Financially Independent, Retired Early(ish) at 57.

Category: The ‘why’ of FI. (Page 2 of 27)

Japan Day 3: Mt Fuji and the cat.

I took many photos of Mt Fuji today, and this is the best one. It is also the first one.

I would have saved myself so much time and energy if I’d realised that at the time!

“Sometimes Fuji is shy. She hides her face behind the clouds like a quilt. We see the Fuji twice on this trip, so we have a good chance to see her,” said Ben.

Fuji is actually 4 mountains and it has 2 craters. It last erupted 300 years ago, from the crater on the side. It was so large that the sand on the beach is still black. 

There’s an 80% chance that it will erupt in the next 30 years. People in Tokyo have regular drills on what to do when it happens.

Of course, Mt Fuji is big Kami.

Fortunate Frogdancer is on this tour! It’s cloudy, but the top of Mt Fuji can clearly be seen.

We arrived at the museum and raced to the top floor to see Fuji.

I’ve got to admit, I was more moved than I expected to be. It was so beautiful!

After I’d snapped a couple of shots, I went downstairs and watched a 10 minute video about the mountain. They did a good job – it was actually interesting. 

I spent more time in the gift shop looking for a decent souvenir of Fuji than I actually spent looking at her, so after I selected the least hideous magnet, I went upstairs again. Clouds were beginning to sweep across the top of the mountain and it looked very different, even in such a short time.

Our next stop was Lake Kawaguchi, where we were to grab lunch and then jump on a boat to catch the best views of Fuji.

Barbara, Lyn, Robyn and I went to a cafe called ‘ The Apple Pie Lab’ which seriously had the best apple pie I’ve ever eaten. The coffee was strong, too. If you ever see one, you could do far worse than to grab a lunch here.

We wandered around afterward, and discovered this sculpture that an artist who was 101 made. Isn’t it beautiful?

We had a little time to kill before the boat ride and as I walked beside the harbour, I was suddenly filled with happiness. The sun was shining, I was looking at a snowy place with not even a jumper on, I could hear birds in the air and my little black ducks with the white faces were swimming in the water. It was all so peaceful and lovely.

The boat ride on the lake was amazing. The view of Mt Fuji was incredibly impressive. However , I couldn’t get a decent view on my phone for you, and believe me… I tried. In the end, I put my phone away and lived in the moment.

The photos are wishy-washy but the view in real life definitely wasn’t!

This was me thinking I’d left it too late to get a decent shot of the mountain, but it actually isn’t too bad. Anyway, once we were on dry land, we were in the bus and away. It was a full- on driving afternoon.

I slept on the bus after this, but every now and then I surfaced to see the view. This reminded me of the Alaskan/Canadian trip, with snowy mountains by the road. Admittedly, the Japanese ones were smaller and were further away from the road, but the echoes were still there.

A view from the wrong side of the bus. Hey, I can’t be Fortunate Frogdancer ALL the time!

We arrived at Nagano, a town high in the Alps region, at around 4:30.
Ben said that our rooms would be small by Australian standards…

There’s no window behind that curtain.

I appreciate how, despite the lack of floor space, the toilet still has everything I’ve come to expect.

If there’s one thing I’m beginning to appreciate, after being on so many trips, is that if the guide recommends something, it’s probably a good idea to check it out.

I knew that if I went and got dinner immediately after checking in, I was going to end up with lots of time on my hands. Even with writing this post – these travel posts take anywhere from 2 to 3 hours to put together – I’d still be left with nothing but a book to read.

As we drove into town, Ben recommended going to see a “very famous” shrine a kilometres walk from the hotel.

Now, you all know how much I hate exercise. But I thought of my tens of readers and decided to take that walk. It was up a hill, so I hope you appreciate it.

Actually, it was terrific. Always listen to your guide!

As I walked, I snapped a few photos.

I liked the look of this garden. Did I mention that this walk was uphill?

I knew this place would be awesome when I saw this.

How whimsical!

This is a close-up of the statues in the first gate.

Then there was a row of shops. Luckily for me, most of them were already closed for the day. The Art shop was shut. Phew! I still haven’t quite recovered from buying the silken embroidered piece from Hoi An 2 weeks ago.

There was something fabulous here that I didn’t notice until I was on my way out…

Looking back the way I’d come. It was getting cold and I had to tuck my hands into my sleeves to try and keep them warm. But I was very glad I’d come.

Walking up towards the last building.

These buildings were all original. They’d escaped being bombed in the war.

Look at his expression! I’d find a place for him at home in a heartbeat.

This was a sneaky shot.

How could I have missed seeing the cat?? 😂😂

I may have quickly stepped into traffic to take this shot. I like the way the buildings relate to each other.

And another echo of Canada. I was reminded of Banff when I saw the mountain at the end of the street.

I bumped into Lyn and Barbara at the supermarket and we bought our dinners. I’ve demolished mine, and I’ll finish my little bottle of sake while I finish my book.

Tomorrow it’s another early start.

I’m enjoying this tour. Even though it’s a large number of people, everyone is chilled, on time and agreeable. There’s no one who’s annoying.

Unless… oh god!… maybe this means that it’s ME??? 😳

Dad Joke of the Day:

Japan, day 2: Tokyo.

This morning I woke up and I could see Mt Fuji from my hotel window. I was so excited. We travel to see her tomorrow, but even if the weather turns bad, I’ve seen her with snow.

Today was an optional tour, costing around $100 AUD. It was money well spent as far as I was concerned. I have no idea what to see here. If you were a more independent traveler, or had friends you wanted to catch up with, then the flexibility to choose would be great.

Our first stop was a Buddhist temple.

Shinto temples, like the one we saw yesterday, are empty. Buddhist temples are very different.

It’s very common in Japan to believe in both religions. Buddhism came from China, originally from India. If people believe in the same faith, it’s easier to control them, so the government built lots of temples.

In olden days, if you were sick, you’d go to the temple first. Buddhism explained everything, which was a comfort to people before science. As we walked towards the temple proper, I could smell the incense so strongly. Lighting incense, then waving the smoke towards where you feel I’ll, is a tradition from the oldest times that still exists today.

During the Meiji restoration, there was a resurgence of nationalism and they tried to ban Buddhism because it came from China. They tore down a few temples but met with great resistance from the local people. After all, it had been here, entwined with Shintoism, for hundreds of years. So they separated the two religions, which is how it is today. 

