Financially Independent, Retired Early(ish) at 57.

Wednesday W’s #106.

What’s top of my mind: Nothing.

It’s a very calm and peaceful place at the moment, my mind.

Where I’m going: to the backyard.

Yesterday I finally felt energetic enough to go out into the backyard and do a day’s gardening. I cleared out both patches of warrigal greens and chopped and dropped the last of the Lazy Housewife beans. There’s so much still to do out there, so I’ll probably be out there later today, seeing as the day is so bright.

I’ll be doing so much travelling in the next two years that I’ve decided to scale back the veggie gardening and let most of the beds rest.

Where I’ve been: Walking group.

Remember I joined a U3A walking group before I went away? I finally felt well enough to go back. We went for an 8km walk down in the mangroves and these black swans were the most exciting things I saw when I was there.

What I’m reading: What Happened to Nina? – Dervla McTiernan.

I enjoy Dervla McTiernan’s novels and this one was no exception. A young woman disappears and her boyfriend is the last known person to see her alive. Each chapter is from another character’s perspective, which I’ve always liked.

Unruly by David Mitchell.

One of my favourite comedians and one of my enduring passions – the kings and queens of England. What a match made in heaven!

Quite a few of the jokes are very “now”, which means it won’t age well, but I don’t think he cares.

What I’m watching: Life After Life on ABC iView and Lessons in Chemistry on Binge.

Both are excellent series based on excellent books. I finished Lessons in Chemistry last night and had a little cry – yes, they got me!

What I’m listening to: the kids next door playing fighting playing.

It’s school holidays. These kids are primary aged.

They were outside with their father while he tried to get some yard work done. After around 3 hours of constant loud happy play, even louder crying and fighting and then loud happy play again, I heard him wearily ask, “Sierra, do you go and whinge to your teachers about every little thing when you’re at school?”

What I’m eating: for the next 3 days – whatever I want!

I’m going to be Home Alone. I’ll be cooking all the things that I like that Georgia doesn’t.

What I’m planning: nothing much.

Liga has decided that she still wants to do the long drive to Uluru. Apart from that, there’s nothing much coming up until September.

Who deserves a thumbs-up: No one in particular.

Just take one for yourself!

What has made me smile: Spending time with these two.

On Sunday I went across town to see Evan27 and Jenna. He’s back from California, where he went for two weeks to tech for a friend’s show called ‘Motorboat.’

They’re full of plans for the Edinburgh Comedy Festival. She has a space booked for two weeks for ‘Underwire’ and he has a very central spot for 5 nights for ‘Long Play’. I’m proud of them both.

Dad joke of the day:


  1. Anne T

    Way to go Jenna and Evan! Great achievement to be appearing at the Edinburgh Festival. also waving Hello! Long time reader from Wellington NZ Dont’think I’ve commented before. I came for the FIRE content but stayed to the Cavalier KC spaniel and travel stories. Sorry you had to say goodbye to Poppy. We lost our own guy a couple of years ago. We’re still talking about him .

    Hoping to be in your position in a year or two.

    • FrogdancerJones

      Travel stories will recommence in September, though I’m sure Jeff will be appearing frequently before then!
      I haven’t yet made it to NZ, but a woman in the walking group is from there and she was doing a great job of ‘selling’ it. 🙂

      • Anne T

        You’d love it here. And you’d have somewhere to stay ! It’s just a long weekend from Melbourne ????

  2. Maureen

    I don’t think I’ve ever seen black swans before. I thought they were just in shadow in the photo. They are beautiful. I’m looking forward to watching Lessons in Chemistry when the right streaming service comes back into my rotation.

    • FrogdancerJones

      Most people in the walking froup hardly gave them a second glance. They must be as common as muck down on the Peninsula.

  3. Martha F

    Glad you are feeling better. How cool they are going to be in the Edinburgh Festival! Will it be filmed so family can see it?

    • FrogdancerJones

      We’ve already seen them doing these shows at the Melbourne Comedy Festival – and Jenna’s parents have also seen them at the Adelaide Comedy Festival.
      Who knows? Somebody might hold up their phone for a performance…?

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