What’s top of my mind: How much I dislike wishing my life away.
That’s the thing about going to work – my days are divided into 50 minute increments because each day is 6 periods long. As a CRT, I watch the clock, counting down how many minutes I have to go before the next chunk of day comes along, until the wonderful moment when the end of day bell goes at 3:10.
It seems like such a waste of my life, to be wishing away the minutes. The kids at this new school are fine – it’s not like I’m dreading spending the time with them. It’s just that I’m not doing what I want to do with these 50 minute increments..
Still, getting paid for it means that, sometime in the future, I’ll be travelling and using the money to see and do exactly what I want. Or, rather, Evan26 will be using this earned money to do the course he’s signed up for at Clown College in France.
So there’s a definite trade-off that still benefits me and my goals. But it still seems like a waste of life to be looking and the clock and counting down the minutes until each period ends.
Twenty-six minutes to go…
Where I’ve been: On Marketplace.
I’ve put the blinds up on Marketplace. Haven’t had any nibbles yet.
Where I’m going: to the library.
Turns out that I have 5 books waiting for me on hold. Better get to that!
What I’m reading: Old Babes in the woods – Atwood.
This is a collection of short stories, with many of them being from the perspective of a woman in her 80’s who has been married for many years. I found this collection poignant, especially the last section. They reminded me of my parents.
As an author, I find Atwood a bit hit or miss. Love her poetry, LOVE ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’, but some of her other novels were a waste of time.
What I’m watching: The Coronation.
Yes, I watched the coronation. I’m an English history buff, so of course I’m going to watch it. I enjoyed the mix of modern elements along with the traditions going back over a thousand years.
Camilla’s face when she was finally wearing the crown made me laugh, though!
What I’m listening to: A podcast about Roxelana.
I know I’ve mentioned The Other Half podcast before. This season, he’s discussing mistresses, courtesans and concubines. I’m in the middle of the second episode about Roxelana, who was a concubine in the harem of the sultan in Istanbul… and she ended up marrying him. She must have been a force of nature.
What I’m eating: Chicken Biryani.
This is from the Skinnymixers Indian book that I’ve owned for years. Never made it before. It was nice; a bit like Indian fried rice, but steamed.
What I’m planning: Mothers Day.
Originally this was going to be for lunch, but now I’m thinking that a late afternoon get together with an early dinner will be the way to go. I want to see all my kids, if possible.
Who needs a good slap: The inventor of Spider Solitaire.
I’m playing a lot of spider solitaire at the moment. It’s a game that you aren’t guaranteed to win. That’s annoying… so when the sound of applause happens and the cards ripple out across the screen, it feels good. I beat it!!
Pity it took 400 games to get here.
What has made me smile: What just happened at the beginning of the period.
The hip student teacher was trying to settle the year 7s as they were coming into the room. Whatever he said, they were ignoring.
Until I stood up, laptop in hand, ready to call the roll. I told them to be quiet – they were. These kids don’t even know me!
Dad joke of the day:
“Drool” is my favourite word.
It just rolls off the tongue.
I watched the coronation too, although I don’t really care about the royals. I figured that I may not see this again in my lifetime (depending on how long Charlie lasts!), so it was worth it from that perspective. Being a chorister, though, the music was the real reason I was watching. ????
I know what you mean about Camilla – I thought she looked slightly freaked out just beforehand, but once that crown was on her head, ha ha, totally the cat that got the cream!
Oops, I didn’t realise those question marks got in there. ????♀️
??? What question marks??? Haha
I agree that the music was amazing. Not surprising I guess, Charles has always loved the arts.
Hi Frogdancer,, I’ve sent you an email about CRT. I know what you mean about Margaret Atwood. I must read Hand Maids Tale one if these days.