What’s top of my mind: The integrity of my writing.
I’ve been blogging since 2007 on the frogblog, and I started this one in 2017. Both blogs are an online journal of my thoughts and experiences and everything written in these blogs is a truthful account of my life as I live it. You know – the very definition of a journal.
A few days ago someone close to me was talking to mutual friends and insinuated that not everything written here is truthful. I was very angry and deeply hurt when I was told about it.
I take pride in my writing and put my heart and soul into it. Especially the travel posts – they usually take between 2 and 3 hours to write. When I’m on a trip, I take notes as each day progresses (sometimes written; sometimes spoken) so that I have every detail available for me to select what goes into the post when I’m ready to write. (Martha from Vancouver probably saw me doing this when we were at the bird sanctuary.) I take photos of information boards so I can include details from them if they’re interesting. The people I’ve travelled with, such as Scott, Megan and Deana among others, have also seen me do this.
My readers can trust that everything I write in my posts actually happened.
My blogs are the one place that I can share my life without fear or favour. There’s absolutely no point in lying even if I wanted to – I’ve elected not to monetise them because I want the number of my readers to grow organically, because what I share resonates with them and they want to come back. I’m not interested in writing exciting ‘click bait’. It’s pointless to me.
The blogs are a record of my life, my gardens, my trips and my children and pets. Every post I write is a post that my children can read. Every post is something that I can come back later to refer to. I do not lie or embellish the truth. It would negate the whole point of writing the blogs in the first place.
I feel that both this FIRE blog and the frogblog have built up lovely little communities in our corners of the internet. Some of you have been reading me for years – I’m looking at you, Loretta! – and some of you have opened up your homes and spent time with me when I’ve been travelling. I treasure the trust and friendship that exists between me and the people who take the time to read what I write. I get a kick out of seeing a notification that someone has commented.
I guess I just wanted to get that off my chest.

Where I’m going: I just checked my calendar…
Well, I have my walking group tomorrow and to my dismay joy, it’s going to be a sunny day so there’s no excuse not to go.
I’d better set the alarm!
Where I’ve been: out to lunch.
On Friday I went to Brighton Beach for lunch with a couple of friends from my thermomix days. It was supposed to be 4 of us but one pulled out due to ill health. We had a great time, but I was a bit taken aback to find out that two of the four of us had had cancer – one to the point of losing a breast.
They’re both younger than me. Then the very next morning there was a long post on FB from a guy I went to high school with who’s battling cancer popping up all over the place in his body.
It’s confronting to think that I seem to have reached that age where bad things start to happen.
What I’m reading: nothing that I’m particularly excited about.
I read a couple of books on the cruise and the two I have on hand now are just finishing up the stories. I thought I may as well follow them through, but they’re fairly ‘meh.’
What I’m watching: 3 Body Problem.
I started this last night on Netflix. Yes, I know I should be watching the Olympics, but once the swimming was done I turned back to Netflix. I like my stories.
This looks to be quite good.
What I’m listening to: music coming from Georgia29’s room.
Uni has started again for Georgia 29, but today is one of her free days. I know she’s studying at the moment because the music coming from her room is slow, steady and doesn’t have lyrics.
What I’m eating: Meatloaf.
I’m so happy. I love meatloaf and I’ve never made it before. Jaybee on the Simple Savings website posted THIS RECIPE and I made it last night, but instead of using BBQ sauce for the glaze I used plum sauce, as Jaybee recommended.
It was lovely. The recipe instructs you to make 2 loaves, one to eat now and one to freeze. I’m really pleased that I now have an easy meal in the freezer for when I’m rushed. Also, because there’s only Georgia29 and I at home, each meatloaf lasts us for 2 dinners.
What I’m planning: what to plant in my gardens.
Liga is coming in November and I’d like the place to look colourful and welcoming for her and her friend – also called Liga. If I want it to look good then, I’d better start doing things now.
We’ve booked the accommodation for the “Ligas’ Crazy Rad Trip” and they’ve booked their flights from Sydney to Melbourne.
It’s all happening, Baby!

Who deserves a ‘thumbs-up’: not me.
Look at the picture above. After owning a thermomix for over ten years, I finally got too complacent and stripped the blades.
The blades are designed to fall apart if there’s too much stress being placed on the motor. It’s better that a set of blades falls apart rather than the whole motor!
I had a frozen clove of elephant garlic that I wanted to chop. It was massive. I thought, “Should I chp this in half before I put it in?” but then I thought, ‘Nah, she’ll be right.
She wasn’t. Fortunately, Thermomix still have tm31 blades for sale, so I ordered another set lickety split. But yes, all my own fault. How stupid.