China is intolerant of other cultures. Ten years ago, it was safe to wear Japanese kimonos on the streets. Now, people will point and question why you are wearing a different culture’s clothes, which is a bugger for Chinese kids who like anime. If you don’t take off the clothes yourself, they might “help you “. Ben is from China, so I believe him. “It’s a worrying sign,” he said. “It’s very bad.”

Here is one of the two shoes that are periodically made for Buddha. The Japanese believe that he is very, very big.

Pagoda has a huge column suspended from the top floor to absorb earthquake tremors. The Japanese learned how to do this centuries ago.

This temple also has its fund-raising efforts.

You can buy little fortune-telling things that tell your luck. If it’s bad luck you can leave it here and Buddha will cleanse it. If it’s good luck though you can bring it home with you. Isn’t that convenient?

Before he set us loose for a half hour’s free time, Ben took us to see the koi. He told us of a lovely custom.

Buddhism famously believes in reincarnation, where, depending on how you behave in your current life, you may come back as a human or an animal. On October 15 every year, people go to the market and buy a fish and then return it to the water. It might be your grandmother or your brother…

As I was walking around, I noticed lots of young women dressed in traditional clothes. Was this a thing that people did? Was this a special day?

Later, as I was walking back through the market, I saw rental shops for the clothing. Apparently, it’s a thing for young people to do.

Just like the churches in Europe, you can light a candle. I lit two, wishing with all my heart that Mum and Dad would stay upright and breathing for years to come.

Look up! Something Scott taught me in England…

After I battled my way through the crowd, I bought a good fortune charm for my Christmas tree. That’s Japan done!

I have to say, the Japanese don’t seem to mind mixing religion and commerce. The market, right outside the temple, was doing a roaring trade.

I didn’t buy this bag, but maybe I should have.

I DID buy this dachshund key ring for Georgia.
Scout is her favourite housemate, after all.

Zoom in on this dog’s cheek. Can you see the crocheted flower? 😂

I liked the contrast of the traditional figure in front, with the huge tower behind.

I’m not exactly sure why these cats are shaped the way they are. They remind me of something…?

This looks like a fabric shop, doesn’t it? But it’s paper.

Here is a sculpture that the Japanese affectionately call’The Golden Poo.’

It’s supposed to symbolise the eternal flame of life that burns within us all… but yeah. Giant golden poo.

Our next stop was the old fish market. I didn’t expect to enjoy it all that much, but it was great! It helped that I had the freshest salmon and scallop sashimi for lunch for around $6. Talk about living the life!

This place was packed with tiny shops, some selling ingredients while the rest were selling all sorts of things to eat. Barbara and Lyn called out, “We’re coming with you, Frogdancer!” as I set off in search of lunch. Ben had directed most of the group to a shop that sold a very popular beef stew, but to my way of thinking, if you come to a fish market, you really should eat fish.

The only exception to this is if you go to a banana market, in which case you should stay on the bus and avoid all contact with that disgusting fruit.

Barbara and I chose to eat sashimi, which was absolutely delicious, especially the scallops.

Lyn doesn’t eat fish market, so when I saw these rice dumplings dipped in soy glaze, she dove right in.

Before we got off the bus, Ben warned us about checking the prices.
“People think that because it’s street food, it’s cheap,” he said. “That’s not always the case.”
With Japanese yen, you wipe off the last two digits and you’ve got a good swap for the Aussie dollar. Now admittedly, these strawberries were almost as big as my fist, but I’m not paying $12 for one!

Look at the marbling on that steak!

Afterwards, we had some time to kill before going back to the bus, so we walked a block to see a shrine that had an early flowering cherry.

Our next stop was a garden that reminded me in some ways of the Butchart Gardens in Canada. It’s centred around a lake and it’s very beautiful, though in a very different style to the Canadian one.

It’s called the pure and clean garden. It used to belong to the founder of the Mitsubishi company. He used to hold meetings there after he bought it from an old samurai family early last century. He donated it to the government to become a public garden.

It was a lovely place to wander around.

I still have Wanda with me.

We were set the task of finding the three wise monkeys. They were here, amongst these very old sculptures.

In the group chat, this was posted with the caption, “Found them!”

This park is all about the rocks. The Mitsubishi guy shipped back rocks from all over the world to place in the garden. As I was stepping along the beautifully manicured trail, it occurred to me that these boots and I have stepped on many different trails; from cobbled streets in London to the rough climbs in Central Australia to the carefully crafted paths in Japan.

How wonderful life is!

And just like that, we were off to something completely different.

Godzilla, anyone???

Today we went to Shinjuku, Tokyo’s biggest station, where an average of 3.6 million people A DAY commute. It must be hell during peak hour.
We were here to see Godzilla, the 3D cats and the red light district.

This is only part of it, it was the silliest and most impressive thing I’ve seen.

And here’s a bar advertising the young men available for women to buy a drink for them.

Prostitution is illegal here, and the conservative attitudes coupled with the insane work/life imbalance means that some weird things are big business here.

“Liquid business” is huge. This is a description of bars where men and women go to flirt and talk with gorgeous young things who get them to buy drinks at hugely inflated prices. There is no sex involved… yet to lonely people these liquid workers can seem like a boyfriend or girlfriend.
The first time you go to a place, you can choose which girl to see. After that, every time you go back, you have to see the same girl. You can see how people will feel like they have a relationship with that person after a while.
Apparently, it’s acceptable for married people to do this. After all, they’re only talking…

It’s a bit sad.

Some more of Ben’s Fun Facts:

Fermented beans for breakfast is a traditional dish. . “You try once. Once is enough!!”

Curry with rice. The Japanese curry is sweet. 

Beef wasn’t eaten until the Meiji restoration. Beef comes from working animals, so for an agricultural society, it’s too expensive to use cattle for eating. They ate fish almost exclusively.

Now, Japan’s wagyu beef is the best in the world. The farmers bring up the cattle to feel no stress. For 2 years, the cattle are fed feed mixed with leftover sake products. They definitely feel no stress!

Horse meat is considered a delicacy and is eaten raw.

See the squares on the roof of each balcony? They’re designed to be able to be pushed through in case there’s a fire and people need to escape. I never would’ve noticed them if Ben hadn’t have pointed them out, and yes. They’re everywhere.

The city of Tokyo has been destroyed twice. In 1923 there was an earthquake and typhoon on the same day. Then, WWII.

There are two professions that are the living history of Japan – the geisha and the Sumo wrestlers.

There has only been one foreign geisha and she was Australian. She came here to make a documentary about the geisha year she can they allowed her to run a geisha house.

