Financially Independent, Retired Early(ish) at 57.

Frogdancer’s Lazy Road Trip – Days 22 and 23: Home again.

Surprisingly, I didn’t wake up too stiff and sore from my mountaineering adventure the day before, but I decided to forego any more arduous activities on my last day here. I read my 11th or 12th book on the holiday, and then I took a gentle walk beside the creek in the afternoon.

On the map, it’s called the Thredbo River, but it was just creek-sized here.

It was nice, though the flies were a little annoying. I walked all the way to the Bushman’s Hut, which sounded a lot more interesting than it ended up being.

The sound of the water was lovely. I also heard kookaburras from the bushland on the other side of the creek.

I bumped into these characters on the way back.

“Be careful – there’s a snake to the right,” their owner said. “That’s why these two are on leads,”

I kept an eye out but didn’t see a thing.

This was a nice little “goodbye” from the Snowy Mountains.

The next day I was on the road by 8:30. I had a 7.5-hour drive ahead of me, but I was stopping in Lakes Entrance for lunch with my cousin Lynette. Apart from her Mum’s funeral, I haven’t seen her for years, so I was looking forward to the catch-up.

The country on the NSW side of the border was cattle grazing country.

Farms, farms everywhere.

Then woo hoo! Victoria! My nose was firmly pointed towards home now.

The drive between the border and Lakes Entrance was beautiful, but the closer I got towards home, the less inclined I was to stop the car for photos.

I spent a couple of hours wth my cousin and we didn’t stop talking the whole time. She grows fruit and veggies, like me, and she also travels!! When I told her about the Kenya, Tanzania and Zanzibar trip, she said, “I’ve done that!”

It was so interesting to hear about what I was going to see, particularly in Zanzibar.

When I got home, Scout MOANED at me for ages. Her tail was wagging, but she was letting me know the anguish she’d suffered in giving me up for dead. After a while, I looked over her head to Georgia and said, “I’m going away again in February…”

I gave her a squeaky toy I’d bought in Barkly Homestead. It lasted 5 minutes before she started pulling the stuffing out.


Here is the final map of the trip. My trusty Golf and I travelled 8,000 km and I had a fantastic time. The Golf didn’t miss a beat and I saw so much. I’ve definitely pencilled in the Nullabor Plain for a future adventure.

On Saturday I spent time with Tom31 and Sophie, and then on Sunday I saw these two for lunch. David31 and Izzy are living in a caravan, preparing to build their first house – can you believe that were married over 18 months ago? Time flies.

On Monday, I got the Yellow Fever vaccination for my Africa trip in April.

And then four days after I got back, this happened:

Dad Joke of the Day:


  1. Maureen

    What an epic road trip! I had to convert to miles (5000!) which is across the US and 2/3 the way back. I love a good road trip, but that was one for the books. Thanks for the virtual tour of Australia!

    • FrogdancerJones

      No worries! I’m glad you enjoyed it.
      Next holiday – Vietnam.

      • Cedar

        I’m looking forward to vicariously living through you for that trip already. So sad I had to skip Vietnam last time I was in Asia.

        • FrogdancerJones

          I spent some time this morning looking at mozzie repellents for Vietnam and Africa.

  2. Mrs. ETT

    “…this happened” Oh dear. There’s a story there, but do you want to tell us? 😏 Thank you for sharing your trip. It has been very inspiring. Not only the amazing places you visited, but what you got out and just did on your own. It’s got me thinking. I’m sure you’re now hard at work giving Scout three weeks of catch-up attention to stop all the moaning!

  3. Tania

    Fabulous trip….thanks for taking us along.

    What is the app you are using to map your travels? It looks great.

  4. Kerry Sinclair

    Thankyou for sharing stories and photos of your amazing trip! I enjoyed every minute of it! So glad you’re home safe….apart from latest photo of your poor car?

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