What’s top of my mind: My stint of living by myself appears to be over.
I only had 2 nights!!!!
Ryan27 is moving back in.
Where I’ve been: to see ‘Underwire.’
I saw Jenna’s cabaret show twice and it was GREAT! Lord knows, the kids know that I’m not the type of parent who gushes uncritically over everything they do. When it’s dodgy… I tell them. But when they do a great job, I tell them that too.
‘Underwire’ will be at the Adelaide Fringe and the Melbourne Comedy Festival later this year and next year. Definitely go along and see it. It’s an hour you’ll definitely enjoy.
Where I’m going: Kate’s place for dinner.
It’s Mum’s 82nd birthday today, so a few of us are meeting at my sister’s place for dinner.
What I’m reading: Stephen King’s Fairy Tale.
I’m halfway through and I’m really enjoying it. Like some of his door-stopper novels, it took a little while to get going but we’re definitely away now! An added bonus is that the protagonist loves his dog – definitely right up my alley.
What I’m watching: 1,000 pound Sisters.
Rarely have I seen a more unpleasant and stupid group of people. I do NOT recommend.
What I’m listening to: The Last Library – by Freya Sampson.
I’m up-to-date with all my podcasts so I needed an audiobook to have on the go. This one is a pleasant read about the imminent closing of a small-town library and how the community bands together to try and save it.
It mentions a lot of books, so I’m adding to my ‘To read one day’ list.
What I’m eating: Roast Lamb and Apple Crumble.
That’s what Mum has requested for her birthday dinner.
What I’m planning: Redecorating my lounge/dining/kitchen.
After I get back from Antarctica I’ll need a new project. I’m currently mulling over colours and window treatments.
Who needs a good slap: Those 1,000 pound sisters.
Honestly. Would it kill them to be nice to one another?
What has made me smile: Seeing Tom30 in his own place.
He’s so proud of his house. Ryan27 came over for dinner last night so I took him over to have a look at it. Tom30 absolutely LOVED showing his brother everything about his new house. It was really lovely to see.
Dad joke of the day:

Snort “Ryan27 is moving back in.”
I hope it is because he thought you would be lonely.
I think he just missed Scout, to be honest!
Your boys must love you to want to come home again. 🙂
Thanks for the Freya Sampson recommendation. I’ve requested from the library.
The protagonist is starting to annoy me. She’s so meek and spineeless. I hope she grows a backbone soon…