Girls who decide to become a geisha have to lead a very traditional lifestyle. They cannot even hold a mobile phone. The hairstyle is very elaborate and takes 1.5 hours to do and it gets done once a week. They have to sleep on a very high pillow. “ They say you get used to it after 2 weeks.”

Contrary to what some people think, a geisha is not a call girl. She sings and dances only.

If you become a champion sumo, you are now Kami and people can worship you. You don’t live as long as most people, though. The life expectancy is 60, due to the weight and diet.

Tomorrow we head out of Tokyo to see Mt Fuji up close. It’s been an action-packed two days and I hope you’ve enjoyed it as much as I have.

Dad joke of the day:

Japan Day 1: Tokyo.

Our plane was bang on time to Tokyo, but then we had to wait 2 hours to pick up people from Brisbane, who were delayed because of the cyclone. It was ok… I found a quiet corner and read half a book.
It’s called ‘Fourteen Days’ and is edited by Douglas Preston and Margaret Atwood. It’s good. Over 30 different writers have written a story and they’re interwoven into one narrative. Only at the end can you find out who has written which story. Already, I can’t wait to find out!

Ahhh, travel! I’ve never seen this in an Aussie airport.

Here are some snippets about Japan that our guide told us on the way to our hotel:

Less than 50% of the land in Japan is habitable. The whole of Japan is 5% the land mass of Australia. And they have 130 million people, as opposed to our 26 million.

8,000 convenience stores in Tokyo. 

7/11 atms are the best places for money.

Cut 2 zeros off the yen to get the Aussie dollar value.

Toilets are designed to be in the strongest part of every building. You can even drink the toilet water… this is designed to be helpful in case of earthquakes. You need water to survive…

Sashimi is raw fish. Sushi is with rice.

Mt Fuji is a third again higher than Kosciusko. It nearly killed me to climb our mountain- no way I’m trying Fuji!

One thing I noticed was that Japan drives on the correct side of the road! This was a nice surprise.

I had my first taste of the toilet culture in Japan when I reached the hotel. Warm toilet seats! And I’m already a fan of the bidet function. When my ensuite toilet needs replacing, I’m getting a Japanese one!

80% of trash here is burned, to provide heat.

38 people are on this trip. This is the largest group I’ve been on. I met a couple of people, Barbara and Lyn, who invited me for breakfast. Later, I walked to the nearest convenience store and met some more people in the group. That Aussie accent is very distinctive!

The photo is from a wedding we saw at the first place we visited, called the Meiji Shrine.

There are vending machines everywhere, even at a sacred place like this.
“There are even vending machines at the top of Mt Fuji!” said Ben, our guide.

You can see I had Wanda with me, jut just in case, I bought the afternoon tour with cash so I could get some small notes and coins. They have both hot and cold things.

Vending machines don’t take 5 yen coins, but the shrines do. Kami will take the coins!!

The gateway. These are obviously like doors, so instead of knocking – there’s no door – you bow. The 3 round gold discs over the top are chrysanthemums, which are an imperial sign.

For a sacred place, there was an awful lot of commerce going on. These wooden things are where, after paying a fee, you tie them under this one of two sacred trees and they stay there for a day.

Here’s a view of both trees.
Shinto. Only in Japan. There are more shrines than convenience stores here. Kami is like fate. After so many disasters, Shintoism developed. Kami can be happy or angry. They also believe that Kami lives in the toilet, which is why, as a mark of respect, toilets are kept clean.

This was part of the shrine that was not destroyed by bombs during WWII.
There was a book written in the 7th Century to worship the royal family. It was required reading before WWII- not today! It supported the whole “fight to the death for your emperor “ thing.

14 years ago yesterday, the quake that caused the tsunami and the Fukushima nuclear accident happened. The shrine was packed. Missed it by a day!

Emperor Meiji was the first emperor to live in Tokyo, which was then called Edo, breaking a thousand years of tradition. Anyone who has read James Clevell’s ‘Shogun’ would know that the Shoguns had the actual power in Japan for centuries, with the Emperor being kept as a figurehead in Kyoto.

The samurai class came to power in the twelfth century, and didn’t give it up until the mid nineteenth century.

Meiji was brought back to power after Westerners came to Japan, and the country basked in economic good times. So naturally a shrine was built to celebrate him.

3 1/2 million people visit this shine here for the five days of New Year.

There’s also a temple for the car, you drive it here and then ask the priest to make it safe before you drive on the street. This is the first place you go to after your purchase.

Protective amulets, anyone? You can buy them here, but they only last for one year. You’ve got to come back and renew them each year…

What a disheartening job. It’s being walked over even as he’s doing it.

Next stop was Tokyo Tower, to see the view. The only interesting snippet about this place was that the orange tower is actually made from melted US tanks after the Korean War.

The view was nice, though.

I had ramen for lunch. Beautiful!

One guy on our tour had pizza. Seems odd to come all the way over here to get Italian food, but there you go.

There was no way I was expecting to see cherry blossoms in Japan, but Fortunate Frogdancer strikes again.

80% of the trees in Japan are of a later blooming cherry, but we were taken to see a street with an earlier blooming one.

Before the samurai times in the 12th century, they preferred the plum. Confucius praised bamboo, pine tree and plums for having strong spirit.

Needed a Japanese identity- you might have a short life, but you can be beautiful and memorable.

We had thirty minutes here, so I walked around in the rain.

Look at the skyscraper looming in the background!

The Emperor’s palace. It’s surrounded by pine trees, each one differently shaped by bonsai masters. Pine trees are evergreen- the symbolism isn’t subtle.

One of the three tragic samurais of Japanese history.

He saved the life of the emperor, just before 700 years of Shogunate rule started. So for 700 years he was reviled as a traitor. When the Emperor came back into style, suddenly he was a hero!

Half of the area is open to the public, but the emperor’s family still lives here. This is as far as you can get. It was very pretty.

But look at this duck! Remember the ducks that live on the lake at Lake Crackenback, where I stayed in November after the Crazy Road Trip? It’s exactly the same!

A yellow plum.

Yeah, I don’t know what it is, either.

The famous “loyal dog” statue in Japan is the bronze statue of Hachikō, an Akita dog, located outside Shibuya Station. I pinched this sentence from a website because I couldn’t remember his name.

He accompanied his owner to the station every morning and waited for him at night. Unfortunately, one day the owner collapsed at his desk with a heart attack and never made it home. His dog waited every day for him for the next 10 years.