What has made me smile: my Explorer pack.
Yes, remember I wrote about this last week? It’s from the people on the Ghan trip that are taking us all over the red Centre and the Top End.
It arrived on Friday and I dove straight in.
The first thing that occurred to me is that they must have enormous trouble with people bringing luggage that’s too big. Underneath all of this was a backpack. I was pleased by this, because I don’t own one. There was also a piece of paper with INTRICATE instructions on the dimensions of bags to pack.
I haven’t looked at it yet. That’s Future Frogdancer’s problem.
It also had a towel for these leisurely swims in the lagoons among the rocky cliffs; a bright orange water bottle; a brochure with more rail trips inside; and various bits and bobs.
It seems that this trip is really going to happen.
By the way, does anyone know if I’ll need a fly net on my hat in September? Or November, when the Ligas and I will be there?
Following is a photo of me in my absolutely flattering hat,

The dogs don’t seem too enthused.
Dad joke of the day:

As someone who lived in Alice Springs between May & March, I’d recommend a fly net on your hat, especially for November.
Thanks. I was typing away, and just had a funny feeling all of a sudden…
I have never thought that your posts were ever anything but real and authentic. You always document the good and bad whether that’s travel or just your life in general. I have been reading your blog here and your posts on SS for a long time and would definitely get a feel if something was off. Keep being you! I enjoy all of your writing 😊
I love your posts and always enjoy them. They capture day to day life and the perspective of someone living in another country – living their best life. Why someone would even bother to something so negative – makes me think they are a very sad person who is unhappy with their own life! Keep on writing Frogdancer and I’ll keep on reading.
Thanks Debbie. I’m glad you enjoy the posts. The Wednesday W’s and Skinflint Sundays make me stop and think about my life and what’s actually happening. Otherwise, it’s too easy to just let the days swish by.
I have been reading you for years and never even crossed my mind that you would embellish. As you said, what would be the point? Look forward to every post!
Yes, exactly. Last night I found out more about the conversation and I feel a lot better. There’ll be an update after my walk.
I rather like your hat. But your blog is even better. It never occurred to me to think you were making it up as you have a very authentic voice – and why would you? It’s not monetised and there would be little to gain and more to lose.
It’s part of the reason I come back: for the human story you tell (you aren’t the only one who loves stories!)
Good luck with the studies, Georgia. I would like to know the music she listens to that keeps her focused. Any chance she could do a guest Wednesday post one day?
Ooooo… interesting idea. I’ll ask her.
Yummmy, I love meatloaf. I’m a little surprised that they have you freeze the second one before you cook it. I’ve frozen (cooked) meatloaf in the past and it thaws/reheats well. I wonder what the benefit is?
How strange what that person had to say. Too bad they didn’t share more about why they thought that!
Maybe the glaze on the meatloaf might burn if it was cooked twice??? THat’s the only thing I can come up with.
Good joke. I’d try for forth
You seem to be one of the most genuine people on the internet. I’m flabbergasted by the criticism. And this is the first time I think I’ve ever used the word ‘flabbergasted’.
Never has your flabber been more gasted! It’s an awesome word and should be used more often.
As everyone has said – just keep on being you. We all have ordinary days and it’s nice to know you do too. Although tripping around the world isn’t exacting ordinary! I enjoy your musings so carry on 🙂
Like the other comments.. read your blogs because you write the good the bad and inbetween in your own voice. Never thought anything was made up. I can definitely vouch you take notes 🙂 The teacher/blogger in you ! plus how to you remember everything to write later.. I couldn’t without notes. Sounds like someone had a touch of green…. That box of goodies is so handy. Smart of them to send it out.
Yes, I thought it was smart of them too.
“I can definitely vouch you take notes.” Haha! Scott felt like he had to ell a guide in England that I wasn’t texting someone during his talk – I was really taking notes!
I may not comment on your blogs but I am an avid reader of them.
Another who is flabbergasted 😃. Ignore some people and carry on. Looking forward to hearing about all your upcoming adventures.
When I started reading this post, I thought “oh no, Frogdancer is going to say she is done blogging!” Then the more I read, the more outraged I was on your behalf! So glad it turned out well in the end…..and that you are not retiring the blog!
I don’t think I could if I tried. I’ve been blogging since 2007 on the frogblog. I’m so used to chronicling my life.
Can’t understand why people need to be negative! I enjoy reading your blog, I have my own private one and it’s a great way to share my travels with family and – as a kind of picture filled journal with memories for me to go back to and enjoy. Thanks for sharing yours x x