sooner rather than later, and then it’ll be another job ticked off the list. Evan26 leaves in a month and I’d like to have it all done and dusted before he takes off.
Where I’m going: to work and back.
At least, I assume so! Term 2 is prime time for CRTs. Teachers start getting sick as the weather cools down.
Though it was hard to get out of bed this morning as the alarm went at 6:30. Had to hit the snooze button.
What I’m reading: SO MANY BOOKS!
Goodreads runs a challenge each year. I decided to put in 110 books for 2023, which is the same number I had for last year’s challenge. I’m at 51 books as of yesterday.
What I’m watching: The Traitors.
I saw that Luke from Australian Survivor is in season 2 of this show, so I’m going to watch season 1 to catch up on the concept.
Yeah boi!
What I’m listening to: Back to podcasts.
The good thing about listening to an audiobook while letting your poddies build up is that when your audiobook finally finishes, you have HEAPS of episodes to work your way through. It’s the best of both worlds.
What I’m eating: nothing exciting.
Just normal things. I got Ryan28 to cook dinner last night. A simple meal of mash, veggies and oatcakes – or as we call them, oakcakes. It was beautiful, and all the better for being made by someone else.
What I’m planning: When I’m going to paint my lounge room.
Well; am I ‘planning’ it or just knowing that now that I’ve put the sample pot of colour on the wall I’m going to have to get the job done at some stage?
Maybe I should just do some CRT days and pay someone else to do it? It’ll probably get done much quicker. But I know I’ll do a better job.
Who needs a high five: Whoever invented Dad jokes.
Ahhh, Dad jokes. The way to ingratiate yourself to classes before you’ve said a word…
I’m sitting in front of a year 10 class, many of whom I taught when they were in year 7. Every few minutes I’ve written another joke on the board.
I don’t know if it’s a reward for good behaviour or a punishment!!!
What has made me smile: the year 11s.
For only the third time in 2 years, I was given a day of work at the original campus of my old school. At lunchtime I had yard duty around the portables and a group of boys were playing footie. Turns out they were the year 7 boys from my second-last year of teaching full-time. They’re in year 11 now.
They were SO HAPPY to see me! They brought up all sorts of funny things that happened in class back then, (most of which I’ve forgotten) and it was just a joy to talk to them again.
Dad joke of the day:

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