Here’s me, hoping Scout loves me that much.

Then it was time for The Scramble… that famous intersection where 5 streets meet. Here’s what it’s like to cross the road.

And here’s what it’s like from above.

Random facts we were given as we drove an hour back to the hotel.

14 million people live in Tokyo. 

800,000 people vanished from the population last year. Haha! I made that sound like a science fiction novel, didn’t I? The population declines every year. Median age in Japan is 50. The fertility rate here is 1.2.

Nappies for adults sell more than nappies for babies.

Women are expected to give up their jobs when they get married. The economy is not great and so the incentive for women to have kids isn’t high.

Marriage here doesn’t sound all that wonderful. Women can’t work, while men are expected to stay at work for hours longer than we do, with drinks, dinners and karaoke after work being an expected thing. Men have far less personal time than women. I don’t know how they would have a meaningful relationship with their wives and children.

But all is not lost. If you get lonely, you can hire a girlfriend for a whole day and hold hands- 40,000 yen.

Dad joke of the day:

How life can change.

Last Sunday, Dad was rushing to the back door to get out to the garage when he tripped over Mum’s walker (which was where she always leaves it) and broke his hip.

He’s currently in hospital with a matching pair of hips, as he broke the other one a few years ago. He’s like the bionic man. Mum’s too unsteady on her feet to be left in the house alone, so she’s up here with me. Thank goodness for that guest bedroom!

It’s been an eye-opener how many people are required to keep 2 old people living at home. We’ve had to cancel food deliveries, food shopping, physio, doctors’ appointments and postpone a meeting with their accountant. Their frozen food deliveries for this week have been piling up in the council’s freezer, so a taxi will arrive with it all sometime today. Thank goodness for the huge freezer I have in the laundry!

Mum has turned out to be an easy guest. She absolutely loves having total control of the remote control for the tv during the day and she’s catching up on all the movies that she hasn’t seen because Dad didn’t want to watch them. I’ve been watching ‘The Sopranos’ in the evenings and she happily watches people getting whacked by the New Jersey mafia.

I’m living in fear today that the hospital will want to send him home. He doesn’t sound ready, so I’m hoping that they’ll at least give us the weekend. He’ll be coming here with Mum until he’s steady on his pins. Thank goodness my crazy year of travel doesn’t start until February!

Scout has been an absolute trouper. Mum has missed having a dog around, but since her last dog, Murphy, died, it hasn’t been safe for her to have a tripping hazard running around. Scout is old enough to keep out of the way. She’s been spending most of her days next to Mum on the couch, getting cuddles and food snacks. I think it’s been good for both of them.

At the moment, there’s a shower girl who’s here to give Mum her first shower in nearly a week. She’s from an agency up here near me, so instead of giving Mum her shower and then leaving like her normal shower girls do, we have her for a minimum of 1.5 hours. So she took Mum for a walk around the block and now she’s doing the vacuuming. For some reason, I hate doing the vacuuming, so this makes me happy.

I don’t know how long Mum and Dad will be here, but it doesn’t really matter. The Best House in Melbourne’s floorplan means that we won’t be tripping over each other, so it should be reasonably trouble-free. Dad won’t be nearly as easy a houseguest as Mum, but the extra lounge room will provide a bit of a buffer if I need it. Haha!

Of course, the best thing about this is that, because of early retirement, I’m able to be here for them. My brother isn’t well enough to take them in and my sister works, so we would have been up the proverbial creek without a paddle if I was still heading off to McKinnon every weekday. As it is, the family, especially Dad, can relax knowing Mum is being looked after.

Dad joke of the Day:

Frogdancer’s Lazy Road Trip – Days 22 and 23: Home again.

Surprisingly, I didn’t wake up too stiff and sore from my mountaineering adventure the day before, but I decided to forego any more arduous activities on my last day here. I read my 11th or 12th book on the holiday, and then I took a gentle walk beside the creek in the afternoon.

On the map, it’s called the Thredbo River, but it was just creek-sized here.

It was nice, though the flies were a little annoying. I walked all the way to the Bushman’s Hut, which sounded a lot more interesting than it ended up being.

The sound of the water was lovely. I also heard kookaburras from the bushland on the other side of the creek.

I bumped into these characters on the way back.

“Be careful – there’s a snake to the right,” their owner said. “That’s why these two are on leads,”

I kept an eye out but didn’t see a thing.

This was a nice little “goodbye” from the Snowy Mountains.

The next day I was on the road by 8:30. I had a 7.5-hour drive ahead of me, but I was stopping in Lakes Entrance for lunch with my cousin Lynette. Apart from her Mum’s funeral, I haven’t seen her for years, so I was looking forward to the catch-up.

The country on the NSW side of the border was cattle grazing country.

Farms, farms everywhere.

Then woo hoo! Victoria! My nose was firmly pointed towards home now.

The drive between the border and Lakes Entrance was beautiful, but the closer I got towards home, the less inclined I was to stop the car for photos.

I spent a couple of hours wth my cousin and we didn’t stop talking the whole time. She grows fruit and veggies, like me, and she also travels!! When I told her about the Kenya, Tanzania and Zanzibar trip, she said, “I’ve done that!”

It was so interesting to hear about what I was going to see, particularly in Zanzibar.

When I got home, Scout MOANED at me for ages. Her tail was wagging, but she was letting me know the anguish she’d suffered in giving me up for dead. After a while, I looked over her head to Georgia and said, “I’m going away again in February…”

I gave her a squeaky toy I’d bought in Barkly Homestead. It lasted 5 minutes before she started pulling the stuffing out.


Here is the final map of the trip. My trusty Golf and I travelled 8,000 km and I had a fantastic time. The Golf didn’t miss a beat and I saw so much. I’ve definitely pencilled in the Nullabor Plain for a future adventure.

On Saturday I spent time with Tom31 and Sophie, and then on Sunday I saw these two for lunch. David31 and Izzy are living in a caravan, preparing to build their first house – can you believe that were married over 18 months ago? Time flies.

On Monday, I got the Yellow Fever vaccination for my Africa trip in April.

And then four days after I got back, this happened:

Dad Joke of the Day:

Frogdancer’s “Lazy” Road Trip – Day 21: The Top of Australia!

Windblown, sunburned and happy. This is me at the top of Australia’s tallest mountain.

But this was one of the toughest things that I’ve ever done. Climbing Mt Kosciuszko is not a job for the faint-hearted. Or chubby and unfit.

