What’s top of my mind: I’m getting tired.
People sling off at teachers, especially about the long holidays we have. But I’m telling you – we need them.
Teaching isn’t a job where you can coast… if you try it, you’ll rue the day because the kids will simply start walking all over you. Every day you have to be switched on. High energy and with your game face on. It’s fun, but it certainly takes it out of you. There’s a reason why teachers find that we tend to get sick as soon as holidays come; we’re running on empty by that stage.
I’ve reached the point in the term where there are less than 3 weeks to go. I’ve noticed that it’s far more tempting to get takeaway. The dinners I’m now making are far more likely to be frozen schnitzels or fish fillets with some veggies all thrown in the oven, rather than the salads I was making earlier in the year, which are lovely but require a lot more prep time.
Coincidentally, this morning as I was leaving for work, I opened the gates and my neighbour, who is a Drama and English teacher at another school, was just about to get into her car. We had a quick chat, and she asked, “Are you trired?” When I nodded, she said, “I’m absolutely knackered!” So it isn’t just me.
I’m looking forward to getting the more sedate retirement pace back.
Where I’ve been: dress shopping.
Yes, the shop that Mum mentioned turned out to be a winner.
I walked into Southland, turned where the escalator is and strode straight to it. There was an outfit in the window that looked great. I went in, looked at the different colour options, tried one on and BAM! It was done.
I was in and out in less than 10 minutes.
(I may need to buy shoes and possibly a bag, but that’s Future Frogdancer’s problem.)
Where I’m going: to David29 and Izzy’s first home!
Can you believe that these two people, who are getting married in 4 weeks, have never lived in a house that hasn’t been run by parents?
I’m over the moon that they’ve finally been able to find a place to call their own. I was getting worried that they’d come back from their honeymoon and go home to Izzy’s parents’ place. The rental market in Melbourne is impossibly tight – it was only that one of Izzy’s cousins was finding that affording the mortgage on the apartment he bought was too hard. He’s moving back home and David29 and Izzy are moving in.
It’s a win/win – he gets to keep up the mortgage payments, while the kids will get to have a reference for their next place.
It’s not what you know, but who you know!
What I’m reading: Our Missing Hearts – Celeste Ng.
What a lovely writer Celeste Ng is. This is her third novel and I’m a third of the way in. I’m loving it.
It’s reading books like this that make me so glad that each English lesson at my school starts with 10 minutes of silent reading. 5 X 10 minutes X 2 classes = 100 minutes of reading that I’m getting paid for!!!!
What I’m watching: The school’s General Assembly.
One very good thing that’s come out of all the lockdowns we went through is that the General Assemblies are now live-streamed, so if you’re not a form teacher, you can watch from anywhere.
I’m at my desk, listening through headphones and switching to the visual if something is interesting enough.
What I’m eating: easy stuff.
See above.
What I’m planning: What to do with the veggie garden for winter.
I really need to get out there and start putting more beds to sleep for the winter. Many beds have plants at the end of their runs that need to be chopped and dropped, then snuggled up with fertiliser, mushroom compost, autumn leaves and pea straw.
I still haven’t dragged out the mini greenhouse from the shed and so I still haven’t started any seeds for winter crops. I need to get my arse into gear.
Who needs a good slap: my next-door neighbours.
Would it kill them to train their staffy to shut up?
What has made me smile: Mum and Dad’s shopping trip.
Yesterday I went to see Mum and Dad after work, but no one was home. Later, we were talking on the phone and it seems that they were out shopping for a brand-new lounge suite.
They’re going to have all the bells and whistles. Electric reclining armchairs, all leather… they won’t know themselves.
I said to her, “Considering all the time you’re spending at home now, you might as well get it all set up the way you want.”
“Yes, this will see us out in the last 10 years of our lives,” Mum said. “It’ll certainly get more use than any other lounge suite we’ve ever had!”
This couple has been frugal all their lives. It’s good to see them replace the ugly fake leather lounge that they got from Marketplace a couple of years ago. This new lounge sounds like they’ll absolutely enjoy it – especially the recliners for those pesky afternoon naps that just seem to sneak up on you.
Dad joke of the day:
My grief counselor died.
He was so good I didn’t even care.