Financially Independent, Retired Early(ish) at 57.

Wednesday W’s #116.

(I was reading yesterday and the room was a bit chilly, so Georgia took this photo of Scout and me, cuddling up.)

What’s top of my mind: It’s a beautiful sunny day!

What am I going to do with it?

This is the wonderful thing about being retired. After decades of having every minute of my working day scheduled, I deeply cherish this total freedom. Yesterday Scout and I walked to the library to return some books. We took the pram and she rode most of the way like a queen, after she refused to move when she realised we were heading AWAY from the beach, not towards it.

I came home and started a book. A few hours later, I finished it. Then I ducked out to beautify myself by getting a haircut. All in all – not a bad day.

Once I finish this post, I’ll have breakfast and take Scout and her ball to the beach. Then we’ll see what the rest of the day feels like.

Where I’m going: To lunch and to a comedy show in the city tonight.

Haha! Just after I typed that last sentence I remembered that today already has plans! Evan28 has been teaching a show for one of his friends for a few months now, which has taken him to LA and London. Tonight they’re performing in Melbourne so I’m off to hear my boy work his magic.

I said to him that I was coming to see ‘his show’ and he said, “You’re going to be very disappointed when you realise I’m never on stage!”

“I’ll be the only audience member facing the back!” I replied.

Where I’ve been: A funeral.

A long-term friend lost their son a couple of weeks ago.

No one should have to bury their child.

(This is what I could see from my angle!)

What I’m reading: Someone in the Attic – Andrea Mara

I went into this one with low expectations – I think it was because of the title. But most of the books I’m now reading are coming from recommendations from literary Twitter or from friends, so this must be one of them.

I read this book in one sitting. Something about it hooked me in. My library owns 3 or 4 more that she’s written, so I’ve reserved them all.

What I’m watching: Junk tv.

I’m watching a melange of The Block, Love is Blind and RuPaul’s Drag Race.

I apologise for nothing.

What I’m listening to: Birds.

My house is very quiet in the mornings now that Jeff’s gone. His snoring used to be pretty much the only thing I’d hear.

What I’m eating: WHATEVER I WANT!

Georgia’s going to Adelaide for a Super Smash Melee tourney for a few days, so I’ll be home alone. I can run wild and free, baby!

What I’m planning: A big family gathering on Saturday.

I wanted to get my kids all together after I got back from my trip, but in true Frogdancer fashion, I left it until I got back to try and find a time that suited everyone. A month later – we’re here and it happens to be Mum’s 84th birthday.

So it’s now turned into a birthday party for her. She and Dad are still pretty knocked around from covid so fingers crossed they’ll feel well enough to come. Just about everyone from my family and my sister’s family will be here, regardless.

It’ll be fun.

Who deserves a ‘thumbs-up’: My sister.

Kate suggested that I buy some chew treats for Scout and only give them to her when I’m going out, and to take them away as soon as I get home. Yesterday I left to have a haircut, so I gave Scout a braided kangaroo sinew. Georgia reported that she only gave one little howl, then there was silence. The kangaroo sinew is nearly all gone.

Next is the goat antler with marrow…

What has made me smile: Georgia.

She hosted a tourney here on Sunday and it ran like a dream. All of the tech was running smoothly, her friends were just lovely and the back of the house was filled with talking and laughing for hours.

It was a real treat to see her in her element.

Dad Joke of the Day:

1 Comment

  1. Josie

    Your excitement over having the house to yourself made me laugh! I feel the same way when the last little bird is out of the nest for the weekend!!

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