You start by going up a chairlift. Awesome! Go up a chairlift and then you’re there!

I wish.

There’s a ‘gentle’ walk from the top of the chairlift to the summit. They have provided a path that makes this walk idiot-proof. There’s no way you could miss the way unless you were actively trying to get lost.

It all sounds great, doesn’t it?

A walk of around 7 km – going UP. Then there’s another walk of 7 km – going DOWN. That’s a lot of km. The ones going up are brutal. I’m not kidding.

Add the wind which was blowing at such a hard rate that I had to take my sunhat and stuff it under my jacket. I never would have been able to keep it on.

Incidentally, look at all the water here. Remember the country I’ve been driving through that was so parched? Water is here in every direction.

It was a stark landscape, just rocks and grasses.

I was trying to put as much distance as I could between myself and a school group from Firbank Secondary College that had around 50 screaming teenage girls in it. I knew it’d take them a while to get them all up the chairlift, so I set off briskly (at first) so that I could hear just the wind and the birds.

And here’s where I have to apologise to the US, Canadian and European readers. I know I’ve posted shots of snow in these countries during their summers and laughed at them. Well – it was December 4 – summer. And here are snow patches in Australia.

These were the only ones and they were way up high…

But still. I apologise for saying that snow in summer is ridiculous.

This sign made me sad. I’d been walking for around 2 hours at this point. SURELY the summit was around the next corner?

Actually, when I said I’d been “walking” for 2 hours, that’s polishing a turd. I was walking a little way… stopping to get my breath back… walking a little more… stopping to say, “Fuck me!” and breathing hard and contemplating turning back… then I’d walk a little more and repeat. I was not enjoying myself.

It was AWFUL.


There were two reasons why I didn’t give up and turn back.

  1. I told the kids I was doing it.
  2. I know how stubborn I am. If I turned back, I know that I’d drive up here and try again at some stage. Since I was here now, I may as well save the time and energy and keep going.

I gritted my teeth and kept walking. It was somewhere at this stage that I realised I could hear my waterproof jacket “Swish-swishing” as I walked. Remember Ming in Antarctica who never took off her Gortex jacket?

I laughed to myself and after a while I stopped hearing it.

People were starting to come down the path from the top.

Nearly there now!” they’d say cheerily.

But I kept turning corner after corner and it was obvious that they were toying with me.

The clouds were starting to get thicker, too.

Then there it was.

Holy hell – I did it!

It’s funny. Climbing Mt Kosciuszko has never been on my bucket list.

But I felt terrific, even with a sunhat stuffed under my jacket.

If I didn’t do this, I would have always felt it was a missed opportunity, seeing as I was staying in the neighbourhood. A bit like how I felt about going on the solo part of this Crazy Road Trip 2 weeks ago, or doing the Rim Walk in Kings’s Canyon a couple of months ago.

Incidentally – both walks are hard. But this one was way harder than the Rim Walk. I think it was because with the Rim Walk you know going in that once you get past the first 500 steps of absolute hell, then the rest of the walk is fine.

With Mt Kosciuszko, the steep incline keeps going on and on with very little respite. It’s prolonged agony instead of a short, sharp agony and then it’s over.

Fortunate Frogdancer strikes again. I was at the summit for 10 minutes, enjoying the clear views, then just as that loud school group showed up – yes, I beat them there! – the cloud began to roll in.

But the side where Perisher was? All clear.

I sat down, ate a nut bar and drank from my Antarctica Pee Bottle, enjoying the view and the sense of satisfaction. I had no idea which direction Melbourne was, or I would’ve waved to the kids.

After a while I got sick of the chatter from the school group, so I began to make my way down.

Every now and then, I’d been sending texts to Tom32’s fiancee Sophie. She grew up on the slopes of Mt Buller and I knew she’d like the views from here. She’s a mountain girl.

I told her that I HATED the walk on the way up, but I was looking forward to the views coming down.

I’m not kidding you – this rolled in just when I was around the other side of the summit. Have you ever seen anything like it?

I was uncomfortably reminded of the Stephen King story ‘The Mist.’ If hungry creatures were hiding here, there was absolutely nowhere to hide.

I decided to pick up the pace a bit, just in case.

Luckily, the clouds held off and I could still enjoy the vistas on the way down.

I took this shot because I was struck with the bright colours of the coats against the grass.

When they came up next to me on the path, the little kids were running. I gaped at their Mum and said, “They’re running???”

She laughed and said, “Yep. They’ll be exhausted tonight though!”

I wish I could show you shots of the huge views sweeping down from the path, but you know how cameras don’t pick up how vast landscapes can be.

It was a walk full of the spectacular. I wasn’t wrong when I said I’d enjoy the walk coming down far more than I did the walk coming up.

Water again. I liked the symmetry of this.

This nearly killed me. It’s pretty much the only part of the way down where the path looks like it did all the way up. See where it angles up the hill? I swear I had to pause 4 times up that bit to catch my breath.

However, much further along the way back, I saw something which made me feel like I’m doing the right thing with all this travel I’ve planned.

It was around 20 minutes from the end of the trek. I was idly watching a middle-aged couple coming up the mountain in front of me, when they stopped, gave each other a kiss and then the wife turned and began heading down the path towards the chairlift.

It was obvious that she’d realised that this walk was far harder than she knew (and I could definitely relate to that!) and she’d given up.

I don’t want to have to be the one who gives up. I want to see it all.

I walked behind her for a while before I overtook her. She wasn’t that much bigger than I am. I was surprised. She probably could have done it.

My last shot before I reached the chairlift!

All up, it took me 4.5 hours to get here and back, not counting the time I spent at the summit. They say that it takes between 3 – 6 hours for people to do it, so I was happy with my time, particularly as I’m unfit.

But it nearly killed me. I was DEPLETED by the time I hit the ground. My face was sunburned, especially my poor nose, and I had nothing left in the tank.

I texted Sophie and told her I was back down on the ground, then said, “It wouldn’t have killed them to make that chairlift end further up the mountain!!!”

It took everything I had to get to the car, go home, get up the stairs and fall on the bed to take a 2 hour nap. I was DONE.

I’m very glad I walked to the summit of Mt Kosciuszko, but this is one of those things that I only have to do ONCE.

I wonder how stiff and sore I’ll be tomorrow?

Dad Joke of the Day:

Frogdancer’s lazy Road Trip – Day 20: Booze!

I have a week at the resort, so I thought I’d spend 3 days lazing around, 3 days racing around to see the mountains and then I’d go home. So naturally, I woke up to pouring rain on the first day of my intended racing around.

But you know? I didn’t care. Retirement has given me the gift of time. I still had more days where I could go and climb Mt Kosciuszko, which I have definitely decided to do. I can’t be in the neighbourhood and not do it!

So I spent the morning reading another book – I’ve run out of the actual books that I brought with me and I’m so glad that I loaded up my iPad with 10 more library books when I last had wifi. This holiday would NOT be a happy one if I didn’t have enough books to read. This resort may be lovely but it lacks wifi.

At around 2 PM I looked out of the window and the rain had stopped. I studied a helpful little booklet about the local area and noticed that there was a gin distillery about a 10-minute drive away. Remember the wonderful distillery that I visited on Kangaroo Island?

I jumped in the car and went to visit the Wild Brumby Distillery. Just the thing for a rainy day!

This turned out to be a lovely place, where someone had decided to put sculptures everywhere – just like me! It’s a gorgeous place, set like a jewel in the hills.

Most of the sculptures are huge. I’m not going to show you all of them, because you might want to visit one day and I don’t want to spoil it for you.

The tasting/gift shop was warm and welcoming. Being a Tuesday, I was the only one there. This is a Christmas tree full of schnapps – which turned out to be what the owners made their name from.

On Google Maps, it was referred to as a schnapps place, so I wasn’t surprised when I asked my hostess what they specialised in and she replied “Schnapps.”

I enjoyed their gin – they even make a ‘navy strength’ one at 50% proof (or so).

What can. say? I came for the gin but left with the schnapps. The butterscotch one was amazing, and I also liked the sour apple with lemon. It’s made from Granny Smith apples – my favourite.

This is the backside of a beautiful little foxie called Cosi. I was walking around the lawns, looking at the artworks, when she came barrelling over to me for a pat. She sat at my feet and wouldn’t leave, even when her owner called her name twice. He had to whistle before she ran back to him.

I miss Scout so much. It’s probably because I’m nearly home and I know I’ll be seeing her in a few days. I can’t wait to cuddle that long little body again.

Imagine having the space to have life-sized pieces like this?

I can’t resist a well-laid-out veggie garden. This one was all berries. I’m assuming juniper for the gin.

I preferred this one from the back angle.

I thought I’d take this shot of a typical country road leading out to the highway. Everyone puts their mailboxes here to make life easy for the postie.

And if Liga’s reading this, then yes. Aussies call their postman a ‘postie.’

Such beautiful, serene countryside. I can understand why people might like to live here.

Not me, though. I’m too leery of bushfires.

But look at these happy cows. They’re surrounded by food and water, so different to the cattle that I saw just a few days ago in the Outback.

This brought home to me just how vast this country is.

On this trip I’ve seen so many differing climates. So many places where people, cattle and crows survive. We are lucky to live in a time where anyone can simply hop in a car and go and explore them all.

If I hadn’t had this booking here at Lake Crackenback, I probably would have wandered around more and seen more of the country in detail. But I’m glad that it has ended up the way it has.

I’ve been able to recharge the batteries before heading home to Life As Usual.

And I’ve looked at the weather forecast. Tomorrow is the day when I’ll stand on the highest point in Australia!

Dad Joke of The Day:

Frogdancer’s Lazy Road Trip- Days 17, 18 and 19: Lake Crackenback resort.

I was planning to take myself out to the restaurant here on the night I arrived, but once I’d unpacked the car in the rain and sat on the couch with a glass of wine, I wasn’t going to set foot outside again. I was at one with the couch.

So this shot is from lunch the next day. It was still pouring rain, so I grabbed a book I’d been saving for this moment and took myself out to the restaurant to celebrate having completed the Crazy Road Trip part of this holiday.

Now that I’ve done it – time to come clean.

Parts of me were nervous about doing this trip.

The first part, where I took the Ligas from my place to Adelaide, was no sweat. I’d done it before, after all. I was taking them to well-established places with major tourist attractions and I knew that the roads would be fine and there’d be no troubles with anything.

My kids, my family and friends were leery about the next part of the trip. The one where we head off into the Outback. We’ve all heard the warnings about travelling out there. I even had one friend, who shall remain nameless, call me and beg me not to do it after she read my itinerary on one of the blogs.

“You’ll kill yourself!!!” she said. Not really the sort of thing you want to hear when you’re days away from making a big trip. I crossed my fingers and vowed to prove her wrong.

Carry plenty of water. (The only time we used the extra water in the whole trip was to fill Liga’s water bottle before she went on her solo hike in the Grampians.)

Fill up at every petrol station you come across, in case the next one has run out of fuel and you’re stuck. (I did this because I had no intention of ruining the Ligas’ experience in Australia. I noticed some browsers with ’empty’ signs on them, but we always had enough premium petrol for my trusty little Golf.)

Take cash with you, in case you need to pay for something at a remote place with no internet. (Again, I made sure I had plenty of cash because I didn’t want to ruin the Ligas’ adventure. The only time I had to use it was when I was at Barkly Homestead, right in the middle of the Outback, when I handed over a $5 note to get coins for the washing machine.)

Lock your doors in (various places) because the crime rate is high. (This was a tough one. It was hard to convey to the girls that they had to be careful in some places without sounding like a paranoid Karen. The fact remains that some of the places we visited have high petty crime rates and I wanted to keep them safe. They went home without anything bad happening, so that was a win.)

You should only drive in the Outback with a large 4WD car. (When I was here in September, I kept an eye on the roads. Sure, most cars were big, but there were some smaller cars like mine. I figured, with a bit of luck, I’d be ok. I trust in the German workmanship of the Golf.)

Kangaroos, camels and cattle can run onto the road and wreck your car. (THIS was the one I was most afraid of. If a large animal appeared out of nowhere and there was no way to avoid hitting it, then yes. The holiday would be ruined. My beautiful little car would be ruined. And I (and the Ligas, maybe) might be ruined. This was one I had no control of and I decided to go with the odds.)

Overseas tourists can forget to drive on the left and can hit you. (This actually happened to a woman on the Simple Savings forum. She lived in the Northern Territory and a car driven by a French tourist ploughed into her. She was trapped and if it wasn’t for a truck driver who happened to come along and saw that her car was alight and pulled her out, she’d be dead. Her feet were mangled in the crash, so she has life-long consequences from that. She wrote a post warning me to think carefully about doing this trip. This shook me for a while, until I realised that the chances of something like this happening to TWO members of a small online forum were probably pretty minuscule. Still, I kept an eye on every single car or truck on the other side of the road, just in case.)

Take a first-aid kit with you. You may be a first responder in a place with no internet. (Thank goodness this didn’t happen. I bought a kit, but I forgot to put it in the car.)

So before I dived into my book, I ordered a glass of bubbly and raised it to myself. Sometimes we have to do things that scare us to grow.

I allowed myself to feel a little bit proud of myself.

I honestly don’t think the Ligas could have had a better holiday with me, apart from the weather on a few days, but that was out of my control. They saw so much, particularly the wildlife. As my sister Kate said a few days ago, not too many tourists come away from Australia having done a full-on road trip into the outback. They have seen a huge swathe of this country.

I’m also proud that, despite my qualms, I swung the wheel and turned left instead of right. I’ve booked so many tours for 2025, so it’s good to be reminded that I AM a capable traveller on my own.

Keep in mind that I still have a 6-hour drive to get back home again. So far, though, I’ve driven around 7,400 km.

It’s hard to process what that means until you see it on a map. It’s crazy.

But now I’m here on the LAZY part of the road trip.

Back in 2007, when I was just clawing my way out of poverty, dragging the kids with me, I bought into a timeshare. I wanted to guarantee that the boys and I would have at least one holiday a year.

This timeshare wasn’t tied to a single property, but instead uses points, which you can use on properties around Australia, New Zealand, Bali and other places around the world with partners of the timeshare. I used this partner feature when I took the kids to Phuket and when I went to Kangaroo Island this year.

Lake Crackenback, right from the start, has always been fully booked. People absolutely love it and as soon as time becomes available, it’s taken. It’s great for the snow season, but it has the lake and bushwalks etc in the warmer months as well.

Imagine my surprise when I logged on a few months ago, just to idly look for something that might be available in Nov/Dec, when I saw a week available right at this time. I grabbed it.

This created an endpoint after I decided to do the long, solo road trip. Instead of coming home for a few days, I’d arrive straight at the resort. Poor Scout. But from what Georgia says, she’s adjusting to life as a single dog. I can’t wait for her welcome when I get home, though!

There are a lot of people who own homes here, but these apartments over the water appear to be for people like me.

Poor people, in other words. Haha!

Look at these ducks. You know how most ducks glide across the water? These ones jerk their necks as they swim, making it obvious that they’re making an effort underneath the water. They also duck dive a lot. I like that.

I decided to keep the first 3 days as R & R days. During that time, I napped twice a day, read 4 books and learned that if I walked briskly around the lake 3 times, I could close all the rings on my Apple watch. That’s what I’ll be doing once I finish this post. I need to be a bit fitter than I am at present.

I was delighted to find that the path around the lake has sculptures along it. I was trying to work out what this one was all about until I read what it was called.

“The Bird Watchers.”

Here’s the bird.

The bird watchers were pointing their binoculars everywhere except where the bird actually was.

This was a hefty one, but when I was on my third round of the lake, it was swinging in the wind.

I liked this one. She could also move, but it must take a VERY strong wind to swing her around.

People can hire bikes, and use canoes and kayaks on the lake – there’s a gym, spa, pool and sauna.

I was so pleased to see this little fella. We don’t get rosellas where I live.

We have Little Ravens though. This one is very used to being fed by the people in these apartments. He isn’t afraid to get very close, particularly when people are feeding ducks and he swoops in for a share.

I love all the different shades on his feathers. His eyes also reminded me of the Bald eagles that I saw in Canada and Alaska.

I felt bad when I walked around a corner and the ducks all scuttled straight into the water. They looked as if they were getting warm, sunning themselves on the path.

If I was in England, I would’ve thought this was meant to be a mole. Maybe it’s a platypus?

Finally, do you remember the bear scat I saw on the path when I was walking on my own in Canada?

Here’s some kangaroo scat. Not nearly as fearsome, I know, but I liked how it flew my mind back to a place so far away. How incredibly lucky am I to have visited both places within 5 months of each other?

Here’s how I’m choosing to eat a meal a day. A fellow forum member from Simple Savings who does a lot of caravanning with her husband put me onto this. A toasty maker. I love a baked bean toasty. Or a cheese and ham one.

A week before I left on this trip, I saw a handy hint to help with cleaning it – to use baking paper. OMG. Game changer!

Well HOLY SHIT!!!!!

I went for that walk.

I was walking around the lake, minding my own business, when I LITERALLY almost stepped on a Red Bellied Black Snake.

My foot was millimetres from landing on it when it suddenly started moving.

I desperately tried my best to hover in mid-air while it wended its way of the way of my feet.

Honestly, it scared the living daylights out of me.

Locals said, “Yeah, it’ll kill you, but they’re very non-aggressive. “

Seems typical though. I do my best to avoid being out of doors, then when I do, it tries to kill me!!

Joke of the Day:

Frogdancer’s Crazy Road Trip – Day 16: The Silver Brumby’s Snowy Mountains.

Before I left Griffith, I wanted to see The Hermit’s Cave, so I drove up to where the supposedly well-sign-posted track was.

I read about the hermit and his sad life, and I was curious to see where he lived for all those years.

However, I was thwarted. I found the Lookout, which gives a nice view of the city, but the track was one that you had to pick out for yourself, by the looks of things. I was there on my own, so if I injured myself I’d be toast.

The only people nearby were 3 dodgy-looking people in a car near where I parked mine, which also made me nervous. I decided, after walking a little way down the track, to stop when it became steep and tricky to descend. I didn’t want to screw up the Crazy Road Trip now, when I was so close to getting to the final destination before I headed home.

So I walked back to the car, disappointed. Still, maybe one day I’ll come back and try again, this time with a better map.

I found another silo. It seems that the rural communities have absolutely embraced the trend of decorating silos. Everywhere you turn around, there’s one.

Anyway, time to hit the road. This was another driving day to get to the resort at Lake Crackenback – which is probably how my back will feel after 16 days behind the wheel!

Sometimes I stopped to take pictures when I saw something pretty and it was safe to park the car.

I love this one. I stopped, got out and walked back to take this.

I love the one white face staring back at me from the mob. She was intent on monitoring what I was doing. They other cows couldn’t care less.

Google Maps sent me down more back roads.

One shot I didn’t stop for was one of a bull, alone in his paddock. He had the biggest set of testicles I’ve ever seen, but since this is a family-friendly space, I decided to keep driving.

Hay bales were dotted everywhere. Aren’t they pretty, close-up?

So many grasses.

In the afternoon I began to see the mountains I was heading for.

There were also some ominous clouds forming.

As I was driving along, I got stuck behind a ute. This turned out to be fortunate, as out of nowhere a kangaroo bounded out of nowhere onto the road, saw the ute and backtracked as quickly as it arrived, while the ute was braking and weaving.

It was certainly exciting to see, but I’m glad that someone else, presumably more experienced than me, was the one actually avoiding it.

I had lunch in my car, but by Tumbarumba (what a great name!) I needed a pit stop.

This tree was near the public restrooms. I walked over for a closer look.

People leave gnomes here.

From all over the world.

You can see through the smears of dead bugs on the windscreen what the countryside looks like here, in the foothills of the Snowy Mountains.

Apologies for the thumb in the corner. I was so excited that I didn’t realise it was there.

I was driving along, minding my own business when I saw this sign… with the last three names on it.

Have any of you read ‘The Silver Brumby’ books by Elyne Mitchell when you were kids?

It’s a funny thing when reality comes crashing into your imaginative world. I read all of the Silver Brumby books when I was young, even the last few which were all a bit too airy-fairy. The first 4 or 5 were cracking good reads, though!

These names were mentioned all the time, especially the Cascades, where the brumbies used to go in Spring when the grass was plentiful after winter.

I mean, I knew that the books were set up here in the Snowy Mountains. But in my mind, they were still in fiction-land. It gave me such a thrill to see those names.

I stopped the car, as you can see, and walked back to take a photo. To the left of me was a young woman, leaning on a gate. We said hi to each other, then I explained that I was taking a photo of the sign because of the books I’d read when I was a kid.

She laughed, “Looks like it’s turned into a good day for you, then!”

She wasn’t wrong.

There have been bushfires here. It will take a little time for the trees to regenerate, but as long as another fire doesn’t come through here too soon, the bush will go back to normal.

I stopped to take a photo of the sign, but then thought I’d show you what this place sounds like. It was going to rain very shortly, but the cicadas were out in force.

You can even see the smears from the bugs who lost their lives on my windscreen. They were shortly to be washed away by the rain, saving me the trouble of doing it.

See the sign? Also part of the novels.

I was thrilled.

The Pilot!

Thowra climbs up there a few times. It’s the peak sticking up behind the other hill.

Look at this photo! The eerie blurriness of those hills is EXACTLY what it looked like. I was standing there at the Cascades, longing to go for a quick walk and really see it, but the rain was coming.

Time to jump into my trusty Golf and race to the resort.

I drove through a tremendous downpour, which is always fun when you’re driving along the sides of a mountain. I got here unscathed, collected my room key from Reception and walked into my apartment, where I’ll be for the next week.

Look at my balcony. It’s directly over the lake. It reminded me of my Alaskan cruise with our balcony, but with this one the water is close.

So are the ducks. This is going to be a lovely place to rest, recuperate and then explore. After all, the tallest mountain in Australia is here!

Frogdancer’s Crazy Road Trip – Day 15: The drive to Griffith.

This certainly wasn’t a sign I was expecting to see – but good on them for owning it, I suppose!

(For my overseas readers, a ‘bogan’ is like a redneck or a chav.)

I left for Griffith at around 9 AM, after a leisurely breakfast at the local bakery. I selected Griffith as the last night of the Crazy Road Trip because it was dead centre between Bourke and Lake Crackenback, where I was heading for a week’s R & R.

This was a driving day.

It really was.

For some reason, my Google Maps kept sending me off the main highways and onto what I suppose were “shortcuts,” which meant that I was driving on very narrow roads. But I also saw some lovely scenery.

Loads of wildlife, too. I saw all these creatures without a single Liga being in the car!

I also saw a couple of crosses and bunches of flowers, which are never signs of good news when you see them by the side of the road.

On the bright side, I also saw a bright orange parrot, which flashed across the road above me and vanished into the trees to the left. It made me happy. It was so beautiful against the blue sky.

After stopping at a small town for lunch, I turned left when I saw a sign for a lookout.

The view was pretty. You can see that the red roads are still around, even as I drive towards the bottom of the state. I was a little weirded out when two cars suddenly appeared at the top of the lookout. It looked like one was chasing the other. I started to drive down the hill, but pulled over (and locked my doors) to let them go past me.

They were gone within seconds. I have no idea what was going on, but I turned left when I got down to the highway again and kept going on my way to Griffith.

I’d downloaded ‘Ingenue’ and ‘Hymns of the 49th Parallel’ by k d lang, so I was having a singing afternoon.

This was the first day of the road trip when the driving started to pall.

I think it was because, for the first time since I’d left Adelaide, vegetation was crowding the sides of the roads, and there weren’t the magnificent clear views of the horizons that I’d become used to.

By this time, I’d had to slow down for wild life that was wandering all over the roads. The annoying thing about Australian wildlife is how wonderfully camouflaged it is. The very SECOND an animal or reptile gets off the road, it blends so seamlessly into the foliage that there’s no chance to take a photo, no matter how hard you try.

This goat was the only animal I braked for that actually hung around long enough for me to snap his photo. (I’m calling it a ‘him” because of the beard, but it could be a female. People make the same mistake with Scout all the time.)

It was incredibly exciting when an emu ran across the road in front of me. It was huge! It was suddenly there in front of me, running from right to left. It was only later that I realised that if I’d been travelling a few seconds faster, then it wouldn’t have been so wonderful.

Thankfully, my trusty Golf was unharmed.

The good thing about being directed down all the side roads was that there wasn’t as much traffic, so there was more chance to see animals. The best one, after the emu, was a massive lizard basking in the middle of the road as I came over a hill and started barrelling towards it.

He didn’t seem at all grateful to me for slowing down enough to let him get to the side of the road and disappear. He threw me what looked like a filthy look as he stalked away.

By late afternoon I was driving into Griffith, a dull town that exists to grow citrus, wine and, reportedly, marijuana, thanks to the irrigation pumped into it.

It’s very different from the parched Australia that I’ve been driving through!

I grabbed a motel room two doors away from an Aldi, where I went and bought supplies for my week in the timeshare resort at Lake Crackenback. I might be staying in a luxurious resort, but I’m not paying for expensive groceries that I can bring with me!

That night, I received a WhatsApp from Liga. They were home.

“Back to reality!” I quipped. The next morning I woke up to this photo:

Bloody hell! No wonder she loved tropical Cairns so much!

Dad Joke of the Day:

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